“ACPC Youth Leadership Conference 2011”


         The Youth Leadership Conferences (YLC) have been sponsored by the ACPC since 1994 in Washington, D.C.  The Conference assists youths of Polish background who are interested in civic and political activism to realize their full potential and to assume leadership roles in various fields at all levels of society.   The week-long Conference is scheduled for the third week of June, 2011.

        It is an up close and intensive opportunity for 20 to 25 young Polish Americans, chosen from all over the U.S., to explore the political processes and interact with national and international leaders in the realms of foreign policy, business, science, education, journalism, culture, Polish American and east-central European affairs.  It is open to high school graduates or college students, ages 17 to 26 of Polish descent.  A deposit of $50 (refundable) will guarantee a place as attendance is limited. 

        Youth Leadership Conferences have always been fully subscribed as young Polish Americans from across the USA eagerly seek to participate in this unique occasion to meet face-to-face and hold in-depth discussions with U.S. Senators and Representatives; government officials in the Departments of State, Commerce, Treasury, and Defense and the Intelligence Agency; nationally known journalists and authors; political scientists in “think tanks”; officials of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland; as well as prominent figures of Polonia, business and the professions.  The list of distinguished personages who have participated in past Conferences includes Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Counselor, Center for Strategic & Intl. Studies and former Natl. Security Advisor to U.S. President; Jim Miklaszewski, NBC White House Correspondent; Dr. Andrzej Raczko – Intl. Monetary Fund;  Mark Brzezinski, Esq. (appointed recently by Pres. Obama as Member, Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board); and Senator Barbara Mikulski, to name just a few of the invited guests.  Conferees also enjoyed tours of the U.S. Capitol; visits to the Polish Embassy and the Kosciuszko Foundation’s American Center of Polish Culture.  Voluntary evaluations by YLC alumni have strongly encouraged other students to apply for the Conference, seeing it as “…truly a life-altering experience.”  One enthusiastic student called home to tell her parents, “Guess whom I chatted with today!.”  A college freshman wrote that he was very grateful because he found the programs so highly motivating and inspiring that he found himself directed to a career selection and thus early in his studies he was able to select classes fitting precisely  into his major.

        The ACPC Youth Leadership Conference registration fee is $500.   This provides for housing at George Washington University and one meal per day, along with most other conference expenses such as local travel and tours.  Transportation to and from Washington, DC, as well as each student’s optional expenses are up to the individual and/or local supporting ACPC Affiliate, Polish club or student organization, etc., through their support for student programs.

        Anyone visiting a mall recently was likely pleased with the glittering lights blinking atop Christmas trees, wreathes, holiday décor and jolly Christmas music igniting the Christmas spirit in everyone’s heart and mind.  So thoughts turn to gifts for those we love, particularly our children, grandchildren and other relatives.  Perhaps you would consider as a gift the Youth Leadership Conference registration fee for an ambitious young man or woman in your family!  The experience of having your child or grandchild attend the Conference in Washington, DC would provide for happy conversations in the family for many years – an experience to fondly remember with thanksgiving to the generous donor of the $500 fee.

    The application form is available at the ACPC website, www.polishcultureacpc.org or by contacting the YLC Director: Mrs. Irena Mirecki, Conference Chair, 4041 41st Street, McLean, VA 22101, [email protected].