Od Redakcji:
pragniemy zapoznać czytelników z szerokim horyzontem wielu poglądów, różnych od siebie a nawet całkowicie się wykluczających. Jest to bowiem rzadkie w historii polityki okienko czasowe wolności, kiedy jeszcze można to robić i nie zostanie się za to zwymyślanym od razu lub zesłanym w niesławie do niebytu. Wiemy, że może to nastąpić potem. Uważamy jednak, że udostępnienie różnych opinii, wprawnemu czytelnikowi pozwoli na wyrobienie sobie przez czytelnika, być może własnej opinii. Pewności , że tak będzie nie ma nigdy, Uważamy jednak, że ryzyko z tym związane jest mniejsze (ryzyko popełnienia błędu) niż przemilczanie i udawanie, że nic się nie stało.
Wiele lat po zakończeniu działań wojennych okresu II wojny światowej, Ci ktorzy ją wykonali i z takim wyjątkowym znawstwem rzeczy przeprowadzili, nie powinni teraz zażywać satysfakcji z tego powodu, że ich ofiary wciąż przeżywają swoją traumę i to na dodatek w kolejnym pokoleniu. Tym bardziej nie powinniśmy dawać satysfakcji spadkobiercom i sympatykom tych totalnych ideologii. Powinniśmy o tym wszystkim pamiętać i upamiętniać tych którzy w tych trudnych czasach wykazali się hartem ducha. Sprawiedliwym, uczciwym obywatelom – także Rzeczypospolitej.
Neo-Stalinism and the Polish Challenge
Courts have been turned into leverage for the destruction of national democracies by a totalitarian system.
In late December, the European Commission announced punitive measures against Poland, using the so-called “nuclear option,” Article 7 of the Lisbon Treaty. The reason was the decision of Warsaw to limit the power of judges. The EU considered this an infringement on “freedom, democracy and the rule of law.”
In fact, the “nuclear option” of the EU has no relation to freedom, democracy, or the rule of law. Its goal is to establish a totalitarian supranational system in Poland, the leading country of the Visegrad Front, in order to supersede democratic national institutions of power.
The judicial system in a democratic state should guard rights of citizens. Together with the executive and legislative powers, it must guarantee “the enjoyment of life and liberty” of free citizens (The Virginia Declaration of Rights of 1776), or according to Jeremy Bentham, the founder of British utilitarianism, ensure “the greatest happiness of the greatest number.”
The problem is that judges have real and huge power. However, unlike heads of states, governments and parliamentarians, they are not elected by anyone, which provides a solid ground for manipulation.
Today, the judicial system has turned into a disgusting parody of itself; supported by politicians, academia, media and NGOs, it is now a powerful lever used by prominent people to promote the ideology of political correctness and multiculturalism.
The goal of this ideology is ethnic and cultural substitution and, as a consequence, Islamization. It is not actively displayed, although it is not concealed.
In 2001, the former French Interior Minister Jean-Pierre Chevenement called for the integration of 75 million migrants from Africa and Asia within 50 years.
In July 2008, the Chief Justice of England and Wales, Lord Phillips, declared that it was inevitable to recognize Sharia courts in Great Britain.
In September 2015, at the peak of the crisis with migrants, the journalist Ralf Schuler (“Bild”) reported that the EU was planning to receive additional 5 million refugees from Asia and Africa.
In September 2017, the EU financed the exhibition in Brussels called “Islam, It’s Also Our History!” According to Isabelle Benoit, a historian from the Tempora organization, “We want to make it clear to Europeans that Islam is a part of our civilization.”
On February 22, the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, said: “French culture does not exist. There is a culture in France and it is diverse… French art? I have never seen it!”
According to Finance Minister of Germany Wolfgang Schäuble, Germans need to learn humanistic values of Islam, and Islam is “a constituent part of Germany.”
This aim is realized in three stages.
Stage one: corruption of society, imposition of barbarous archaic customs, destruction of the national culture, eradication of Judeo-Christian values.
Stage two: support of Islamic occupation and migrant violence, legalization of the Sharia.
Stage three: suppression of dissent at all levels.
It is obvious that a healthy and cohesive society would resist submitting to slavery. Therefore it is necessary to undermine its foundations, to swap values: virtue should be presented as evil, barbarity as cultural originality, abnormality as the norm. Courts are the main leverage in this game. Below are some of the examples of this phenomenon.
