There are 13 Presidential Libraries in the United States administered by the Office of Presidential Libraries, which is part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Where should the 14th Presidential Library be located? A number of the American Presidential Libraries are connected with strong academic institutions. It enhances the academic environment and the possibility of using Libraries not only for visitors but also for studies and research.
We argue in this article that the South side of Chicago seems to be the best and the most natural location for the Obama Presidential Museum and Library.
The University of Chicago is the most qualified academic institution to be connected with Obama’ Presidential Library. Is there a possibility of establishing a synergistic cooperation and involvement of the University of Chicago (private University), the University of Illinois in Chicago (State University) and Chicago State University in building the Presidential Museum and Library? This is an open question that needs to be answered.
The future President Obama Library and Museum should provide a good opportunity for strong Community Development that can enhance thousands of human lives around such an institution. We will argue that Obama’ Presidential Museum and Library should serve not only the purpose of the higher education but also students from Chicago area and from across the State of Illinois.
Chicago is one of the best tourism destinations in the United States that attracts global visitors. This is another strong argument for locating the Presidential Library in Chicago.
I, Andrew, visited the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas, Texas last Summer. It was a great educational visit. It reminded me of my several visits at the White House during President Bush’s Presidency. I also learned that the Library organizes school trips for many students from different parts of Texas.
We have researched and studied this topic for Anita’s 4th grade Social Studies class. We attended the event with President Obama at the Chicago State University in October 2014 to get better understanding of these issues.
Andrew during the interview with Senator Obama in 2003 (archive), at Copernicus Foundation in Chicago
Presidential Libraries in the United States
There are 13 Presidential Libraries in the United States administered by the Office of Presidential Libraries, which is part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA. There are some other Presidential Libraries that are operated by private foundations and sometimes states institutions.
Most of the Presidential Museums and Libraries are located in places where former United States Presidents lived and worked before coming to the White House. A number of Presidential Libraries are connected with strong academic institutions. It enhances the academic environment and the possibility of using libraries for visitors but also for studies and research.
The State of Texas has three Presidential libraries. George W. Bush Presidential Center is located in Dallas, Texas. It is connected with the Southern Methodist University. Texas is the state where former President George W. Bush was the governor twice.
The George Bush Presidential Library & Museum is located in College Station, Texas. It is connected with Texas A&M University.
The Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum is located in Austin, Texas. It is connected with the University of Texas at Austin.
The William J. Clinton Presidential Center and Park is located in Little Rock, Arkansas. It is the state where former President Clinton served as the Attorney General and twice as the governor.
The State of Illinois owns and operates the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. It is not a part of the 13 Presidential Libraries.
Where should the 14th Presidential Museum and Library be located?
What about establishing the Obama’ Presidential Library in Chicago? Should it be connected with a strong academic institution? Which academic institutions are the most qualified?
The objective for the President Barack Obama’s Library and Museum is “to create a space that reflects President Obama’s values and priorities throughout his career in public service and serves as force for good in the surrounding community and throughout our world.”. It was announced on January 31, 2014 with establishing a foundation to oversee the development of the project. The foundation is headed by Obama’s close friend Marty Nesbitt.
We argue in this article that the South side of Chicago seems to be the best and the most natural location for the Obama Presidential Museum and Library.
It seems to be very obvious and natural that the President Barack Obama Museum and hopefully Library should be located in the place where he started to work as the Community Organizer, where he was elected as the State Senator and later on as the US Senator and where he started to run for the US President. Chicago – South Side – where President Obama lived and worked for 20 years before becoming President of the United States is the right place for the Presidential Library.
Michelle Obama, the First Lady of the United States was raised in the South Side of Chicago and spent most of her life over there. Their children were born in Chicago.
The future President Obama Library and Museum should provide a good opportunity for strong Community Development that can enhance thousands of human lives around such institution.
Which Academic Institution(s) will be the most suitable to be connected with the Presidential Library?
The University of Chicago seems to be the most qualified academic institution to be connected with Obama’s Presidential Library. President Obama taught law at the University of Chicago before running for different public offices. His family, advisors and friends had strong connections with this institution for decades.
The University of Chicago has reputation of one of the most distinguished academic institutions in the world. It attracts thousands of students from the Chicago area and from other parts of the United States. It attracts many brightest minds among students and faculty from all over the world.
Is there a possibility of establishing a synergistic cooperation and involvement of the University of Chicago (private University), the University of Illinois in Chicago (the State University- that claims to be very diversified) and Chicago State University in building the Presidential Museum and Library? This is an open question that needs to be answered.
We want to express with strong voice that Obama’s Presidential Museum and Library should serve not only the purpose of the higher education but also elementary and high school students from the Chicago area and from across the State of Illinois who can visit such an institution throughout the entire academic year. Visits at the Presidential Museum and Library could provide a great educational opportunity to enhance the social studies program for students.
I have learned that students in different schools in Texas have the opportunity to visit the George Bush Museum in Dallas, Texas. Can it be done in Chicago? Obviously, Yes.
The University of Illinois at Chicago with its unique role as the public university, with many educational and research programs can help to strengthen a project with the Presidential Library to strengthen the communities, and move forward with many social justice issues.
The Obama Presidential Library should serve visitors from wherever they come to visit Chicago. Tourism is the key economic area for Chicago. Learning about Presidency can enrich such visits.
Is Hawaii a good place for the Obama Presidential Library? Obviously there are some arguments for it. We respect it. It is a great vacation and tourism destination for the First Couple of the United States. We hope to go there with my family as well.
President Obama and his family have more and stronger connections with the South Side of Chicago than with any other place in the United States. The voters and supporters in Chicago expressed trust and support for him from the beginning of his community organizing work and when he worked as the professor and ran for public offices.
The South side of Chicago seems to be the best and the most natural location for the Obama Presidential Library. It should also be connected with Community Development that can enhance the lives of people in the surrounding communities.
Mr. President, We believe that the Presidential Library belongs in Chicago. Please bring the Presidential Library to your home in the South Side of Chicago, to enhance your own Community, to create new jobs when workers can earn decent salaries, to strengthen the academic possibilities for studies and research and to add a unique attraction to Chicago where visitors and students can learn and benefit more from your Presidency.
@ Anita (4th grade) and Andrew (Andrzej) Mikolajczyk (father)
Anita Mikolajczyk (4th Grade-Social Studies class)
and Andrew (Andrzej) Mikolajczyk (father)
[email protected]
Norridge, November 30, 2014