Dan Hynes Campaign Hurting as Pat Quinn Surges In Final Days




The Hynes campaign appears to be in  free-fall following new ABC news revelations that Hynes’ office knew about the Burr Oak scandal of bodies showing up throughout the cemetery as far back as 2003.   Hynes’ competence to lead any public office has been called into question by critics.

At the same time Governor Pat Quinn appears to have all the momentum heading into Tuesday learning and announcing that Illinois will be the epicenter for high speed rail in the midwest creating 6000 new jobs in Illinois.   At the same time Hynes is in full damage-control mode.

While Hynes has been reeling from new ABC news revelations that he knew about Burr Oak Cemetery’s problems as far back as 2003 and that Hynes misled the Cemetery Oversight Task Force,  Governor Pat Quinn has been announcing thousands of new jobs all over Illinois the last days of the campaign with Senator Durbin, Mayor Daley and local officials throughout Illinois.

The Channel 7 revelations suggest that Hynes personally may have misled the Cemetery Oversight Commission about when he first learned about Burr Oak’s grave robbing scandals that have rocked the Governor’s race and thrown a large monkey wrench into the gears of the Hynes campaign.

According to brand new emails released to the public by ABC news, Hynes’ office knew as far back in 2003 that there were bodies being mishandled at the cemetery.

Critics say that Dan Hynes and his staff acted with utter incompetence back in 2003 when he first learned about this scandal and he could have averted six more years of needless cemetery grave robbing with a simple phone call to the police.

Stanislaw, a cemetery worker in the Southwest Side of Chicago, said, “This Dan Hynes guy isn’t competent to run a dog catcher’s office let alone the office of overseeing one single cemetery.  It’s unbelievable that his office knew about Burr Oak’s troubles in 2003 and withheld this information from the public,” said Stanislaw who requested that Polish News withhold his full name.