In May 2013, a British court decided to grant a political asylum to 27-year-old Kenyan John Thuo. Thuo, the leader of the murderous Mungiki sect, personally butchered 400 of his compatriots with a machete and took part in a disgusting female genital mutilation ritual.
In 2006, a party called “Charity, Freedom and Diversity,” which advocates legalization of pedophilia, all kinds of drugs, bestiality and child pornography, was registered in Netherlands.
In August 2013, the Swedish Court set free Sture Bergwall — the sadist and cannibal who confessed that he had raped, tortured, and eaten his victims.
In February 2007, a German court released the former member of the Red Army Faction (RAF), Brigitte Mohnhaupt, who had murdered 9 people in 1970s. She didn’t express any regret about her crimes.
In July 2017, the National Health Service (NHS) reported 5391 cases of female genital mutilations. Although this disgusting procedure was banned in the UK in 1985, not a single person was convicted.
This is only a marginal part of thousands of similar verdicts, which under the guise of humanism and human rights impose chaos and all kinds of perversions.
On the other hand, Christian values are also being consistently destroyed.
A French court ordered the removal of the cross from the statue of Pope Saint John Paul II in Ploërmel, because it violated the law imposing a strict separation of Church and State.
In August 2017, Dutch prosecutors found nothing illegal in filming a porn movie in a church confessional.
In January 2018, the British High Court decided that the right of homosexuals to equality “should take precedence” over the right of Christians to manifest their beliefs and moral values.
When the foundation of the society is undermined, the second stage of destruction begins.
In the Rule of Law, laws should be applied to all citizens — otherwise the very idea of democracy and justice loses its meaning.
Today, parallel Sharia law legally operates in Western Europe. The so-called Laws of the Jungle reign in “black holes” of “no-go-zones,” and courts condone lawlessness and savagery.
During the period from 1999 to 2001, two teenage girls from Fontenay-sous-Bois (outside Paris) were gang-raped by 14 Muslim teenagers. Ten of them were acquitted, two persons were sentenced to only one year in prison, one person was sentenced to six months in prison, and the last one out of 14 was charged with a suspended sentence.
In January 2006, a French Jew, Ilan Halimi, was kidnapped by a gang calling themselves “Barbarians,” headed by Yusuf Fofana. They tortured him, doused with gasoline and burned him alive. 24 members of the gang were sentenced to terms between 6 months to 18 years only. Two “Barbarians” were freed.
In May 2016, at the school in Lund (Sweden), a Muslim migrant teen raped a 14-year-old girl. The girl was transferred, but the rapist remained at the same school. He was only punished with 100 hours of detention.
In October 2016, the Gothenburg District Court sentenced a migrant, Abdul, to 10 months of youth care (only!) for raping a 14-year-old girl, but the Supreme Court of Western Sweden exonerated Abdul because he suffered from ADHD syndrome and didn’t understand “no.”
In July 2017, the Malmö District Court sentenced a 19-year-old Afghan Muslim migrant to one month in prison for raping a 13-year-old boy. And so on.
According to official statistics, only one out of every five migrant rapists in Sweden (and only 13 percent of migrant pedophiles) is deported to his home country — Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia or Iraq.
This is not characteristic of Sweden in particular. In December 2016 in Vienna, 20-year-old Amir from Iraq raped a 10-year-old boy in a toilet of a swimming pool. The District Court sentenced him to six years, but the Austrian Supreme Court overturned it “for lack of evidence.”
In December 2013, the British High Court concluded that Abdul-Hakim Belhaj, the ex-leader of an Islamic group that fought the Gaddafi regime, had a “well-founded claim” against the former head of counter-terrorism at MI6, Mark Allen.
Pakistani members of Rochdale child sex abuse ring (with the exception of their leader Shabir Ahmed) were sentenced to ridiculous terms from 4 to 9 years.
In 2014, a 40-year-old preacher, Suleman Maknojioa, was accused of harassing an 11-year-old girl. He was sentenced to 40 weeks’ imprisonment only, but did not stay in prison a single day, as he was the only breadwinner.
In Germany in January 2017, a 47-year-old Syrian migrant was sentenced to one year and 9 months of imprisonment only for raping a mentally disabled woman – “because when he is drunk, he is unpredictable.” By that time, he had committed 23 various offenses, including assault, robbery and fare evasion.
