Experts of Polish Parliamentary Group to Investigate causes of the Smolensk presidential plane crash of April 10th 2012.


Meeting and Discussion with
Boeing aircraft structural designer W. Berczynski PhD,
and with physicist K. Nowaczyk PhD,

experts of Polish Parliamentary Group to Investigate causes of the
Smolensk presidential plane crash of April 10th 2012.

Boeing and Bombardier aircraft structural design engineer W. Berczynski PhD challenges results in official Russian and Polish reports concerning Polish Air Force One Crash.

“A world-famous aviation expert, Waclaw Berczynski PhD, shows in a clear way that the Tu-154 M could not have fallen to thousands of pieces after hitting the birch tree.  According to him, despite losing a part of the wing, the plane should have safety flown to the airport in Smolensk.”

“Waclaw Berczynski PhD: Strong internal force made the Tu-154M disintegrate in the air”

“From the very beginning it seemed to me that it was quite improbable that the plane, falling from the altitude of approximately 20 m at the speed of nearly 270 km/h had fallen apart in this way. According to all the versions of the events (i.e. the reports of the MAK and of Miller’s Committee) everything was all right until the plane was 20 meters above the ground. There was no failure.
Then something unimaginable happened.
   The machine fell to thousands of pieces,” says Waclaw Berczynski PhD.”

“Only an explosion could have caused tearing out dozens of clinches connecting the construction of the wing of the governmental TU-154 plane,” stresses Waclaw Berczynski PhD, an engineer, expert and constructor working for the Boeing company.”
 Explosion inside the TU-154 plane – the key evidence

Smolensk victims’ lungs were destroyed
In the medical documentation there is also a description of a short-term but very strong activity of fire, which can be a proof of a thermal wave in action.

In October of 2012, nearly 100 scientist from  the United StatesAustralia and Poland participated in a multi-disciplinary scientific conference
dedicated to the analysis of the causes of the Polish Air Force One crash.
Conference results challenged the official Russian and Polish reports.

Links to the Internet pages on the Smolensk tragedy and Katyn genocide: