Memorial March for Polish President




A big thank you to everyone who marched with us.

Together we were able to transform the pain from this tragic event into something that brought all of us together.


We would like to thank all of those without whom which this march would not have been possible:


-Rich Szczepanski of Well Slept Pictures and John Radzikowski, artist and Free Tibet activist, for their help with crowd control,


-Michalina Maliszewska of Pangea Alliance, Wojtek Putz of the Chicago Chopin Foundation, Malgorzata Blaszczuk of and Radio 1080 AM, Polonia activists Joanna Buda and Anna Sobor along with the countless other media personalities who helped in getting the word out about this event,


-John Arena of the Portage Park Neighborhood Association who walked with us to show his solidarity with the Polish-American community,


-Marek Dobrzycki, Harwood Heights trustee and executive director of the Amicus Poloniae Legal Clinic for all his help with logistical advice concerning organizing the event,


-Alderman Ariel Reboyras and his family for standing with us and giving his deepest condolences in regards to the tragedy and support for our memorial,


-The police officers at the 16th, 17th and 25th districts of the Chicago Police Department for their help in directing and protecting the participants of our march, particularlly Captain Matula at the 16th district,

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-The pastoral staff at St. Ladislaus Parish and St. Hyacinth Basilica for their help in tending to the needs of the marchers as well as to the countless Roman Catholic clergy who announced our march at morning masses across the Chicago Archdiocese,



-The members of the media who came out to respectfully document the outpouring of emotion that this event brought out and in giving a voice for the concerns of the Polish community.



To the countless others who helped us and we inadvertently forgot to mention, we apologize in advance.





Daniel Pogorzelski of the Northwest Chicago Historical Society and Ivo Widlak on behalf of the Polish Cultural Institute, joint organizers of the Memorial March


Daniel Pogorzelski

 [email protected]


Photo:Courtesy of Peter Golebiowski