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STUDIO PRÓB 2008 / 2009


Szkoła i Fundacja Andrzeja Wajdy ogłaszają nabór na półtoraroczny kurs fabularny „Studio Prób”. Zgłoszenia należy przysyłać do 30 listopada 2008

Kurs będzie podzielony na dwa etapy: w pierwszym (4 miesiące) weźmie udział 15-20 uczestników, w drugim (12 miesięcy) 6-8 uczestników. Zajęcia rozpoczną się w lutym 2009 r. Kurs będzie trwać półtora roku. Zgodnie z zasadą „od pomysłu do realizacji” uczestnicy rozwijają zgłoszone projekty filmów pełnometrażowych lub półgodzinnych i na II etapie kręcą dwie sceny ze swoich scenariuszy.

Wykładowcami i opiekunami “Studia Prób” są: Andrzej Wajda, Wojciech Marczewski, Edward Żebrowski, Joanna Krauze i Denijal Hasanović oraz zaproszeni inni wybitni polscy filmowcy.



Stawiam kabałę litewską

Moja wiedza, opiera się na kartach

Kabala Przed wiekami, mieszkańcy Dalekiego Wschodu rozwinęli unikalny rodzaj pracy z ludzkim ciałem, łączący zasady akupresury, rozciągania, refleksologii, medycyny ziołowej, medytacji i modlitwy. Medytacja, poprzedzona interpretacją kart kabały litewskiej, jest najbardziej pierwotną formą porozumiewania się ludzi z energiami otaczającego nas kosmosu. Jest ona oparta na technikach kumulowania myśli, co działa uzdrawiająco na każdym poziomie jej działania, zarówno tym fizycznym, psychicznym, jak też i duchowym.

Wiedza na temat fizjologii ludzkiego ciała, jest mi bardzo dobrze znana, zatem chcę uczynić wszystko, by przychodzić z pomocą osobom uskarżającym się na różne dolegliwości bólowe, jak też i na te związane z ich duchowością – mówi pani Joanna Tomczyk, wróżka i kabalarka. Najmniejszą nawet pomoc, okazaną moim klientom uważam za swój duży sukces, ponieważ przynoszę im ulgę w cierpieniu, podnosząc ich wiarę we własne siły na odpowiedni poziom. Zanim jednak przystąpię do leczenia, rozkładam moim pacjentom kabałę z kart litewskich – relacjonuje pani Tomczyk. Karty te, są mi niezmiernie bliskie i drogie, ponieważ potrafią one bezbłędnie wskazać źródło chorób i wszelkich nie domagań u proszących mnie o pomoc ludzi. Karty kabały litewskiej, potrafią skrupulatnie sprecyzować, co jest przyczyną złego stanu zdrowia mojego pacjenta, a także potrafią też mi podpowiedzieć, co robić, by jak najszybciej on uzyskał pomoc- mówi Joanna.


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Barcelona Dance Award

Call for Dance Schools/Groups

Interested in performing in Europe?

Dear Choreographers/Directors/Dancers friends and colleagues,

The Directors of Barcelona Dance Awards, present the 20th International Competitions and invite your dance group to performing and teaching at the most  prestigious dance events in Europe the next 09 season.

BARCELONA DANCE AWARD – from 9th to 13th April 2009 in Barcelona (SPAIN) and from 18th to 22nd June 2009 in Italy and in th end of june in Paris (France).


Fritz's Polka Band

Fritz’s Polka Band Returns to Franklin Hotel for Oktoberfest!!!

Jagermeister-sponsored, Fritz’s Polka Band (FPB) from Verona, NY, will return to the Franklin Hotel (301 South James St.) in Rome, NY on Sunday, October 5th from 1pm to 5pm for the Franklin Hotel‘s annual Oktoberfest celebration.  This event is open to both adults and children.

Fritz's Polka Band

“It’ll be great to return to the Franklin Hotel again for Oktoberfest,” said Fritz Scherz, band leader of Fritz’s Polka Band.  “We’ve been playing this event for quite a few years, and it’s always fun, as the Franklin Hotel is known for their great food!  Plus, the Veschio family (owners of the Franklin Hotel) sure throw a festive Oktoberfest!”



Z okazji 70-tych Urodzin Beaty Tyszkiewicz

Dla sympatyków i fanów twórczości Pani Beaty AAA Profesjonalne Filmowanie i Fotografia – Chicago Mariusz Moscicki

Prezentuje film:

„Tego Pytania Usłyszeć Nie Chciałam?

W rolach głównych:

Katarzyna Borys

Beata Tyszkiewicz i Radosław Pazura


Mariusz Marek Moscicki


Seal of the State of Illinois

Governor Blagojevich Urges Notification of Voting Rights to Illinoisans Displaced by Foreclosure

Letter sent to Illinois State Board of Elections, urges action and public notice to residents who have filed for a change of address

Seal of the State of Illinois CHICAGO – In a push to make sure no citizen loses their vote in November, Governor Rod Blagojevich today urged the Illinois Board of Elections to seek out and notify eligible Illinoisans of their voting rights if they have lost their homes through foreclosure.  According to the New York Times more than one million Americans have lost their homes through foreclosure in the last two years, and many of them are still registered to vote at the address of their previous home.

“The foreclosure crisis in our state has many devastating consequences, which is why we need to do everything possible to lessen and ease the impact on families.  Proactive steps are needed, such as informing these Illinoisans of their options with respect to voting,” wrote Gov. Blagojevich.  “I urge the Board of Elections take appropriate, but quick, steps to ensure that those Illinoisans who have regrettably been uprooted due to a foreclosure action on their homes be apprised of their voting rights, and advised on the steps they should step to make sure they can vote in the upcoming election.”


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Skokie Public Library to Receive National Medal for Museum and Library Service at White House Ceremony

Skokie, IL First Lady Laura Bush will award Skokie Public Library the 2008 National Medal for Museum and Library Service, the nation’s highest honor for museums and libraries, at a White House ceremony on October 7. Each year, the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), in coordination with the White House, awards the national medal to five libraries and five museums that have helped make their communities better places to live. Each winner also receives a $10,000 award.

Skokie Public Library received the medal for:

– Founding and continuing cosponsor ship of the annual Skokie Festival of Cultures, which provides two days of ethnic foods, music, dance, crafts, fun cultural activities for kids, and a chance for integral community development

– The Library’s multilingual Web site and reading, visual, and audio materials

– Presenting the Young Steinway Concert Series, now in its 27th year, which provides valuable performing experience for exceptionally talented youth and free concerts for the community 



Chicago Public Library Celebrates Polish American Heritage Month with Free Programs and Events

The Chicago Public Library’s “Celebrating Diversity” campaign continues with the observance of Polish American Heritage Heritage Month, October 1 to October 31, 2008. Throughout the month, the Chicago Public Library will feature a variety of programs that focus on Polish culture, traditions and the contributions Polish people have made to society.

The Chicago Public Library’s opening program for Polish American Heritage Month will be held on Thursday, October 2, 2008, at 7:00 p.m., at the

Austin-Irving Branch

6100 W. Irving Park Rd.

(312) 744-6222.


Polska - Poland

Moscow Remains Way

Moscow Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, struck a surprisingly conciliatory tone during talks in Warsaw, but reiterated the Kremlin’s opposition to plans for a US missile defence system on Polish soil.

The visit, the first to an EU member state by a senior Russian official since Russia’s war with Georgia in August, comes on top of growing tension over Warsaw’s deal with Washington for 10 interceptor missiles in the north of the country. “We don’t see any threat from Poland,” Lavrov told reporters after meeting with his Polish counterpart, Radoslaw Sikorski.


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Polska - Poland

Tusk Promises Euro in 2011

Prime Minister Donald Tusk delivered a shock pledge this week that the country would adopt the euro by the end of 2011, sending the zloty soaring against the euro and opening the door to what may be a major political and diplomatic battle.

“Our goal is 2011 – it’s a goal of our government,” Tusk said during opening remarks at the Economic Forum in Krynica. “It’s a difficult task, but it’s possible,” he added. Polish governments have over the past few years avoided a clear declaration on the date of the adoption of the euro, even though a pledge to adopt the single currency is included in Poland’s treaty of accession to the European Union.
