Get Polish citizenship and study in Poland!

 Have you just obtained the Polish Citizenship Certification or maybe you haven’t decided yet? Are you young, motivated and ready to discover Polish culture? If the answer is yes, it is the best moment to think about

the upcoming opportunities. Considering studies in the country of your ancestors you should definitely get a brief overview of the Polish higher education system.

Poland offers a range of universities providing a high level of education. Most of the fields of studies apply 3 traditional stages such as: bachelor (BA), master (MA) and doctor (PhD). The titles are however dependent
on the field of studies. It takes usually 3-3.5 years to accomplish the first stage – bachelor (pl. licencjat, inżynier), then you can continue applying for the master studies (1,5- 2 years). The more ambitious ones can carry
on with the PhD, which duration is dependent on the case.

The academic year includes 2 semesters beginning in October and ending in June/July. The knowledge is evaluated in the end of every each, additionally including the results from the courses. The evaluation scale starts with 2
which is failing and ends up with 5 (very good). Most of the courses are taught in the Polish language that is why the foreigners willing to apply in terms of the Polish students must be proficient in Polish. If you have doubts
when it comes to validation of diploma check the website: (

The oldest and recognized to be a prestigious university in Poland is Jagiellonian University in Krakow, where also located is our office. The university was founded in 1364 and it is recognized to be one of the oldest universities
in the world and one of the best universities in Poland. The university consist of 15 departments including Collegium Medicum. Among noble figures who graduated from Jagiellonian University we can distinguish: Nicolaus Copernicus, Pope John Paul II, Norman Davies or the current president of Poland: Andrzej Duda. You can chose either technical studies or social science studies. The choice is yours.

According to the survey, the best universities in Poland are: Jagiellonian University, University of Warsaw, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Warsaw University of Technology and AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow.

Polish Citizenship Certification enables you to study in Poland as non-foreigner which means that you have a chance to study for free at any public Polish university, providing that you fulfill all the recruitment conditions. The current data indicates that there are 46 thousands foreign students at Polish universities which is 3.1 % of the whole.

This year Polish universities received people from 153 countries from all 7 continents!
If you would like to start the Polish Citizenship Certification Procedure contact our office.

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31-523 Kraków
Tel: (+48) 12 418 4004
Mobile: 796 796 185
Skype: Lex Polonia