Quo Vadis V Montreal 2013

 Over 110 students and young professionals of Polish descent joined together for the annual conference of Quo Vadis which translates into “Where are you going?” from Latin and is the name of a popular Polish novel. This Annual conference started in Canada 5 years ago and has since expanded every year with this year’s 3 conferences. One in Connecticut USA, one in Montreal Canada and one in October in Sydney Australia. There currently are over 500 alumni of this conference worldwide.

 This Montreal conference was organized by PISK Montreal, a networking platform for the fifth edition of the conference, which aimed to build and strengthen Polonia networks globally, teach delegates the best practices of experienced leaders, as well as practical skills in public relations, conflict resolution and integration. It will play an important role in continuing the momentum from Quo Vadis V Montreal 2013 within Polonia, going forward.

Andrzej Malinowski

 Quo Vadis V Montreal 2013 focused its efforts on attaining the following objectives:

 ·         Build unity among Polish youth

·         Promote an active Polonia


·         Develop new projects within Polonia

·         Explore our Polish identity and culture

·         Shape our international community

·         Enable current successful Polish leaders to share their knowledge

·         Inspire and shape the next generation of young Polish leaders

·         Increase the visibility and involvement of Montreal Polonia on the international scene

·         Quo Vadis V Montreal is a celebration of what we have achieved together as Polonia and what we are determined to achieve in the upcoming years.


Dorota Barys

The Montreal conference had a full schedule with various ambassadors, Polish musicians and other Canadian and political dignitaries to start the night on Friday. The former Polish Ambassador to Canada- Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz made an appearance and spoke about his support for Quo Vadis and how it has revitalized the Polish-Canadian youth. The night was  concluded with a musical performance by Roy Eaton, an African American world-renown musician, who adores Chopin music  and Polish culture and has performed at many prestigious concerts. He also was a winner of the Kosciuszko Foundation Chopin Award.


The following day was filled with various speakers on various topics affecting the world wide Polonia-  Speakers included Andrzej Malinowski, President of the Employers of Poland, who spoke of how Poland is becoming more and more attractive for international companies to invest in and how the Polish economy is stronger than most European countries, which lead to a facilitated discussion on the topic of how all of us can help bring world business to Poland. Also, Dorota Barys, Head of Programme Division in the Department of Cooperation with Polish Diaspora of the Polish MFA, spoke about how to obtain Funds from the Polish Government to Support your Polish Community’s Projects.  There were also more interactive topics such as Klara Pokrzywko’s (Cultural Consultant) The Meaning of “Culture” and its Influences on Leadership. After each discussion there was opportunity for discussion and questions from the attendees.


Malicka, Roy Eaton, Lebiecki, Szumowski

Saturday night concluded the festivities and networking and dinner  with a Gala Boat Cruise on the St Lawrence River. Sunday, the final day of the conference was filled with motivational speeches by various speakers as well as workshops designed by country to help the attendees bring useful ideas to help revitalize their local Polonia’s. The conference concluded at the Polish Consulate where Consul Andrzej Szydło hosted a dinner and reception for all of the Quo Vadis attendees and speakers. It was a successful conference and many attendees will be attending the Quo Vadis Sydney edition in one month in October.


Lebiecki, Consul Andrzej Szydlo, Malicka , Szumowski

 Lebiecki, Wisnieska, Malicka


List of speakers at the annual conference  http://quovadismontreal2013.com/en/speakers/

 For any questions please reach out to Diana Lebiecki   [email protected]