Sen. Rick Scott is donating a portion of his salary to The FHM.

Dear friends and colleagues,

It’s been a difficult few months for so many. On the other hand, dark days can often remind us how bright the light can shine.

That’s why we’re proud to announce that Senator Rick Scott and Mrs. Ann Scott have chosen to donate a portion of his quarterly salary to The Florida Holocaust Museum in memory of Ambassador Mel Sembler, who passed away earlier this year. We always appreciated Ambassador Sembler’s belief in our mission and work and are honored that Senator and Mrs. Scott share in that sentiment.

One of Ambassador Sembler’s three sons, Brent, and his wife Debbie, a former Museum Board member, sent us the following message:

On behalf of the entire Sembler family, we are deeply touched by Senator and Mrs. Scott’s generous gift in our father’s name. Mel staunchly supported the Florida Holocaust Museum from its inception and valued his relationship with Senator and Mrs. Scott. We know how much he would appreciate this donation in honor of his legacy.”

We are always humbled when one of our partners applauds our efforts, but it’s particularly meaningful when an elected official publicly supports our work in this manner. It’s even more significant when that support comes from one of the 100 currently serving United States Senators. Senator Scott is no stranger to the Museum; in 2013, he became the first sitting Florida Governor to visit us, and we appreciate his continued allyship as our institution evolves to meet new challenges and reach new communities.

As we continue our momentum into 2024, Museum Chairman Mike Igel will join Senator Scott for a roundtable discussion at the Shanna & Bryan Glazer JCC on Wednesday, January 3 from 10:00-11:15am, to discuss the Jewish community’s concerns surrounding antisemitism and the Israel-Hamas conflict.

We hope your year is coming to a healthy and happy conclusion, and we look forward to a meaningful 2024. Thank you so much for being part of our growing community of Upstanders.

Michael Igel

Chairman of the Board

The Florida Holocaust Museum

Carl Goodman

President & CEO

The Florida Holocaust Museum