Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias

Giannoulias: Let’s get back to work

Statement from Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias

Treasurer Alexi GiannouliasThe Illinois Senate took the appropriate and responsible step to unseat the Governor who squandered his opportunities to help the people of Illinois and flagrantly abused his power for personal gain.

The former Governor’s tenure was marred by ethical abuses, political infighting, legislative gridlock and grandstanding at the great expense of people in need.

But today marks a new beginning. For the first time in six years, we will have a Governor who values collaboration over combativeness and public service over lip service.

You can characterize the former Governor’s problems and legal issues many ways. But more than anything, the events during the past month have served as a distraction from the business of the state.


Dr Vivtor Forys w towarzystwie Polonijnych biznesmenów

Dr. Forys celebrował inauguracje Prezydenta Obamy ze swoimi zwolennikami w Martini Club

Okolo stu osób celebrowało z Dr. Forysiem Inauguracje Baracka Obamy jako 44. prezydenta Stanów Zjednocoznych w nowo otwartym klubie „Martini  Club” przy ulicy Central Ave. w Chicago.


Dzięki zwycięstwu Baracka Obamy w kampanii na prezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych i zaproszeniu Rahma Emanuela do kierowania kancelarią Białego Domu, zwolniło się miejsce w Kongresie w 5. okregu wyborczym w Chicago.

Dr Vivtor Forys w towarzystwie Polonijnych biznesmenów


Brak grafiki

Sister Cities International Breakfast with Mayor Daley

Mayor Richard M. Daley and Mrs. Maggie Daley meet with members of the Chicago Sister Cities Board and Executive committee as well as special guests during an International Breakfast hosted by the Chicago Sister Cities International Program on Thursday, January 15, 2009 in downtown Chicago.

“Urban centers are where the greatest concentrations of people will be living during the 21st Century. We must make cultural connections and expand our working relationships with global partners so we can continue to collaborate for the long-term,” said Mayor Daley. “The future well-being of cities like Chicago depends to a large degree on how we plan for and deal with that global inter-connection.”



Opłatek Związku Lekarzy Polskich w Chicago – już po raz dwudziesty!

W niedzielę 11 stycznia 2009 r. w Jezuickim Ośrodku Milenijnym odbył się jubileuszowy dwudziesty Opłatek Związku Lekarzy Polskich w Chicago. Wzięli w nim udział lekarze-członkowie ZLP, ich rodziny oraz sympatycy Związku. Na Opłatek przybyli prezes Związku Narodowego Polskiego i Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej Franciszek Spula oraz byli prezesi ZLP dr Władysław Cebulski i dr Józef Mazurek.

[caption id="attachment_27727" align="alignnone" width="600"]Grupa uczestników Opłatka ZLP w Chicago. Jezuicki Ośrodek Milenijny. 11 stycznia 2009. Grupa uczestników Opłatka ZLP w Chicago. Jezuicki Ośrodek Milenijny. 11 stycznia 2009.[/caption]

Spotkanie opłatkowe rozpoczęto Mszą świętą, którą celebrował ojciec superior Stanisław Czarnecki, jezuita. Nabożeństwo uświetnił koncert dr. Krzysztofa Kubika, tenora, przy akompaniamencie (organy) Janusza Pliwki z Kabaretu „Bocian”. Uczestnicy spotkania wysłuchali następujących utworów: Stradella – Pieta Signore (j. włoski), Haendel – recitativo i aria z opery Serse „Ombra mai fu” (j. włoski), Gounod – Ave Maria (łacina) oraz Adam – O holy night/Cantique de Noel (j. angielski). Podczas Mszy św. Słowo Boże czytali dr Ewa Kiljańska-Buch oraz dr Bronisław Orawiec. Modlitwę odczytała mgr Wanda Roycewicz.


Dr. Forys

Dr. Victor Forys Files Over 3,000 Signatures To Get On Democratic Ballot For The Congressional Special Election

Dr. Victor ForysChicago, IL Friday, January 16, 2009– Dr. Victor Forys today filed over 3,000 signatures to get on the Democratic ballot in the Special Election in the 5th Congressional District. 

“Over the last few days over a hundred volunteers were out in horrible weather to gather the signatures needed for our campaign to get on the Democratic ballot,” said Dr. Victor Forys. “I am very thankful for all of their work and their support for our campaign to reform health care and get our economy back on track.” 

Since the Special Election was announced, over a hundred Forys For Congress volunteers have been out gathering signatures; going to voters’ doors, at grocery stores, at bus and train stops throughout the 5th District. This morning, the Forys campaign turned in over 3,000 signatures to the State Board of Elections in Springfield.



