![Forys-przemawia[1] Dr. Forys](https://polishnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/Forys-przemawia%5B1%5D.jpg)
“We need to immediately expand insurance coverage to this group of people in order to subsidize these companies in a way that reduces their costs, while making it more attractive for them to keep older adults working,” said Dr. Victor Forys.
Medicare is a successful program that has been used to cover senior citizens and there is no reason it can’t be expanded to cover people age fifty to sixty five.
It is far more efficient in providing comprehensive insurance coverage than private insurance is, and for a fraction of the administrative costs.
Dr. Victor Forys said, “This is the best economic stimulus we can provide our middle class families and small and medium sized businesses”
“We can do this right now,” said Dr. Victor Forys.
“Expanding Medicare to cover people age 50 to 65 would provide a far better economic stimulus than bailouts of wall street investment banks,” said Dr. Victor Forys. This would help many main street businesses keep these employees who have higher health insurance costs and in a down economy are the first to be laid off.
“We need less trickle down bailouts and more direct help to small and medium sized businesses,” said Dr. Victor Forys. “This does just that”
“As a small business owner one of my highest expenses in health insurance for my employees. I provide my employees with health insurance but lately businesses are cutting back on what they perceive as an unaffordable luxury,” said Dr. Victor Forys.
Dr. Victor Forys is a small businessman who runs the largest independently owned community health care clinic on the Northwest Side of Chicago catering to working families. At his clinic, Dr. Victor Forys sees many families who lack health insurance and has seen numerous people who have suffered tremendously because they lacked health insurance. Lately he is seeing an epidemic of laid off workers who are over 50 who lack health insurance and can’t get it due to preexisting conditions.
The group at the highest risk of illness, who are the hardest to insure, are people between 50 and 65.
Dr. Victor Forys said, “This is one plan that no one can argue with right now given our economic situation.”
Mike Quigley, Sara Feigenhotz, and John Fritchey all lack specific plans to insure older working adults. These candidates have taken tens of thousands of dollars from insurance and drug companies.
Dr. Victor Forys has taken no money from corporate packs for his campaign. He has run an entirely grassroots campaign funded by working people of the Northwest Side of Chicago.
Early voting exit polls have Dr. Victor Forys in the lead to replace Rahm Emmanuel in Congress.
Please go to www.VictorForUs.com to learn more about his “Prescription for Reform” and grassroots campaign for real change and real reform – not the sloganeering kind.