Melissa’s aunt suffers from a rare vascular disease called Microscopic Polyarteritis Nodosa which has affected her kidneys causing them to shut down in the fall of 2009.

 Melissa is currently going through further kidney function tests, upon completion of which surgery will be scheduled and carried out.

 Mrs. Gawronski was hospitalized in the fall of 2009 for several months and has been on dialysis ever since.  Mrs. Gawronski is overjoyed that her niece is able and willing to help save her life.  Melissa didn’t hesitate when she found out that she was a match.  “I am not afraid. In fact, I am excited at the prospect to be able to help someone close to me have a chance to enjoy the full course of  life.  My family is very important to me and I would do anything to help those I love,” says Zajac.


By being a donor and having one kidney, Melissa will be restricted from participating in contact sports and  restrictions on alcohol intake.  Recovery time is expected to be 1-3 weeks at which time she should be able to resume normal activities.

To prepare for this life changing event, Ms. Zajac has been spending lots of my time explaining the procedure to her children and explaining to them how their lives will change during this process.  According to Zajac, the children are nervous but also positive.  “They are learning what it means to be selfless, for they have to give up their mommy too during this time. We have all been working to keep this a positive experience for myself and everyone in our lives”.

The staff at gentle Dentistry have been extremely supportive of Melissa’s decision and are very proud of her.  The staff, the owners and doctors all wish her well, a speedy recovery and a long life for her and her aunt.



About  Microscopic Polyarteritis Nodosa

Polyarteritis nodosa is a disease of unknown cause that affects arteries, the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to organs and tissues.

In this disease, symptoms result from ischemic (inadequate blood supply to an organ or part of the body, esp. the heart muscles), damage to affected organs, often the skin, heart, kidneys, and nervous system.

Generalized symptoms include fever, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Muscle and joint aches are common. The skin may show rashes, swelling, ulcers, and lumps.

Kidney involvement can produce varying degrees of renal failure.

About Gentle Dentistry, PLLC

Gentle Dentistry of East Aurora, PLLC located at 215 Main St. in the historic town of East Aurora, NY has been serving the East Aurora and surrounding areas since 2002. 

The staff contributes greatly to the community with outreach programs, charity events and being a part of the economic engine that drives our town. 

 Gentle Dentistry of Lancaster, PLLC  located at 5007 Transit Road proudly opened its doors on May 14, 2010 with a Gala Grand Opening welcoming patients from the Lancaster and surrounding areas.