Chicago Election, 2015.


Chicago voters will vote for the Mayor and 50 Aldermen.
There are five qualified candidates for the Mayoral office: Ald. Bob Fioretti, William “Dock” Walls, Willie Wilson, Jesus “Chuy” Garcia and Rahm Emanuel.


“Now, before Rahm was a big-shot mayor, he was an essential part of my team at the White House during some very hard times for America. And I relied on his judgment every day and his smarts every day, and his toughness every day. And along with many of the local leaders and members of Congress, like Robin, who are this afternoon, Rahm hasn’t just fought for a National Park in Pullman, he’s fought for new opportunity and new jobs in Pullman, and for every Chicagoan, in every neighborhood, making sure every single person gets the fair shot at success that they deserve. And I could not be prouder of him and the extraordinary service that he’s provided”, expressed during the speech at Gwendolyn Brooks College Preparatory Academy on February 19, 2015

President Obama statements in the Campaign Office of Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chicago, Illinois
“But the main reason I’m here is just to say thank you to all of you who are helping out Rahm. Rahm Emanuel is somebody who cares deeply about this city. He cares deeply about the children of this city. He’s been willing to make some really hard decisions on behalf of those children and on behalf of our future. Everybody knows that he is passionate and he is tough and he is dogged in making sure that the city of Chicago is not just the coldest city — but also the greatest city.
And you look at what’s been accomplished in education, what’s been accomplished in terms of the infrastructure, bringing jobs back to this city — I have confidence as a voter and as a resident of Chicago that he’s going to continue to do a great job.

But the only way that happens is if people get out there and vote. So all of you are critical to the process. Those of us standing here, we benefit from your willingness to be involved and participate in this great civic exercise we call democracy. And you’re doing it on behalf of not only a great mayor, but also a great friend of mine. I couldn’t be prouder. I’m glad he’s my mayor and I’m glad he’s going to be my mayor for another four years.”

Photo Courtesy:
Source: The White House. Gov website

Congressman Luis Gutierrez about Rahm Emanuel Candidacy for Mayor of Chicago

“A lot of politicians talk about change, but there are few who actually make it a priority. Rahm Emanuel is one of them.

Since he took office, Mayor Emanuel has expanded the potential of Chicago’s thriving Latino community — which is why I was proud to stand with him when he launched Latinos for Rahm.

He’s supported small businesses, strengthened education, and improved access to services for everyone, no matter their background or immigration status.

Rahm’s had our backs, and now it’s time to have his.

This is one of Rahm’s many efforts to connect with the diverse communities of Chicago. As part of the team, you’ll help spread the word in your community about campaign events, and build support in your networks and neighborhoods to re-elect the Mayor.

I’m proud to call Mayor Emanuel a friend, a partner, and with your support, a second-term Mayor of this great city.

I know he will run a campaign based on our shared values and principals, and most importantly, a campaign that lifts up the Latino community — and it’s up to us to help him do just that”.