


Pictured:  Illinois State Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka was a guest speaker at CBOF Sponsor’s Breakfast held at Navy Pier in Chicago.    Photo by: Teresa J. Potasiak


CHICAGO – State Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka recently addressed more than 300 area business leaders to promote POWER, a new state initiative that assists small and minority-owned companies in competing for government contracts.


Speaking at the Chicago Business Opportunity Fair, Topinka noted that POWER (Providing Opportunities for Work through Education and Resources) teaches business owners about the state certification and procurement process, provides free counseling and guidance, and ensures participants are alerted of state contract opportunities.


“The success of our small and minority-owned businesses is key to getting our economy moving again,” Topinka said. “And at the same time, POWER will expand our state contractor network, which will increase competition and ultimately save the state money.”