I was excited to attend the Spring Planting Event at Indian Prairie Library in Darien, IL. I was invited by my Literacy DuPage Tutor for this event held by the Gardening Group at the Library. I came as a watcher – this time, but as a worker – next time (I hope).
I saw a well-organized group of gardeners. Some of them were delivered garden tools to their work spot, others were digging in soil collected in black Planters. Some ladies were bringing new “baby” plants in small containers, ready to transfer them to the soil. Everybody was working mostly in silence, being focused on their awesome work, and with their smiling faces. What a nice view to me!
We had some children helpers, as well. They helped adults with their all effort and joy! Wow!
Looking at some of the ladies kneeling on the ground and digging in the soil, one reflection came to me: How we feel such deep respect for these “baby” plants that we bow our knee before them? But … this is, truly a big honor to our God – Creator, Who has given us these plants for our use. Isn’t it amazing? Seeing these very tiny, young plants in the gardener’s hands, I felt I could not even touch them without destroying them!
There was a snack area, also. One member of the Garden Group, Mr. Rick brought us plenty of sweets. All this goodness, he baked itself! Wow! Ms. Natalie brought two containers of warm coffee and cocoa! They made us warm inside on that chilly day. All these sweet treats tasted delicious. Yummy!
After our work in the Library’s Garden, we left the area clean and nice. Also, we could talk to each other about planting, our experiences, and share our knowledge about gardening. Ms. Cynthia told me about her Sunny Patch Project and how it helps the community.
Photo, L-R: Mr.Rick, Ms.Cynthia, Mrs.Gloria.
LDP student