Meeting and Discussion with
Boeing aircraft structural designer W. Berczynski PhD,
and with physicist K. Nowaczyk PhD,
experts of Polish Parliamentary Group to Investigate causes of the Smolensk presidential plane crash of April 10th 2012.
Boeing and Bombardier aircraft structural design engineer W. Berczynski PhD challenges results in official Russian and Polish reports concerning Polish Air Force One Crash.
„A world-famous aviation expert, Waclaw Berczynski PhD, shows in a clear way that the Tu-154 M could not have fallen to thousands of pieces after hitting the birch tree. According to him, despite losing a part of the wing, the plane should have safety flown to the airport in Smolensk.”
„Waclaw Berczynski PhD: Strong internal force made the Tu-154M disintegrate in the air”
„From the very beginning it seemed to me that it was quite improbable that the plane, falling from the altitude of approximately 20 m at the speed of nearly 270 km/h had fallen apart in this way. According to all the versions of the events (i.e. the reports of the MAK and of Miller’s Committee) everything was all right until the plane was 20 meters above the ground. There was no failure.
Then something unimaginable happened. The machine fell to thousands of pieces,” says Waclaw Berczynski PhD.”
„Only an explosion could have caused tearing out dozens of clinches connecting the construction of the wing of the governmental TU-154 plane,” stresses Waclaw Berczynski PhD, an engineer, expert and constructor working for the Boeing company.”
Explosion inside the TU-154 plane – the key evidence http://freepl.info/2488-explosion-inside-tu-154-plane-key-evidence
Smolensk victims’ lungs were destroyed http://freepl.info/3803-smolensk-victims-lungs-were-destroyed
In the medical documentation there is also a description of a short-term but very strong activity of fire, which can be a proof of a thermal wave in action.
In October of 2012, nearly 100 scientist from the United States, Australia and Poland participated in a multi-disciplinary scientific conference
dedicated to the analysis of the causes of the Polish Air Force One crash.
Conference results challenged the official Russian and Polish reports.
Links to the Internet pages on the Smolensk tragedy and Katyn genocide:
- Smolensk Crash – The Rejected Truth Materials on the public hearing in the European Parliament, Brussels, organized by the European Conservatives and Reformists Group, individual MEPs and The 2010 Katyn Families Association. Hearing was held on Wednesday, 28 March 2012.
- American and Polish experts forming part of the Parliamentary Group under Antoni Macierewicz have reconstructed the course of events during the last seconds of the flight in which 96 Poles died, including the President, his wife and the supreme commanders of the Polish armed forces. The public hearing did set out results of parallel tests carried out by American and Polish experts. The conclusions reached by the scientists in Poland and the United States working independently from each other are in agreement.
- Smolensk Crash – The Rejected Truth – NEWS
- Public Hearing in the EU Parliament – Marta Kochanowska Testimonial by Marta Kochanowska, the daughter of late Janusz Kochanowski, the Spokesman for Civic Rights (Ombudsman) – one of the victims of the crash.
- Press Booklet – March 2012
- Smolensk Pattern Threatens International Aviation by MARIA SZONERT BINIENDA, ESQ. The safety and security of international aviation will remain in jeopardy, if the circumstances and causes of the Smolensk crash remain concealed. There are several key reasons why a new investigation into the Smolensk crash shall be carried out: The Cause Predetermined, Undue Influence, Investigation Standards Violated, Wrong Conclusions; Violations of Human Rights.
- Case Western Reserve University’s Journal of International Law (Volume 44 Number 3 2012) – KATYN This issue of the Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law highlights case study on how to effectively redress the Katyn forest massacre.
- In 1940, over 22,000 Polish officers, prisoners of war, and members of the Polish elite were slain in the Polish forest known as Katyn. Initially, the Soviet Union blamed the Nazis for the massacre. In 1990, the Russian government finally admitted that the Soviet government had been responsible for the Katyn killings. On the seventieth anniversary of the Katyn massacre, 10th of April 2010, tragedy struck again as the plane carrying Polish President Lech Kaczynski and ninety-five other high level Polish officials and VIPs crashed in western Russia while en route to the Katyn memorial services. During the late twentieth century, various Russian and American committees investigated the Katyn massacre. In the U.S., the Madden Committee ultimately recommended proceedings against the Soviet Union before the International Court of Justice. [more ….]
