Chicago, IL (November 13, 2014) – Archbishop Blase J. Cupich will be installed as the Ninth Archbishop of Chicago at an Installation Mass on Tuesday, November 18, at 2 p.m., at Holy Name Cathedral, State and Superior Streets in Chicago. In addition to the Installation Mass, a Liturgy of the Word with Rite of Reception Service will be conducted on Monday, November 17, at 7 p.m., and Prayer Services on Wednesday, November 19, at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. All of the Installation Services will be held at Holy Name Cathedral. Due to the limited seating capacity at the Cathedral, there will be no general public admittance for any of the Installation Services.
The Liturgy of the Word with Rite of Reception of Archbishop Cupich on November 17, at 7 p.m., will include the knock on the Cathedral’s front doors by Archbishop Cupich. The Archbishop will be welcomed into the Cathedral where he will receive the Archdiocesan stole and greet civic, ecumenical, interreligious and official Archdiocesan representatives. Ecumenical guests will include representatives from the Assyrian Church of East, Orthodox Churches, Polish National Catholic
Church, as well as the Anglican and Protestant communities. In addition,religious leaders representing the Jewish, Muslim and Interreligious communities will also take part in the evening celebration. Prior to the service, there will be a procession of representatives from numerous ethnic communities and Archdiocesan parishes.
Cardinal George will preside at the Monday evening Liturgy and Archbishop Cupich will deliver the homily. Among the civic leaders expected to welcome Archbishop Cupich will be Governor Patrick Quinn, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Cook County Board President, Toni Preckwinkle. Also welcoming the new Archbishop will be Dr. Jelena Grčič Polić, the Consulate General of the Republic of Croatia.
Procession to the Sanctuary where the Most Rev. Francis Kane, Archdiocesan Vicar General, will introduce the Representatives who will come forward and greet the Archbishop. The evening prayer service will follow the initial greetings.
On Tuesday, November 18, at 2 p.m., the Installation Mass of Archbishop Cupich as the Ninth Archbishop of Chicago will be celebrated. The Installation Mass will include the reading of the Apostolic Mandate by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Apostolic Nuncio of the United States,followed by the seating of Archbishop Cupich in the cathedra (chair).
Cardinal George will present the crozier to the Archbishop. Archbishop Cupich will preside at the Liturgy and deliver the homily.
Live pool coverage for the Installation Mass will be provided by WGN-TV Channel 9 and televised live. The Installation Mass will also be televised by CBS 2, NBC 5, ABC 7, FOX 32, Telemundo 44, EWTN and in select markets outside the Chicago area on CatholicTV. Relevant Radiowill air a live broadcast of the Installation Mass, courtesy of WGN-TV,on 950 AM, 930 AM and 1270 AM in Chicago.
Archbishop Cupich will preside at Morning Praye with Men and Women Religious and Lay Movements on Wednesday, November 19, at 10 a.m. The Archbishop will also preside at Evening Prayer, beginning at 7 p.m., with Permanent Deacons and their wives, Deacon Candidates and their wives, Deacon Aspirants and their wives and Lay Ecclesial Ministers.
There will be six Welcome Masses for Archbishop Cupich celebrated in the six Archdiocesan Vicariates during January and February, 2015. The dates have been chosen by each Auxiliary Bishop for the 7 p.m. Welcome Masses in their Vicariates.
The current schedule of Welcome Masses is: Thursday, January 8 –
Vicariate V, St. Rita High School, Chicago; Monday, January 12 –
Vicariate III, Site TBD; Tuesday, January 27 – Vicariate VI, Site TBD;
Thursday, February 5 – Vicariate I, Site TBD; Monday, February 9 –
Vicariate IV, Site TBD; and Thursday, February 12 – Vicariate II, St.
John Brebeuf, Niles.