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BUFFALO, N.Y. — In honor of Veteran’s Day and the men and women who have served our country, the Polish American Journal is giving away –through the generosity of the newspaper’s patrons — over $1000 in cash and prizes to high school students who submit an essay on the topic: “Why I Think the United States Postal Service Should Issue a Stamp Commemorating Lt. Col. Matthew Urban.


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Mitt Romney’s speech at Republican National Convention 2012

Full transcript of Mitt Romney’s speech at Republican National Convention 2012

Here is the full transcript of the speech that presidential candidate Mitt Romney prepared to deliver tonight at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, where he accepted his party’s nomination to thunderous applause:


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Most Americans See Afghan War as Not Reducing Threat of Terrorism

U.S. Army photo
by Lt. Benjamin Addison

A majority of Americans do not think the war in Afghanistan has reduced the threat of terrorism. However, this does not lead Americans to want to withdraw immediately, nor to persist indefinitely in the effort. Majorities express comfort with President Obama’s plan to gradually withdraw U.S. troops between now and the end of 2014. These are some of the findings in a newly updated digest of U.S. polls on violent conflict.


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Polish Rural Epic wins Pen Translation Prize


New York, August 31, 2012 —The Polish Cultural Institute New York congratulates Bill Johnston, winner of the 2012 PEN Translation Prize for Wiesław Myśliwski’s novel, Stone Upon Stone (New York: Archipelago Books, 2012).  The Polish Cultural Institute New York has organized a discussion of the book at the Mid-Manhattan Library of the NYPL at 8 pm, September 27, 2012 as part of the European Book Club series.


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Ryan: Romney won’t ‘duck tough issues’ on economy

TAMPA, Fla. — Seizing the Republican National Convention spotlight, vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan welcomed “the calling of my generation” to help lead the country in tough times Wednesday night and pledged that Mitt Romney will not duck the difficult decisions needed to repair the economy if he gains the White House this fall.


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Spowiedź Pfizera

Największy koncern farmaceutyczny świata opowiedział przed sądem w USA o tym, jak dawał w Rosji i jeszcze 11 krajach, łapówki urzędnikom i lekarzom.

 Pozew przeciwko Pfizer złożyła amerykańska Komisja Papierów Wartościowych (SEC). Koncern zgodził się zapłacić 60,2 mln dol. kary za nieuczciwe praktyki prowadzenia biznesu za granicą. Amerykańska ustawa o walce z korupcją zakazuje firmom zarejestrowanym w USA dawania łapówek tak w kraju jak i za granicą.


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„Quo Vadis”- Konferencja Młodych Liderów

Ostatni weekend sierpnia upłynie w Chicago pod hasłem konferencji dla młodych liderów i działaczy polonijnych „Quo Vadis”. 

Ideą konferencji Quo Vadis, organizowanej od 2009 roku, jest spotkanie, szkolenie i nawiązywanie współpracy wśród młodych liderów i działaczy polonijnych (w wieku 18-35 lat).


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Tragedy in Colorado

Dear MoveOn member,

We all woke up to the tragic news of the killing of at least 12 people and the wounding of many more at a late-night screening of the new Batman movie in Colorado.

Reports indicate that the disturbed individual who committed this horrifying act had a bulletproof vest, used some kind of gas canister, and had multiple guns when he opened fire in the crowded theater.1 A three-month-old is among the injured.2


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The art of smart power

The following op-ed written by Secretary Clinton appears in New Statesman:

As the balance of world power shifts, the US is developing a novel range of diplomatic, social, economic, political and security tools to fix the world’s complex new geopolitical problems.
