Marlena Dzis- Lyric coloratura soprano at the Polish Museum of America



To już w ten piątek, 11 maja, 2012 o godz. 19:30 w Sali Głównej im. Sabiny P. Logisz Muzeum Polskiego w Ameryce


wystąpi Marlena Dziś

liryczny sopran koloraturowy

W duetach z Natalie Chami, mezzosopran

Joseph A. Drobot, Jr., baryton
przy akompaniamencie Jennifer McCabe

Zapraszamy na wyjątkowy wieczór, na który złożą się utwory takich kompozytorów jak Moniuszko, Chopin, Bellini, Mozart, Offenbach, Dell’Acqua i Delibes.

Sugerowana donacja 20 $ (studenci, muzycy, emeryci 15$)

Bezpłatny parking

Marlena Dziś, absolwentka wydziału muzycznego Loyola University w Nowym Oreanie i Northwestern University w Evanston (studia magisterskie) wyjeżdża wkrótce do Grazu koło Wiednia, na letnie warsztaty operowe. W Nowym Orleanie śpiewała w Operze Nowoorleańskiej, gdzie wystąpiła 

u boku Placido Domingo.


 It’s this Friday!

May 11, 2012 at 7:30pm at the Polish Museum of America Sabina P. Logisz Great Hall


Marlena Dzis

Lyric coloratura soprano


In Duets with  

Natalie Chami, mezzo-soprano

Joseph A. Drobot, Jr. baritone


Accompanied by Jennifer McCabe


An evening of art songs and arias by Moniuszko, Chopin, Delibes, Mozart, Offenbach, Dell’Acqua and Bellini.


Suggested donation: $20 (students, senior citizens, musicians $15)

Free parking


Marlena Dzis – Lyric Coloratura Soprano

Marlena Dzis is a Polish-born lyric coloratura soprano.  At the age of four, she immigrated to the United States with her parents and was brought up in the vibrant Polish community of Chicago.  As a child, Miss Dzis was cultivated artistically by studying classical piano, attending ballet classes, as well as engaging in musical activities led by her parents – both musicians.  One of these activities involved dancing and singing with Polonia, one of The Polish Roman Catholic Union of America’s sponsored Polish dance troupes.  Participation in this group allowed for Miss Dzis to perform in Taiwan, Hungary, Poland, Israel, and Rome – where she sang for John Paul II in 1998.  Miss Dzis attended Polish school and to this day, has been able to maintain Polish tradition and language.

Upon graduating from high school, Miss Dzis began her undergraduate studies at Loyola University New Orleans.  At Loyola University New Orleans, Miss Dzis had the privilege of studying with Mona Bond and Amy Pfrimmer, as well as singing with the New Orleans Opera Chorus.  The later involved performances in Verdi’s La Traviata as well as a special gala concert with Placido Domingo.  During her last year of study at Loyola University New Orleans, Miss Dzis won the vocal division of the university’s concerto/aria competition, competing against vocalists from both undergraduate and graduate levels at the university.   In 2009, Miss Dzis graduated magna cum laude from Loyola University New Orleans, receiving a bachelor’s degree in music education – with an emphasis in voice – as well as a minor in jazz studies.  The year after graduating from Loyola University New Orleans, Miss Dzis began graduate studies at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.  While at Northwestern, Miss Dzis studied with Sunny Joy Langton and performed in Northwestern’s operatic production of The Ghosts of Versailles.  In 2010, Miss Dzis completed her master’s degree from Northwestern in vocal music education.

Miss Dzis was a soprano soloist in the 2008 Louisiana ACDA Intercollegiate Honor Choir as well as a soloist and choir member of Christ Church Cathedral in New Orleans – which has received the New Orleans Best Classical Event Nomination in 2009.  She has sung at Symphony Center with the Northwestern University Chorus, and has taken part in choral works with the Chicago Sinfonietta, New Orleans Opera Symphony, and Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra. 

This February, Miss Dzis has been accepted to study at the American Institute of Musical Studies (AIMS) in Graz, Austria.  AIMS is an intensive six-week summer program offering specialized instruction in opera study by international clinicians, coaches, and teachers.  The program offers opportunities to perform with the AIMS Festival Orchestra as well audition for European agents while in Austria.  Having existed for forty-three years, it is one of the oldest summer programs available to young professional singers.  Miss Dzis is very excited for this opportunity and sincerely looks forward to continued growth as she embarks on her professional career.
