Inauguration of the Chicago Mayor and the City Council


His Oath of Office was administered by Honorable Timothy E. Evans, Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County in the presence of Mayor wife Amy, and their three children: Zachariah, Ilana and Leah.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel expressed appreciation to President Clinton for coming to Chicago and attending the Inauguration. He said:”It was a privilege to work for him but also to have learned so much from him’ I am honored to call him both a friend and mentor as well”.

There were many distinguished guests in the audience during the Inauguration ceremony, among them Bill Clinton, former President of the United States, Richard Durbin, United States Senator; Richard Daley, former Mayor of Chicago; Congressman Bobby Rush; Congressman Danny K. Davis, Congresswoman Kelly Robin, many Illinois state leaders: Jesse White, Secretary of State; Lisa Madigan, Attorney General; Michael Freichs, Illinois State Treasurer, Tony Preckwinkle, Cook County Board President; Maria Pappas, Cook county Treasurer; Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County and many others.

The Inauguration ceremony took place in the HISTORIC Chicago Theatre, which is the National Landmark built in 1921. It has capacity 3,553 seats. All seats were taken during the Inauguration.
Susana A. Mendoza was sworn in as Clerk of the City of Chicago. She is the first Latino woman holding this office. She is a very dynamic person, former soccer captain at university team.

Kurt A. Summers, Jr., was sworn in at the City of Chicago Treasurer. He wrote after the ceremony “Today’s ceremony at the Chicago Theater was a momentous occasion – my life’s work has brought me to this point, but giants of the past were also very much present on that stage as I was taking the oath. As I continue this journey, Sam Patch, my grandfather and a close advisor to the late Mayor Harold Washington, remains a source of inspiration. He knew that the key to keeping our City great was community investment. Our neighborhoods are where this work is rooted and they will always have a seat at the table. By transforming the Treasurer’s Office, we have the opportunity to impact each and every Chicagoan, making our City a stronger and better place to work and enjoy life”.

50 Chicago Aldermen were sworn in during the Inauguration ceremony of Chicago Council. Many of them appeared on stage with their spouses.
Chicago Mayor congratulated Aldermen as “the members of the new City Council. We have a lot of important work to do together”.

There is an incredible human potential, expertise among Chicago City Aldermen. Some of the decades of experience in public service. I have been privileged of working with some of them, learning from their expertise and sometimes serving hand in hand for last several years. I have seen their dedication and willingness to serve children, youth and senior populations.

Mayor Emanuel focused in his speech on providing more opportunities for unprivileged children and youth. “Many of born in poverty. Many come from broken homes. And many have been on their own from early on”, said Mayor in his speech. He wants to create a better future for them, provide more opportunities for learning, mentoring, for developing their full potential. he appealed to families, to teachers, mentors, to spiritual leaders to help these children and youth to develop their potential.

“They deserve to know that we can see their value and potential {…] They deserve a city that has great expectations for them- something beyond an endless cycle of poverty, violence and despair around them”, said Mayor. “A generation of children needs our city to stand for them”.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel Inauguration Speech , May 18, 2015

Andrew Mikolajczyk with Anna Sobor and Karolina Zaczek from the office of Congressman Mike Quigley.

Mayor of Chicago Inauguration, May 18, 2015 (some photos)–faith-and-business-leaders-to-kic.html

Check my previous post about the Chicago Election :

We wish Mayor of Chicago, City Clerk, the City Treasurer and the New City Council all the best in their public service.

@ Andrew (Andrzej) Mikolajczyk