Bona Sforza, the Queen of Poland
Historia Polski~Polish History

Bona Maria Sforza – the Queen of Poland

Bona Sforza, the Queen of Poland Bona Sforza, the Queen of Poland and the Great Princess of Lithuania and also the heiress of the Italian throne of Bari and Rossano, appears to historians as a very contro- versial figure.

On one hand, Bona has been often criticized for her lack of scruples while achieving political goals and was blamed for contributing to the death of her daughter-in-law Barbara Radziwill. On the other hand, the queen initiated a good political relationship with Italy. Which side of the story is true?

Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in the middle.


Historia Polski~Polish History

Reflections about the Warsaw Uprising of 1944: An Intergenerational Dialogue

by Andrew Targowski

Part I


Reflections call for dialogue. The various generations of Poles- the Bridge Generation (the author’s), Our Fathers’ Generation, and Columbus’ Generation-all differ on the logic of the outbreak of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. This issue is taboo in Polish history as long as the uprising participants remain alive, because they will defend the rightness of their actions, regardless. The situation on the ground was such that the Allies and Resistance had no chance to beat the Axis. Many view the 1944 Uprising as the most tragic event in Poland’s history.

The author bases his opinion on his childhood experience in 1944 Warsaw and discussions on behalf of all victims with the participants in this Uprising. At the end of this dialogue, examples are provided of political and military mistakes throughout Polish history that must serve as warnings to future generations of Poles. The study has a universal character, as the Polish experience is not so unique that it cannot be applied to other geopolitical realities where subjectivism dominates objectivism, ignorance prevails over wisdom, and tragedy overcomes happiness.


opal bialy

Wykorzystanie kamieni szlachetnych w kosmetykach (Prawdy i mity o potędze minerałów)

Kamienie szlachetne i półszlachetne, zarówno sproszkowane jak i w postaci elixirów, były znane i stosowane od najdawniejszych czasów. Już starożytni Egipcjanie, używali kamieni szlachetnych do sporządzania cennych jak na owe czasy kosmetyków.

opal bialy

Kamieniami szlachetnymi i sporządzonymi z nich elixirami, zajmowali się między innymi święta Hildegarda i jasnowidzący Nastrodamus. O ile święta Hildegarda, wykorzystywała kamienie szlachetne głównie do leczenia, to Nastrodamus używał ich także do sporządzania kosmetyków odmładzających cerę i komponowania pachnących wód. Podobno Diana de Poitiers, powiernica i metresa króla Francji Henryka II, zachwycała cały dwór swoją urodą między innymi dzięki kosmetykom z ametystu, sporządzonych specjalnie dla niej przez Nastrodamusa. Kryształy, to czyste związki mineralne, które są dość popularne i dziś, ale wykorzystuje się je głównie w lecznictwie. Energie tych kryształów, wykorzystują do leczenia schorzeń tkanek miękkich litoterapeuci.


Dzerzhinsky 1919
Świat - World

Duma Deputies Applaud Proposal to Restore Dzerzhinsky Statue to Lubyanka Square

By Paul Goble

Dzerzhinsky 1919 Vienna, September 19 – The removal of the statue of Feliks Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Soviet secret police, from in front of KGB headquarters in Moscow was an iconic moment in the collapse of communism there in 1991, a step that many saw as a guarantee that the kind of repression he sponsored would never return.

But yesterday, members of a Duma committee applauded a proposal by the country’s former deputy procurator general to restore the statue of the first Chekist to its former place of honor, yet another indication of the way in which the political pendulum is swinging in the Russian Federation at the present time.

And even the possibility that Dzerzhinsky will again stand in Moscow gives especial urgency to a proposal by the Czech government this week to set up a Europe-wide center for the study of totalitarianism and its victims so that nothing will be forgotten lest the kind of historical revisionism Russia is now engaging in open the way for new horrors.


Tadeusz Seidel

Chicago Artist Tadeusz Seidel Supports Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation Chicago Chapter Benefit

Tadeusz Seidel
, IL
(PRWEB) Tadeusz Seidel, Chicago fine artist, announced his donation of a painting to the silent auction during Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation’s Chicago Chapter Benefit.

The event will be hosted by Chelsea Handler of E!’s Chelsea Lately and will take place on Sunday, October 26, 2008 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at House of Blues Chicago.

This benefit celebrates the launch of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation’s Chicago Chapter and all proceeds from the event will go towards fulfilling the Reeve Foundation’s mission. In addition to Chelsea Handler’s comedic performance, the event will also feature a buffet dinner, premium bar, a silent auction, and a brief update on the state of spinal cord injury research.



