Tis the season to bask in glittery sparkles. Decorating with apartment Christmas lights is a fun, easy and festive way to bring some nostalgia and coziness to your space.
As the days are shorter, it’s also a lovely way to illuminate your space. Turns out, decorating for the holidays is also good for our mind and body and our neighbors seem to appreciate it, too. According to a study published in the “Journal of Environmental Psychology,” neighbors think we’re friendlier and more approachable if we put up holiday decorations.
There are so many different types of Christmas lights, from the traditional white sparkly ones to other shapes and colors. Some are long and some are short. Some need an outlet and others are battery-operated or solar-powered. You can even decorate your apartment according to your zodiac sign.
Whatever your fancy, here are 11 ways to decorate using sparkly apartment Christmas lights this holiday season.
1. Decorate your balcony
While most of us think of decorating inside of our apartment, using lights outdoors to decorate spaces like a balcony or deck can add some sparkling magic outside. String lights either on their own or weave them throughout branches and add some hanging ornaments to extend the Christmas magic beyond your apartment walls.
2. Make a curtain of lights
As night falls and it gets dark early, it’s easy for many of us to suffer from FOMO or the winter blues. Instead of looking outside and seeing darkness so early, replace your shades with a curtain of lights. You’ll still enjoy privacy in your apartment with the benefit of additional lights.
3. Make a Christmas tree outline using lights
Short on floor space in your apartment for a full Christmas tree? Take advantage of your walls! Use Christmas lights to outline a Christmas tree on your wall. With a few strategically-placed hooks, you can enjoy the Christmas spirit with a modern twist. Even if you have room for a Christmas tree, you can enjoy this glittery and festive idea in other rooms in your apartment, from a bedroom to a kitchen, since it takes up so little space.
4. Transform your bookshelves into a Christmas tree using lights
Even bookshelves can enjoy a new chapter during the Christmas holiday. They can double-up as a Christmas tree canvas. String lights to create a Christmas tree triangular outline and use the shelves as anchors for each row instead of hooks. Keep the books on the shelves and use them as anchors to keep the lights in place. Another option is to remove the books for the season and replace the shelves with holiday décor such as colorful or reflective ornaments to add a more festive mood to the room.
5. Line the floor near a fireplace or Christmas tree with lighted candles
Most of us think vertically when it comes to adding apartment Christmas lights and décor but our floors can pave the way to some additional sparkly options. Use that real estate by lining up string lights strategically or add lighted candles around a tree or décor to light up your floor. When you dim the lights above, that glow below is both romantic and relaxing. Couple those lights with a hot cup of tea and you’ve found a great way to calm your body and mind after a busy day.
6. Hang garlands of lights along a closet or wall space
Have an unused or not-often-used closet, shutters or empty wall space? Use that real estate to hang a garland of Christmas lights and hang some ornaments to extend the holiday décor beyond the Christmas tree.
7. Bring the outdoors in and hang lights off tree branches
There’s no shortage of research on the benefits of bringing nature indoors, from helping reduce stress and anxiety to improving our moods. Luckily for us, bringing nature indoors in the form of tree branches can do double duty: they can serve as leverage to hang lights in various rooms throughout our apartment!
8. Hang Christmas lights throughout your apartment
You don’t need to limit Christmas lights to the living room. Spread that Christmas cheer throughout your apartment. The best part of apartment Christmas lights as holiday décor is their versatility. You can hang them almost anywhere. They’re flexible, lightweight and bring so much joy to a space. Even if there’s little room in the area, like a kitchen, you can still add lights around a window frame to enjoy while washing dishes, or along the backsplash.
9. Get creative by adding a rod between light fixtures to hang lights
When we don’t have a logical place to hang lights, sometimes, we have to get creative. A rod is a great way to introduce space to hang lights, either horizontally or vertically. See where there might be two spots where you can easily hang a rod. A curtain or shower rod or a branch from outdoors could be an easy, fast and inexpensive solution.
10. Add lights on side tables or the dining room table
We often think of hanging Christmas lights but we can also place them throughout our home on flat surfaces like a dining room table, side tables or a coffee table. Either place them on their own, especially if the lights are in pretty shapes like stars or ornaments, or weave them into tree branches for a more festive setting. Incorporate candles to add some height. The look will lend a little holiday glow to the space while you’re dining, reading or watching a show.
11. Hang a wreath on your door
Wreaths hold a special place in Christmas décor. For some families, hanging a wreath is as important as setting up a Christmas tree. Add another level of bling to a wreath by using battery-operated Christmas lights so you don’t have to worry about needing an outlet to power them. Hang the wreath on a door either inside or outside the apartment.
Decorating your apartment brings the holidays at home
Decorating your apartment in Christmas lights and décor is a lovely way to honor the holiday while bringing light and coziness into our days and nights throughout the season.
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