


           The 63rd Annual Convention of the American Council for Polish Culture (ACPC) was held recently in Cleveland, Ohio, hosted by the John Paul II Polish American Cultural Center, Mr. Ben Stefanski, President.  At each Convention, awards are presented honoring Polish American citizens for their dedicated contributions to promoting Polish culture and heritage.


L/R:  Ewa Junczyk-Ziomecka, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in NY; Deborah Majka, ACPC President; David Motak, Cultural Achievement Award Recipient; Bernadette Wiermanski, ACPC 1st VP & Award presenter; Timothy Kuzma, President & CEO Polish Falcons of America.

          Mrs. Mary Flanagan, Awards Chair, presided over the award ceremonies.  She introduced Vice-President Mary Ellen Tyszka who presented the Founders Award for outstanding services to the organization to Jacqueline Kolowski.  Ms. Kolowski is dedicated in working and proficiently employing her considerable talents and a great deal of time to her ACPC duties. 

Jackie At the present time she chairs the Nominating Committee.  “Jackie” has been very successful in garnering nominations of competent members from Affiliates, officers  and board members.  She presided over the final voting procedures, which succeeded in filling all of the vacancies.  The ACPC members offer their heartfelt thanks to Jackie for all of her productive labors by awarding her the Founder plaque of appreciation.


L/R:  Founders Award presented by Mary Ellen Tyszka, 2nd VP to Jacqueline Kolowski.

          Mrs. Bernadette Wiermanski, 1st Vice-President, presented the ACPC’s 2011 Cultural Achievement Award to Mr. David Motak in recognition of his outstanding talents and skills as an artist, educator, communicator and his special talent as a Szopka Artist.  Mr. Motak is a graduate of Alliance College, where he majored in Slavic studies and Polish culture.  He attended the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland for two years as a part of the Kosciuszko Foundation Academic exchange program.  His professional career has taken him to several managerial positions at the University of Pittsburgh, Point Park University and the Sweetwater Center for the Arts.  He is currently Director of Communications for the Polish Falcons of America, one of the leading Polish American benefit fraternal organizations

          Mr. Motak’s contributions to Polish-American cultural life have been substantial, particularly as a volunteer with many Polonia organizations. He has led cultural tours to Poland and headed fundraising for Polish efforts.  Dave’s highlight is the Cracow Creche Workshop, a national Szopka Art form in the United States.  He has received many awards including the 2006 Polonian of the Year for Western Pennsylvania.  In 2009, he was the first Pole to receive the Artist of the Year Award and in 2010 he was the first foreigner and first American to enter and earn the prestigious “Special Award for Artistic Merit” presented by the city of Krakow History Museum.

          Mr. Motak ventures beyond Polonia to produce community service projects and succeeding in bringing the arts to all the population.  Now to add to his long list of awards and recognition, the American Council for Polish Culture proudly presented him the prestigious ACPC Cultural Achievement Award plaque for 2011.


          ACPC President Deborah Majka presented the Distinguished Service Award plaque to Mrs. Cecilia Glembocki, who accepted the award on behalf of Newt & Callista Gingrich.  The Gingrich’s schedule did not permit them to attend the Saturday evening Awards Banquet & Ball. 

Distinguished Service Award to Callista & Newt Gingrich – L/R: presented by Pres. Deborah Majka and accepted on behalf of Mr/Mrs Gingrich by Cecilia Glembocki.

The award was given to display thanksgiving to Mr. & Mrs. Gingrich for their key roles in bringing the “John Paul II: Nine Days that Changed the World” documentary film to fruition, making it available to the public worldwide.  This film records the visit of Pope John Paul II to Poland.  Many viewers are convinced that the subsequent political freedom that Poland gained was greatly influenced by the Pope’s visit.


          Every year, ACPC honors outstanding achievers in the field of Polish culture at its national convention. If you are interested in being a member of the American Council of Polish Culture and playing a role in its many expansive and richly meaningful programs, please contact Membership Chair, Florence Landridge, 860-521-4934, [email protected].  Individual membership dues are only $10 annually!