Genealogist Pro’s Present in Plymouth
By Raymond Rolak
By Raymond Rolak
Tekst kpt. ż.w. Orland M. Machnikowski, zdjęcia Albert Wisniewski […]
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Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
„Najłudsze cygara z konki hegara” ogłaszali sowieckim żołnierzom wesołe łobuzy lwowskie tak zwani baciarzy.
Mother Bickerdyke and Aunt Lizzie, Illinois Women Who Served the Union Army
January 2011
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
There were many struggles during the formation of the Cultural and linguistic origin of the Heartland of Eurasia.
Thus the Kingdom of Prussia (1701-1945) acted in the tradition of the “Prussian Heresy,” which was defined in 1414 at Constance by the ambassador of Poland and rector of the University of Cracow because of the Teutonic violation of the Christian principle that “the license to convert is not a license to kill or expropriate.”
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Compiled by Robert Strybel
— With a population of more than 38 million, Poland has more people than Sweden, Austria, Israel, Finland, Norway and Denmark combined.
— You should never write to relatives in Poland that you are arriving 8.4.2006 (meaning August 4, 2006), because they will think you already arrived on April 8th. Since the days and months are transposed in European numerical dates, it is best spell out the month in full: August 4 (or 4 sierpnia).
— The flood waters of the Rivers Biebrza Narew in northeastern Poland and the Warta in the west constitute Europe’s biggest wetlands which are nesting grounds for numerous species of waterfowl. They may be visited by kayak, canoe, rowing-boat or pontoon, but motorboats are not allowed.
— In terms of terrain, Poland has most everything a tourist could want: mountains rimming the country’s southern flank, a seacoast in the north, and forests, lake districts, flat farmland and rolling hills in between. For sightseers there are plenty of architectural relics and quaint rural backwaters to choose from.