Polish Wedding
Polish Tradition

Polish traditions at your next family wedding.

Polish Wedding By Robert Strybel
From time to time I receive inquiries from all over North America about Polish wedding traditions. They come not only from Polish Americans wishing to satisfy their ethnic curiosity, but also from couples who would like to incorporate certain elements of their Polish heritage in the scenario of their big day. The complete Polish country wedding of yesterday would be difficult to revive in today’s America, since it comprised elaborate match-making customs, dowries, hope chests and other antiquated practices. Occasionally, however, mock Polish weddings are staged here and there across Polonia as pageants in order to re-enact all the quaint old traditions.

At a Polish wedding, the bride’s father does not give his daughter away at church — she’s not a piece of property! 

What is important is the parental blessing which takes place at the home of the bride prior to the church ceremony. The bridegroom goes to the bride’s home to take her to church, but first her parents bestow their blessing on the bride and groom – to – be. A crucifix, a lighted candle, a bowl of holy water and a sprinkler (if the regular Polish brush-type sprinkler is not available, this can be a leafy tree branch) should be prepared. Flowers in a vase are always a nice touch. Either kneelers or fancy cushions are provided for the bride and groom to kneel on. They hold hands as they kneel in front of their parents. Traditionally the mother of the bride gives the blessing. Here is one of many possible blessings: 

“Niech Pan Bóg wszechmog1cy obdarzy Was zdrowiem, szczesciem i wzajemna miloscia na Waszej nowej, wspólnej drodze zycia i niech Was poblogoslawi licznym, zdrowym potomstwem — owocem Waszej miloci. I ja Was blogoslawie: W imie Ojca i Syna i Ducha Swietego. Amen.” 

(Translation: May God Almighty grant you health, happiness and mutual love on your new road through life together and may He bless you with numerous, healthy children — the fruit of your love. And I also bless you: In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.) 
The mother then sprinkles the bride and groom – to – be with Holy Water, whereupon they make the Sign of the Cross. She then gives them the crucifix to kiss. The father of the bride may utter a blessing of his own or simply sprinkle the couple with Holy Water. The bridegroom’s parents may also impart their blessing. Others, for instance grandparents, or godparents may also bless the couple. 

After the blessing, the bride and groom thank, hug and kiss their parents and the wedding party prepares to leave for church. (The wedding party usually comprises the parents, bridesmaids and groomsmen, the young couple’s siblings, possibly also grandparents, godparents or other close relatives or friends of the family. 

As the bridal party leaves, musicians (perhaps only a single accordionist) plays ‘Serdeczna Matko’. 

The betrothed enter the church together as fiancés and leave it as man and wife. Hymns played and/or sung during the ceremony traditionally include ‘Veni Creator’ and Gounod’s ‘Ave Maria’. Mendelssohn’s ‘Wedding March’ is usually played as the recessional hymn when the bride and groom walk down the aisle to the back of the church after the ceremony as man and wife. 

A highly symbolic Polish touch during the marriage ceremony is the priest’s blessing. The bride and groom’s entwined hands are wrapped with the priest’s stole as a sign of permanent unity in the eyes of God and the Holy Mother Church, whereupon the priest bestows his blessing and sprinkles the couple with Holy Water. 


Brak grafiki
Historia Polski~Polish History

Dziecięcy karabin maszynowy

Ceremonia, która zamierzam opisac miala miejsce przeszlo 60 lat temu, czyli wiecej niz kopa lat wstecz. Pomimo, ze mieszkam w Meksyku od 54 lat, uroczystosc, jaka miala miejsce przeszlo pól wieku temu, stoi mi w pamieci i przed oczyma tak, jakby to wszystko odbylo sie zaledwie wczoraj.

Wszystko koncentruje sie wokól daty (11 listopada 1938 r.) i miejsca wydarzenia, jakim byla ujezdzalnia I-go Pulku Szwolezerów na ulicy Szwolezerów w Warszawie. A co wlasciwie takiego specjalnego mialo tam miejsce? W skali swiatowej czy historii Polski to wlasciwie nic specjalnego ani godnego uwagi nie zaszlo. Lecz… wlasnie chodzi o te “lecz…” Wracam wiec pamiecia wstecz, o te kilkadziesiat lat, pokrytych juz kurzem historii i jednej z najkrwawszych, i najburzliwszych epok ludzkosci.


Bohdan Chmielewski
Historia Polski~Polish History

Maria Kazimiera – królowa Polski

Aleksander Wietrzyk Part I, II, III, IV, V
Lata dzieciństwa

Niewiele wiemy na temat dziecinstwa Marii Kazimiery. Wiadomo tylko, ze miala liczne rodzenstwo: dwóch braci i cztery siostry. Dwie z nich wstapily do klasztoru, a pozostale wraz z bracmi trafily za siostra do kraju nad Wisla. 

Ojciec przyszlej królowej, markiz d’Arquien, sluzyl w tym czasie u ksiecia Orleanskiego Gastona, brata Ludwika XII,I jako kapitan gwardii szwajcarskiej, a jego malzonka pelnila funkcje ochmistrzyni ksiezniczki newerskiej Marii Gonzagi. Markiz d’Arquien w mlodosci hulaka, pijak i kobieciarz, na starosc byl juz tylko podupadlym arystokrata, szukajacym szczescia na dworach magnackich. W podeszlym wieku przybyl do Polski i zmarl przezywszy ponad sto lat.