Udany wiec poparcia dla dr Forysia

Frank Spula, Podhalanie, studenci, biznesy spontaniczne popierają  kandydaturę dr Forysia do Kongresu.

Forys Kilkaset osób uczestniczyło w wiecu politycznym na rzecz poparcia Dr. Victora Forysia jako polonijnego kandydata do Kongresu w 5. Okręgu wyborczym w Chicago. Wiec miał miejsce w salach bankietowych “White Eagle” Niles, k. Chicago.

Wśród mówców byli ks. Tadeusz Dzieszko, który wystapił jako przyjaciel kandydata, którego zna od wielu lat; Marek Dobrzycki, radny Harwood Heights, Frank Spula, prezes Związku Narodowego Polskiego i Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej. Mówców przedstawiła Alina Mikolajczyk.


Dr. Forys

Dr. Victor Forys Responds to Attacks by Career Springfield Politician Feigenholtz

Dr. Forys Chicago, IL – Dr. Victor Forys, Democratic candidate in the 5th Congressional District Special Election, today released the following statement in response to comments by one of his opponents in CQ Politics. 

“Apparently Representative Feigenholtz is happy with the current state of affairs in Illinois – where millions lack health insurance and campaign finance corruption abounds, said Dr. Victor Forys. “It is no surprise that there has been no progress in Illinois when it comes to providing everyone with decent health insurance.” 

CQ Politics: “Feigenholtz said she is not overly worried about the competition — on both the fundraising and health care policy fronts — that she is drawing from Victor Forys, a physician and political newcomer who reports having raised close to $160,000.  “I’m sure he’s a fabulous doctor, but I’m not sure he understands what it means to be in office,” she said. “I question his ability, with no experience in the public sector and political process, to be an impact player as quickly as someone like me, who’s been around for a long time.”



Dr. Forys

Otwarcie Biura Wyborczego Polonijnego Kandydata

Dr. Foryś zyskuje coraz większe poparcie Polonii. Zebrał $ 160,000 w grudniu

Dr. Forys W sobotę, 3 stycznia 2009 miało miejsce otwarcie  biura wyborczego Dr. Victora Forysia, polonijnego kandydata do Kongresu Stanów Zjednoczonych w 5. okręgu wyborczym w Chicago.

W otwarciu biura uczestniczyło wielu przedstawicieli środowiska polonijnego, także przedstawiciele środowisk imigracyjnych z Indii, Pakistanu oraz inni. Wśród  znanych działaczy polonijnych: Marek Dobrzycki, radny z miasteczka Harwood Heights, Bogdan Stefański,  Edward Cyran, zabiegający o poprawę sytuacji polonijnych emerytów, Anna Klocek, była kandydatka na radną Chicago.

Biuro mieści się pod adresem: 5206 W. Lawrence Avenue, około pół mili na wschód od Fundacji Kopernikowskiej.

Zehra Quadri, znana działaczka  pochodzenia hinduskiego, powiedziała w rozmowie ze mną, że popiera Dr. Forysia dlatego, że jest on imigrantem i rozumie potrzeby innych imigrantów takich jak ona, czy jej rodacy z Indii, Pakistanu czy imigranci z innych regionów świata. 


Dr. Forys

Dr. Forys for Congress Raises over $160,000 in one month

Forys (Chicago- January 3th , 2009). Victor Forys, M.D., candidate for congress in the fifth congressional district, today announced having raised over $160,000 by the reporting deadline which was December 31st, placing him in the top three candidates in terms of fundraising for the special election to be held to replace Rahm Emmanuel in Congress.

Dr. Forys’s web site is  

His campaign is about reforming health care, immigration, and our economy.  In light of the recent troubles Illinois’s Governor is facing, what better person to send to Washington D.C. than a professional business owner, rather than some other professional politician.

In addition Dr. Forys announced his campaign team – a group of seasoned political veterans from Illinois and Washington DC.



Home Modification Brings Independence to Hundreds

Governor Blagojevich Announces $2 Million in Grants to Help Persons with Disabilities Stay in Their Own Homes


Logo CHICAGO – Illinois is investing an additional $2 million to support the Home Modification Program, a statewide program that adds ramps, chair lifts and other features to homes so low-income seniors and residents with disabilities can continue to live in their communities, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today announced. The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA), a state agency dedicated to creating and preserving affordable housing, will allocate the grant money to 14 non-profit organizations and public agencies around the state to administer the program.


“Providing increased mobility, such as adding ramps, rails, chairlifts and other improvements to their homes, helps Illinoisans with special needs and empowers them by giving them the opportunity to live in community settings,” said Governor Blagojevich. “This program is vital to helping people on limited incomes maintain the independence that many take for granted.”
