
Land Rover Classic is Proud to Announce a Display of Vehicles of HM Queen Elizabeth II at ModaMiami, March 1-2

Land Rover Classic is Proud to Announce a Display of Vehicles of HM Queen Elizabeth II at ModaMiami, March 1-2 ModaMiami to feature an exclusive display of five Royal affiliated Land Rovers, including State Review […]



POLISH SURNAME CORNER Give your kids and grandkids a gift of… Personalized Polish heritage! Your family name is a unique possession that originated for a for a reason. It can indicate who your distant ancestors […]


Polish Christmas FAQ

Polish Christmas FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) By Robert Strybel, Our Polish/Polonian Affairs Writer Q: What is the purpose of the large square communion wafer Polish people eat on Christmas? VICTORIA BENSON (Baltimore, MD) A: Although […]


Is your family name among the top 10 Polish surnames?

Is your family name among the top 10 Polish surnames? The most popular Polish last names Compiled by Robert Strybel Warsaw Correspondent and onomastician (name researcher) Here in descending order are the most popular Polish […]



POLISH NEWS BYTES Compiled by Robert Strybel, Warsaw Correspondent Pro-Harris Polonians resort to Putin fear-mongering Leaders of Pennsylvania’s Polish community have penned a letter to The Keystone, a regional news site, warning that Donald Trump would […]


Mount Prospect Nonprofit Receives $299,047 Federal Grant Smoke Alarms to be Distributed and Installed for Illinois Residents

Mount Prospect Nonprofit Receives $299,047 Federal Grant Smoke Alarms to be Distributed and Installed for Illinois Residents Mount Prospect, IL – Camp I Am Me by Illinois Fire Safety Alliance is proud to announce that […]


Box of old photos

FOTO Pexels-Suzy Hazelwood Box of old photos Genealogical research is said to be the most popular hobby in the world. Interest in it is also growing in Poland. We have more and more tools to […]