President Donald J. Trump Opens Up About Healthcare and Affordability on Podcast with Theo Von

President Donald J. Trump Opens Up About Healthcare and Affordability on Podcast with Theo Von

President Donald J. Trump sat down with Theo Von for an unfiltered and unscripted conversation, which dangerously liberal Kamala Harris has refused to do since she took the nomination from failed Joe Biden.  

 Americans are struggling to afford groceries for their families, rent and mortgage payments, gas to drive their kids to school and get to work, and electricity to cool down in the summer heat. Unexpected medical bills for families can be detrimental, and the price of keeping your family healthy is outrageous thanks to the Harris-Biden administration. 

President Trump tells Theo Von that he worked incredibly hard to pass healthcare transparency reform that would increase competition, decrease prices, and allow Americans the transparency they deserve when seeking medical attention. 

 Requiring transparency from health care providers, “would have brought down the price of…care: physical care, mental care, that would have brought down the cost of care by 50% to 60%,” President Donald J. Trump stated, “and Biden and Kamala didn’t press it.” 

 That’s right—Kamala Harris and Joe Biden chose not to implement policies that could have brought healthcare prices down. Harris’ weak, dishonest, and radical agenda has made life worse for Americans, and our country cannot afford another four years of Commie Kamala.

 The support to elect President Trump grows every day, because Americans know they were better off four years ago under his leadership. From tax cuts to stripping away regulations, President Trump was putting more money back in Americans’ wallets. 

 “We have a lot…of people that want to see me come back and win, because we had a great time. We had the greatest economy in history…We cut…taxes more than anybody else, including Ronald Reagan. We cut regulations, which created jobs. We had a great period of time. And I think the people want it back. Based on what I’m seeing, the people want it back,” – President Donald J. Trump 

 President Trump has delivered on his promises to make America wealthy, safe, strong, and secure once, and he will do it again when Americans vote to send him back to the White House in November. 

Watch the full video here or listen to the podcast here.

 Source: Trump – Vance Press

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