St Nicholas Day (6 December)

St Nicholas Day (6 December)

(Dzień Świętego Mikołaja 6 grudnia)

By Robert Strybel, Polish/Polonian Affairs Writer

Prior to the high-powered 20th-century propaganda campaign that turned the saintly Bishop Nicholas into an oversized elf surrounded by reindeer. elves and snowmen, this feast day had nothing to do with Christmas. Rather than whipping up a shop-till-you-drop frenzy and promoting youngsters’ greed, St Nick sets a good example by embodying the essence of such Christian virtues as selflessness, kindness, generosity and helping those in need.

Święty Mikołaj enters the room with the greeting „Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus!” (Praised be Jesus Christ). He may be accompanied by a white-clad angel helper. He does not ask kids what they want for Christmas but quizzes them on their prayers, good deeds and school work or kindergarten activities. The angel helper then rewards them with treats. Have your youngsters learn this song which tells the story:

Dear St Nick (song)

Dear St Nick we greet you cheerily, all us children love you dearly,
You bring presents wrapped so daintily to set an example saintly.
A good bishop you are for us, ever kind and ever generous,
North Pole nonsense is dismaying, no fat Santa are you playing.
You teach us that we’re all brothers, so we share your gifts with others,
We do good deeds in all weather – all us boys and girls together.
Household chores we help our folks with, say our prayers without coaxin’,
We’re your children, do stay by us, help us be behaved and pious.
Soon there’s Christmas that will please us: we shall welcome Baby Jesus.
With a carol we’ll celebrate it – all us boys and girls elated.
Farewell St Nick we all say t’you, for your gifts may God repay you,
When you’re back in Heaven above – we’ll send prayers with our love.
Many hints on how to celebrate St Nicholas Day and various related artifacts can be found by Googling Saint Nicholas Center.