CHICAGO: Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for the United States President, visited Polish National Alliance (PNA) in Chicago on September 28, 2016. He was invited by Frank Spula, who is the President of PNA and the Polish American Congress in the United States.
Trump met with a two dozen Polish American community leaders, who are presidents of different organizations, in a closed meeting at the PNA headquarters. He had an open discussion about different issues related to the Polish American Community, which is estimated of about 10 million people and to talk about United States – Poland relations.
Rudolph „Rudy” Giuliani, former Mayor of New York City, was the first speaker during this historical event. He expressed appreciation to Chicago first responders: police officers, fire fighters who helped after 9/11 tragedy in New York. He recommended Donald Trump as the best candidate for the United States Presidency.
The next speaker was Frank Spula, President of the PAC and PNA. He appressed appreciation to Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump for coming to Chicago and to invited guests for taking time to attend this important community event.
Donald Trump got warm welcome from the audience. He spoke for 17. minutes during a larger event at PNA to an audience of about 200 Polish American community leaders
Kornelia Krol-President, Polish-American Medical Society in Chicago with Mr. Donald Trump
Taggers left anti-Trump graffiti on the front of the building and nearby sidewalk on the far Northwest Side, although it was cleaned up before the Republican candidate’s visit there and it did not interfere with the main event.
Trump is visiting Chicago for the first time after making multiple references to the city’s soaring murder rate.
During his speech to the Polish American audience, Trump promised to lower taxes and regulations that he says choke small businesses. He referred to previous discussion and statement by Anna Morzy, President of the Polish American Chamber of Commerce and promised to support small business.
’I will be greatest president for jobs that God has ever created,” Trump told the audience.
Donald Trump was respectful during his speech, he made many promises related to creating jobs, supporting economic development, lowering crime in Chicago and across the Nation and to develop good international relations with Poland and others.
Many attendees noticed that Donald Trump was very well prepared for a visit, he knew many facts related to the Polish American Community.
Trump expressed criticism to his democratic rival Hillary, to the current president Obama.
It is worth to remind readers that President Obama visited Warsaw, Poland on July 6-9, 2016 and is very knowledgeable about many issues.
There were number of his political supporters carrying signs. There were other participants who still look for whom to vote, others will support Secretary Clinton.
The Polish National Alliance had to clean up anti-Trump graffiti sprayed on its building and on nearby sidewalk on the far Northwest Side. It was cleaned up before the Republican candidate’s visit there.
Trump visit in PNA was a great example of democratic process when candidates present their vision of the future of America and try to persuade voters to support them. He asked Polish Americans attendees to vote for him during the election on November 8, 2016.
Some of the people that I talked reminded me a few interesting facts about the location that the meeting took place. President George W. Bush Sr. visited at PNA in 1992 as the United States President.
President Reagan landed in his helicopter on PNA grounds in 1984 as the US President. Some of the participants still remember these meetings.
Secretary Clinton has also been invited by the Polish American Congress to present her platform but has yet to accept the offer.
She will visit Chicago on Thursday. President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will visit Chicago in coming days.
The voters on November 8, 2016 will make their decision about US Presidency.
@ Andrew (Andrzej) Mikolajczyk
Photos form Donald Trump visit at PNA: