Marriage to Jan Zamoyski
In 1659 he advanced his political career and became elected as a representative to the Diet. He participated in the Diet commsion on Ukraininan affairs.
The end of the Swedish deluge in 1660 was simultaneous with the beginning of the war with
Sobieski proved to be very courageous in battles In one of them, the Russians killed two horses under him. Not only did he survive, but his contribution to the victory was tremendous.
When the war ended, the internal problems escalated and
The plans of Polish King Jan Kazimierz were met with strong protests in
In the spider web; the Queen and her dame
Sobieski, like other magnates, was more than happy to take French money. At first he received 4,800 livres from the Queen Maria Luisa. Then she added another 8,000 and finally made a generous payment of 20,000 livres. Sobieski’s appetite for cash might seem weird, because even before receiving the money, he had a nice, profitable estate worth several million in local currency. It should be explained that the magnates of the time rarely had cash, even if their estates brought tremendous profits, for the profit was mostly in crops and livestock.
The Queen perceived Sobeski as a prominent magnate and outstanding soldier and wanted his support in her plans to improve the economic and social situation of
As it happened, Sobieski took residence in Jaworowo, very close to the Zamoyski estate and started corresponding with Marysienka Zamoyski. Initially, they only exchanged their experiences about estate management and advised each other on agricultural matters. Marysienka wanted to know about the
Sobieski, who was not used to any resistance from females, tried to cross the boundaries of friendship. Mrs. Zamoyski ardently protested and did not let him have his way. In one of her letters, she advised him that their friendship should remain “pure and innocent”.
In their correspondence dating from 1660 Maria Kazimiera shared her everyday sorrows and joys with Sobieski. She complained about her husband’s drinking and his violent behavior. “It has been three days that I have stayed in bed, sick of my husband’s drunken brawl” read one of her letters. The rows between the husband and wife were, in fact, quite serious. During one of them, Marysienka did not hesitate to grab a sword and threaten to use it against her husband. She did that in order to save the life of her servant, whom Zamoyski wanted to kill.
Several months after she gave birth to her daughter Kasia, Mrs. Zamoyski shared details on the girl’s health with Sobieski. She wrote that the girl was so weak that it was necessary to mix her food with warm beer, to increase its nutritious value.
“Mother” also became a self-acclaimed authority on her “son’s” love affairs. When she found out about the fire on Sobieski’s estate that destroyed his baths and resulted in horrible deaths of several young sex servants, an upset Marysienka wrote him an angry letter. She reminded Sobieski that poor women took exile at his Jaworowo estate in order to protect themselves from the atrocities of the Ukrainian civil war. Instead of protection, they experienced exploitation and eventual death. “Be careful,” – the indignant French beauty wrote – “so they would not sing about you again for taking foreign girls as lovers.” Such instructions show clearly that the young magnate had a rather excessive erotic life. Similar to Marysienka’s first husband, Sobieski had his own harem, full to capacity. He often exchanged girls – replacing the older ones with younger and more exotic females.