Magia bursztynu

Bursztyn, czyli złoty owoc łez

Bursztyn Jak podaje nam stara legenda, grecki bóg Słońca Helios, ciesząc się z widoku swojego syna Faetona, zapragnął spełnić jego najskrytsze marzenie. Ten zaś wzorem ojca, nade wszystko chciał przejechać się słonecznym rydwanem po niebie. Do rydwanu tego, szczęśliwy Helios nakazał zaprząc najpiękniejsze i najbardziej silne rumaki, ale te niespodziewanie poniosły rydwan wraz z Faetonem, za blisko ziemi, której tym samym groziło totalne spalenie. Chcąc ratować ziemię i mieszkających na niej ludzi Helios, postanowił zastrzelić owe konie. Zestrzelone zwierzęta wraz z Faetonem, wpadły do rzeki Eridan, w której utopił się piękny młodzieniec. Nad ciałem swojego brata, jego siostry Hellady tak długo płakały, że zamieniły się w topole. Płacząc dalej, roniły one swoje łzy, które stawały się złotą żywicą spływającą do rzeki, w której stopniowo zamieniały się w bursztyn. Z nurtem rzeki, bursztyn wpadał do morza, gdzie jeszcze bardziej twardniał i stawał się tym samym drogocennym kruszcem, poszukiwanym do dziś przez człowieka. Od tego momentu, jest on nazwany złotym owocem łez.



“Soul, Mind and Body PARTY!”

THE POLISH WOMEN IN BUSINESS, NFP Zaprasza na “Soul, Mind and Body PARTY!”

Drogie Panie,

Serdecznie zapraszamy na 1-wsze powakacyjne spotkanie z cyklu „Business of the Month”, które  wyjątkowo odbędzie się w piątek tj. 26 września, 2008. o godz. 6:30 p.m.

Miejsce spotkania: 

Salon Di Mare Fashion & Spa

7441 W. Irving Park Rd.,

Chicago, IL 60634

Tel: 773- 625-6275

Przygotowałyśmy dla was  kilka ciekawych tematów dla dla duszy, ciała i umysłu. Zaproszeni  goście, podzielą się z nami swoją wiedzą, umiejętnościami i odpowiedzą na każde pytania. Jak osiągnąć w życiu to, czego najbardziej pragniemy:  pieniądze, miłość, sukces.


First Polish Settlers
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Jamestown Commemoration-October 1

First Polish Settlers Four hundred years ago on October 1, 1608, the first Poles set foot in the New World in Jamestown, Virginia. These Polish craftsmen, skilled in the production of glass, tar, pitch and wood, arrived at the invitation of Captain John Smith, who had encountered them in Europe and knew of their skills and industry. They started the movement of Poles who left their homeland in search of opportunity and freedom and were directly responsible for the success of the Jamestown Colony.

In 1619, they laid the foundation for the labor movement in the U.S. Precluded from voting by the Governor of Virginia, they successfully led the first strike for equal rights. They said, „no vote, no work.” Such was their value to the colony that they were granted the right to vote. The Polish American Congress invites you to participate in the 400th anniversary commemoration to honor the first Poles’ arrival and their invaluable contributions to the New World on Wednesday, October 1, 2008, at the Jamestown Settlement in Virginia.


Business News

Annual Fall Fashion Show “Steppin’ Out In Southland Style”

Matteson, Illinois — The Chicago Southland Chamber’s Annual Fall Fashion Show, “Steppin’ Out In Southland Style”, will be held on Wednesday, October 1, 2008, from 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn-Matteson, 500 Holiday Plaza, Matteson, Illinois.  The fashion show is sponsored by the Chamber’s Platinum Sponsor Charter One Bank in association with Super Co-Host Lincoln Mall. 

5:30 p.m. Registration and Vendor Boutique

6:30 p.m. Dinner

7:45 p.m. Fashion Show

9:00 p.m. Afterglow Networking

See the latest in men’s & women’s fashions to live, work, shop, play and celebrate provided by Lincoln Mall’s most popular stores, which is sure to make this Southland Fashion Show stand out amongst the rest.


Brak grafiki

CEO of Fiat Group and CNH (Case New Holland) Chairman to present the new Alfa Romeo 8C at Italian Style Expo in Chicago

Navy Pier: Sept. 19-21, 2008

Chicago’s second full-scale festival to showcase all things Italian will take place at Navy Pier next weekend. Italian Style – a large scale, family-friendly festival will feature exotic Italian automobiles, fashion, design, tourist destinations, farm and construction equipment, music, food, wine and more from over 100 exhibitors from Italy. Events taking place as part of the festival include culinary seminars, food and wine testing, fashion shows, hair and make-up instruction, concerts, historical videos and more.

Italian Style 2008 Chairman Mauro Galli said the unprecedented three day festival was conceived to promote the excellence of Italian style in the fields of business, technology, culture, fashion, society and art to Chicagoans. „We organized this event to not only showcase the city of Chicago to our Italian business and cultural partners in an effort to drive more investment into our community,” he said, „but also to educate the people of Chicago about what Italy really is and all that it has to offer. In the process, we know everyone will have a lot of fun.”