Polish Eagle

Obchody 400. rocznicy przybycia pierwszych Polaków do Ameryki

Polish Eagle Komunikat Konsulatu Generalnego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Chicago w związku z obchodami 400. rocznicy przybycia pierwszych Polaków do Ameryki oraz 90. rocznicy odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości.

Uprzejmie informujemy, iż w ramach chicagowskich obchodów 400-lecia obecności Polaków w Ameryce oraz 90. rocznicy odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości, w sobotę 4 października 2008 roku, w Rosemont Theatre (5400 N. River Road, Rosemont) odbędą się dwa wielkie, multimedialne spektakle „Pieśni Wolności – Songs of Freedom”, które przygotowane zostały przez The Paderewski Symphony Orchestra of Chicago (PaSO), we współpracy z Konsulatem Generalnym RP w Chicago.


Amtrak Train
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Rep. Lipinski hails passage of landmark bill to help fund Metra and Amtrak improvements and increase safety

Amtrak Train [Washington, DC]  Today Congressman Dan Lipinski (IL-3), northern Illinois’ only member of the powerful House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, helped pass H.R. 2095, the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008.  The landmark legislation is the first major update to federal laws on rail safety and Amtrak for over a decade.  It includes a number of new grant programs requested by Congressman Lipinski that could benefit Illinois


Polish Vocabulary & Pronunciation

Learn to count in Polish listen and learn pronunciation.

Numbers Do you travel for fun or business? Or are you planning to? Depending on what language or languages you can speak or make yourself understood in, if you travel far enough, sooner or later you will arrive in a strange land where they speak a different language than you. So when you go into a store or a restaurant, you spend a great deal of time trying to puzzle things out. Does the word look like an English word? If so, maybe it has a related meaning. Is there a picture right beside the word or phrase? If so, how is it referring to the picture?

How bright is the person you are trying to communicate with? Do they understand your hand gestures, and vice versa?


The Monte Cassino Cross - obverse and reverse
Historia Polski~Polish History

The Polish Victory at Monte Cassino

The Monte Cassino Cross - obverse and reverse By Prof. Dr. Zdzislaw P. Wesolowski – Colonel, South Carolina State Guard (Reserve)
The Abbey at Monte Cassino is one of the most famous abbeys in Europe. It was founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia in 529 AD on the former site of the temple of Apollo. It is located 75 miles southeast of Rome. The abbey stands at an altitude of 1,700 feet, overlooking the town of Cassino and the surrounding countryside. The abbey’s original buildings were destroyed by the Lombards in 580 AD and rebuilt in 720 AD. Monte Cassino was again destroyed in 883 by the Saracens and restored in mid 900. In 1349, it was damaged by an earthquake. It was rebuilt again in 1600 only to be sacked by French troops who invaded the Kingdom of Naples. It was again rebuilt and would remain in beautiful condition until 1944.


Maria Kazimiera - the Queen of Poland
Historia Polski~Polish History

Maria Kazimiera – the Queen of Poland

Aleksander Wietrzyk Part I, II, III, IV, V Tr. Anna Witowska – Ritter
Childhood years

Maria Kazimiera - the Queen of Poland Maria Kazimiera is undoubtedly one of the most famous Polish royal figures. She is known to the general public as ‘Queen Marysienka’ and featured in many historical publications. Some of them present her in a rather superficial way as a wife of famous King and Commander-in-Chief Jan III Sobieski. In that light, Marysienka often appears as a woman who made good use of her beauty, and was attached to her husband, but never honestly loved him. Historians have accused her (often wrongly) of excessive ambition, narrow-mindedness, despotism and more concern for trivia than important matters. Her fame outlived her due to famous “erotic” letters that her royal husband wrote to her. The Queen also left a legacy of extensive correspondence. Only recently have some historians started to express opinions that this beautiful woman had a good heart and amazing intellect.


Powstanie Warszawskie
Historia Polski~Polish History

Pamięć o mordowanym mieście

Powstanie Warszawskie by Aleksander Wietrzyk

Powstanie Warszawskie nie doczekalo sie do dnia dzisiejszego jednoznacznej oceny. Od chwili jego wybuchu az po dzien dzisiejszy trwa wielki spór pomiedzy historykami, politykami i wojskowymi o jego sens, dobór momentu wybuchu i spelnienie swego zadania. Posród polskiego spoleczenstwa panuje jednomyslne przekonanie, ze Powstanie Warszawskie stanowi narodowa relikwie dzieki bezmiarowi przelanej krwi oraz ogromowi cierpien i poswiecenia.


1939 War
Historia Polski~Polish History

The Polish Campaign of September 1939 in Perspective

1939 War

by M. Kamil Dziewanowski

While Poland was fighting her desperate defense campaign her Western Allies, despite their formal declaration of war on September 3, stood by and watched. As a matter of fact, for two days there were considerable doubts as to whether France would declare war at all, despite previous promises and resolutions. Although Britain had announced that she would honor her pledges to Poland, the Chamberlain government was reluctant to shake off appeasement. The French Government was even more sluggish. Britain declared war on Germany first on September 3 at 11 a.m., while the French followed reluctantly after serious On September 2, when the Polish ambassador vigorously protested against the French delay in carrying out their clear treaty obligations to give Poland immediate air support, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, George’s Bonnet, indignantly replied: “You don’t expect us to have a massacre of women and children in Paris.” Yet, no French Government could afford to disassociate itself from its British ally and renounce its position as a Great Power. Finally the French declared war on Germany after a delay of six hours.

