Prayer in the Public Square – Daley Plaza, Chicago




The City of Chicago has granted The Divine Mercy Project a permit to be in Daley Plaza for the full Divine Mercy Novena from Good Friday April 6th to Divine Mercy Sunday April 15th.

Once again we will have a 24 hr/9 day prayer vigil for the conversion of Chicago, America, and the Whole World; and we will encourage outreach to the public with the message of Jesus’ Merciful love. Last year we personally touched over 15,000 people by personally handing them our Divine Mercy conversion cards. We know for a fact that people have returned to confession and reconciled themselves to the church as a direct result of our outreach. Thank you for your help in coming out to Daley Plaza last year.  



1) Please PRAY for this event! Nothing of God happens unless the ground is first broken and plowed through the prayers of the people of God. Please pray for a covering over this event; for good weather; for peace and open hearts; for a great conversion in Chicago to Jesus Christ; for the safety of the vigil participants; for unity in the body of Christ; and for an historic great awakening and transformation of the Chicagoland. 


2) Please spread the word! In this time of attack on our religious liberties, we need to more than ever exercise our faith through “prayer in the public square.” The more people we can have come to Daley Plaza and get involved during this outreach, the better. Please forward this information through your e-mail networks and GET THE WORD OUT! It is vital to the success of this work of mercy. 


3) We need volunteers to commit to praying in Daley Plaza as vigil participants. We are asking first that you come whenever you can, but we also need committed intercessors who can make a 2 hour commitment during the 9 days so that the image of The Divine Mercy and Easter Cross is never without a prayer volunteer. Please sign up at the website, or call 773-481-0628 our vigil coordination number. 


4) Come to the Interdenominational Easter Sunrise Service on Daley Plaza!  We will have an interdenominational Easter Sunrise Service on Daley Plaza from 6:30am to 8 am. It will be a spirit filled event featuring the worship band from Greater Chicago Church and a message from their senior pastor Ian Carrol. There will be readings, words of encouragement and hope from representatives from various churches and organizations. Let’s gather in Chicago‘s Public Square and intercede together in this act of christian unity to open up the heavens for God’s mercy, power and grace to flood our city, region and the whole world. 



Here are some resources about the event last year:


This is a video of the “Life Mob” that came out to the Divine Mercy Project:




With your help, we can make an impact for Christ on this city and bring transformation through conversion and the work of His Divine Mercy. 


Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. 


In His Mercy, 

 Michael Sullivan
