Durbin introduces resolution to grant posthumous honorary citizenship to Casimir Pulaski

“Casimir Pulaski was a hero of the American Revolution, who gave his life in defense of our country’s freedom,” Mikulski said.  “I am proud to co-sponsor this resolution to pay tribute to Casimir Pulaski and grant him the honorary American citizenship he deserves.”


Benjamin Franklin encountered Pulaski while in Paris and recommended that Washington accept Pulaski as a volunteer in the American Calvary.  Washington elevated Pulaski to Brigadier General of the American Cavalry on September 15, 1777—just four days after Pulaski saved Washington’s life and averted defeat at the Battle of Brandywine.  In 1779, he fought the British in Charleston, South Carolina and Savannah, Georgia.  It was as a result of his actions in Savannah that he died.


Pulaski has been honored throughout our nation’s history.  In September, 1929, Congress designated October 11 as Pulaski Day to be observed by Presidential Proclamation; it also authorized the Post Office to issue a Pulaski commemorative stamp.  In 1973, Illinois designated the first Monday of March as Pulaski Commemorative day in Illinois and in 1986 declared the day to be a state holiday.

U.S. Representative Daniel Lipinski has sponsored an identical measure in the U.S. House of Representatives.  This Joint Resolution would need to pass the House and Senate, as well as be signed by the President, to grant Pulaski posthumous honorary citizenship.  Durbin hopes to secure Senate passage of the legislation as soon as possible.


Only six people have ever been declared honorary citizens of the United States.  British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was the first in 1963 and Marquis de la Fayette, a Frenchman who supported the American Revolution, was the last in 2002.  The others were Swedish diplomat and Holocaust hero Raoul Wallenberg in 1981, Pennsylvania co-founder and governor William Callowhill Penn and his wife Hannah—a Pennsylvania administrator—in 1984, and Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu—better known as Mother Teresa—in 1996.


Durbin sponsored similar legislation in the 110th Congress that passed the Senate but failed to pass the House of Representatives.
