
Is your family name among the top 10 Polish surnames?

Is your family name among the top 10 Polish surnames? The most popular Polish last names Compiled by Robert Strybel Warsaw Correspondent and onomastician (name researcher) Here in descending order are the most popular Polish […]



POLISH NEWS BYTES Compiled by Robert Strybel, Warsaw Correspondent Pro-Harris Polonians resort to Putin fear-mongering Leaders of Pennsylvania’s Polish community have penned a letter to The Keystone, a regional news site, warning that Donald Trump would […]


Mount Prospect Nonprofit Receives $299,047 Federal Grant Smoke Alarms to be Distributed and Installed for Illinois Residents

Mount Prospect Nonprofit Receives $299,047 Federal Grant Smoke Alarms to be Distributed and Installed for Illinois Residents Mount Prospect, IL – Camp I Am Me by Illinois Fire Safety Alliance is proud to announce that […]


Box of old photos

FOTO Pexels-Suzy Hazelwood Box of old photos Genealogical research is said to be the most popular hobby in the world. Interest in it is also growing in Poland. We have more and more tools to […]


Research breakthrough could enable future 6G communications networks

Research breakthrough could enable future 6G communications networks A breakthrough development in wireless communication technology could help deliver the ultra-fast and software-controlled 6G networks of the future, researchers say.  A team led by researchers from […]


KF President Commemorates 2nd Anniversary of Russian Invasion of Ukraine

KF President Commemorates 2nd Anniversary of Russian Invasion of Ukraine Kosciuszko Foundation President and Executive Director Marek Skulimowski visited Ukraine to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion of the country. He also participated […]


“The Pilecki Report” – a film about a steadfast Pole who achieved the impossible in the hell of totalitarianism

As a volunteer to Auschwitz, he survived hell, only to experience even greater hell later in communist torture chambers and die – we are talking about one of the greatest Polish heroes, Captain of cavalry […]