
The wounds of the Holocaust and faceless capitalism that encourage hatred of foreigners “The Brutalist”

The wounds of the Holocaust and faceless capitalism that encourage hatred of foreigners “The Brutalist” The film “The Brutalist” investigates the original sin of the growing expressions of racism, genocide and objectification of the person […]

Polska - Poland

The 80th anniversary of the liberation of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz

The 80th anniversary of the liberation of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz Holocaust survivors, President Andrzej Duda and First Lady Agata Kornhauser–Duda and world leaders gathered in Poland on Monday to mark the […]


Shoah’s Testament

Shoah’s Testament For decades, survivors have been the most compelling voice of Auschwitz’s victims. With their passing, it becomes our duty to carry forward their testimony. KAROL NAWROCKI Luigi Ferri rolls up his left sleeve […]


Auschwitz – Remembrance and Education

Survivors of Auschwitz stand behind a barbed wire fence. Some of the children are seen wearing adult clothing they were dressed in by Soviet soldiers. / Auschwitz – Remembrance and Education Andrzej Kacorzyk (Krakow, Poland) In […]

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Babyn Yar and the Art of Felix Lembersky

October 12, 2023 6:30 pm | at The Florida Holocaust Museum *This event is free and open to the public RSVPs are required Babyn Yar paintings by Felix Lembersky remained locked away for years in Yelena Lembersky’s […]


U.S. Holocaust Museum Opens New Exhibition “Americans and the Holocaust”

GROUNDBREAKING US HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM EXHIBITION AMERICANS AND THE HOLOCAUST EXPLORES AMERICANS’ RESPONSES TO NAZISM Five years in the making, exhibition provides a portrait of American society in the 1930s and ‘40s WASHINGTON, D.C. – Marking […]


Poland the First Modern European Democracy

The Oath by Tadeusz Kosciuszko on Krakow’s Market Square on March 24, 1794. A gouache painting by Michal Stachowicz date April 7, 1804. Source:    by: Robert John Zagar PhD MPH Lately, the media have maligned […]


Reply of the Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago to an article by Mony Sue Weissmark in the Chicago Tribune.

February 14, 2018, Chicago Tribune “ …My mother continued, matter of factly, “The Germans had to be taught to hate the Jews, but the Poles inherited their hatred for Jews from their mothers’ milk. Anti-Semitism […]