In March, a migrant with a machete attacked an 80-year-old man in Düsseldorf and remained free. In Hamburg, 6 people were injured when two migrants used tear gas on a train. They remained free, too. At Dresden-Zschachwitz station, two asylum seekers from Morocco and Libya pushed a 40-year-old man onto the tracks of an oncoming train. He survived miraculously. Chief Prosecutor dropped charges against them.
There are hundreds of similar examples…
In June this year, three underage Muslim migrants severely raped a 5-year-old girl in Idaho. In the courtroom, their lawyers claimed that the so-called “boys” were decent and trustworthy and they suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
In April 2012, for the sake of “freedom of expression,” the Spanish Supreme Court freed nine Muslims who were planning terrorist attacks in the name of the “liberation of Spain.”
The Western legal system openly sabotages decisions of the executive and legislative branches of power. The best evidence of this is courts blocking Trump’s ban on the reception of migrants from the Middle East. This has nothing to do with humanism, since those who need help most of all are deprived of it. It’s not only about Christians and Yezidis. In September 2017, Britain denied refuge to 34-year-old Nneka Obazee — a Nigerian lesbian woman and her stepchild, although she was doomed to a death penalty in her home country. After this happened, the poor woman tried to commit suicide.
In Israel, the High Court of Justice deliberately replaces the executive branch: it prevents destruction of houses of terrorists and deportation of terrorists, cooperates with left NGOs to demolish Jewish houses, and blocks deportation of illegal African migrants to third countries.
EU laws literally ensure safety for terrorists. Imam Abdelbaki Es Satty, who organized a terrorist attack in Barcelona, was brought to trial on drug business charges in 2014, but Judge Pablo de la Rubia dismissed his deportation, as it was deemed a violation of EU laws.
In August 2012, two Al-Qaeda terrorists, one of whom plotted to kill thousands of people in a bomb attack in a British shopping center, applied to the European Court of Human Rights against MI5. Officials at the European Court allowed their application to go ahead.
The European Court of Human Rights and the British Court of Appeal didn’t deport Abu Qatada, a Palestinian Al-Qaeda activist, to the Hashemite Kingdom for 10 years because of “humanitarian considerations.”
The third stage is elimination of dissenters of any age and social status.
Stalin asserted that repression should be based on laws, and indeed Stalin’s terror was based on the progressive Stalinist Constitution of 1936. The legislation of Western countries, which is quite liberal, opens limitless possibilities for justice.
The French pioneered the path to Muslim colonization. The starting point on the way to ethnic and cultural substitution, according to Eric Zemmur, was the Pleven law on racism (1972), which was then supplemented with even more radical laws.
Germany went even further by deciding to set censorship — fines of up to $56,000,000 for “hate speech” in order to protect freedom of speech, according ex-Justice Minister Heiko Maas.
The last major and successful case was the deprivation of the parliamentary immunity of Marine Le Pen by the French prosecutor’s office after she published images of ISIS atrocities in Twitter.
The Swedish prosecutor’s office accused Peter Springare, a police officer from Orebro, of spreading hatred and racism. All he did was list police reports compiled in one week and named criminals and countries of their origin.
Aboriginals are defenseless in the face of their colonial barbarians, because the judicial system sides with the latter always and everywhere.
A mere suspicion of Islamophobia can cause fatal consequences.
In August 2017, a 53-year-old man from Stockholm was hit with a 5000 kroner fine for eating a bacon sandwich in front of three Muslim women wearing headscarves.
In May 2017, a 70-year-old Swedish woman from Dalarna was prosecuted for inciting hatred. She did not like that Muslim teenagers “set fire to cars, urinate and defecate on the streets.”
In 2016, 35-year-old Kevin Crehan made a joke by leaving a half-eaten sandwich with bacon on the doorstep of a mosque in Bristol. He was accused of racist attack, sentenced to one year in prison and died there under mysterious circumstances.
Any doubt about the purity of Islam is ruthlessly punished. In August 2017, the German journalist Michael Stürzenberger was sentenced to a half-year in prison after posting of a photo on Facebook of a ranking Nazi shaking hands with Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
No totalitarian system is ready to tolerate heretics within its realm. That’s why it hates Trump so much. That’s why it strives to undermine Israel, defames Viktor Orban, and seeks to bring Poland to its knees – because of Poland’s striving for sovereignty and national democracy.
Alexander Maistrovoy is the author of Agony of Hercules or a Farewell to Democracy (Notes of a Stranger), published recently by Xlibris, and available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.