- April 2010 crash of Polish Air Force One TU-154 in Smolensk, Russia – Youtube video Video shows how Russians destroyed evidence. Read description on the Youtube, check posted links
- Two Explosions On Board of the Polish Government Plane Before the Crash „Official Polish & Russian Crash Reports Analyzed by Kazimierz Nowaczyk, Ph.D. – The Official Polish & Russian Crash Reports Debunked by Scientists. Analysis of the inconsistencies in the official reports.
- Polish President’s Plane Crash Analysis „Russian Image Management” By Eugene Poteat a retired senior CIA officer,
- Independent Tests Confirm Presence of Explosives, Tomasz Sakiewicz, the Editor in Chief of Poland’s leading opposition newspaper „Gazeta Polska”, goes on record: „The Polish president [Lech Kaczynski] was murdered!”, What they said about Polish President’s Plane Crash…, List of passengers on Polish plane.
- „The Death of a President”: A detailed chronology of events leading to the death of President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski, and Polish Government Delegation near Smolensk, Russia, on April 10, 2010, and its aftermath .
- Evidence: Tragic Polish Flight Was No Accident – A Retired CIA Officer Makes His Case (Charleston Mercury)
- Exclusive Interview – prof. Michael Baden – English version „The Independent Interview” – Aleksandra Rybinska. Renowned american forensic pathologist prof. Michael Baden explains the errors committed during the Russian investigation of the crash of the Polish Air Force Tupolev on April 10th, 2010 in Smolensk. According to prof. Baden the autopsies of the 96 victims of the crash have not been conducted properly.
- Suspicious Circumstances Surround Kaczynski Plane Crash (The American Mercury)
- CTV News coverage of the Public Rally organized by Solidarity 2010 and Polish Community in Ottawa to commemorate 2nd anniversary of 2010 Smolensk Tragedy.
- Homeland Security News Wire: Study challenges Russian investigation of Smolensk plane crash
- A new study by a team of experts of the 10 April 2010 plane crash near Smolensk, Russia, in which the Polish president, his wife, nine NATO generals and others were killed, raises pointed questions about the conclusions of the official Russian investigation into the incident, and points to contradictions and discrepancies in the report. [more… „HomelandSecurityNewsWire.com”]
- Public rally on the Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Saturday April 14, 2012 organized by Solidarity 2010 and Polish Community in Ottawa to commemorate 2nd anniversary of 2010 Smolensk Tragedy.
- Cleveland, Ohio: University of Akron engineering professor raises doubts about jet crash that killed Poland’s president
- The 2010 jet crash that killed Poland’s president, first lady and dozens of dignitaries during a politically sensitive visit to Russia couldn’t have happened the way official investigations say, a University of Akron engineering professor’s analysis shows. Wieslaw Binienda’s findings, based on computer modeling software that NASA used to analyze the space shuttle Columbia’s destruction, are causing ripples in his native Poland, where there is simmering distrust of the formal rulings that the crash was accidental. more… „cleveland.com”]
- Breaking news: „Polish Governmental Plane did not crash as previously reported!” Brief from the conference held in Ottawa on February 3-4, 2012.
- Freedom and Truth – The Speach that was never delivered Undelievred speech prepared by Lech Kaczynski, the President of Poland, for the celebrations scheduled for 10th April 2010
- Misconceptions – Let’s get things straight! Since the first moments after the crash, various efforts were made to cloud the truth about the causes and the course of events of the crash. Here’s a brief list.
- Injuries typical of an explosion. Documents reveal internally damaged lungs amongst victims Prof. Michael Baden, a world-known anatomic pathologist: Injuries typical of an explosion.
- TNT after all On the 5th December, Military investigators admitted to Members of Parliament during a sitting of the Justice Committee that detectors traced TNT in the wreckage of the plane.
- Polish Committee for the Investigation of National Aviation Accidents in contradiction of aviation law The Polish committee investigating the circumstances of the Smolensk crash was created and operated pursuant to provisions that are contradictory to aviation law. With the Miller’s committee being illegal, its final report has no legal basis.