2 Turkeys 'Pardoned’, Just Days Before Thanksgiving

The turkeys were saved by a Long Island animal advocacy.

The turkeys are now safe at a Riverhead sanctuary. (Courtesy Humane Long Island).

2 Turkeys 'Pardoned’, Just Days Before Thanksgiving

LONG ISLAND, NY — Two turkeys have received a pardon, just days before Thanksgiving.

Humane Long Island said they partnered with a New York City live slaughter market to rescue two turkeys who otherwise would’ve been destined for slaughter. The animal charity traded two vegan roasts for the lives of the turkeys, just three months old and still peeping.

The turkeys — as well as rescued bunnies, ducks, and pheasants — are now living at Humane Long Island’s Riverhead sanctuary.

„Turkeys are curious animals who enjoy having their bellies rubbed and who like listening to music, with which they’ll often loudly sing along,” John Di Leonardo, anthrozoologist and executive director of Humane Long Island, said. „For this holiday, Humane Long Island is urging the public to save 200 animals just like these turkeys by simply leaving animals off your plate and enjoying a delicious, savory vegan roast that everyone can be thankful for.”

Lisa Finn,Patch Staf

Source: https://patch.com/