Minister Dziekoński Visits Chicago and San Fransisco




Secretary of State at the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, Olgierd Dziekoński visited Chicgao last week in preparation for the Polish delegation that will be visiting the White House.  An advisor to President Bronisław Komorowski, Dziekonski is a trained architect and city planner.  A native of  Wrocław, the former Deputy Mayor of Warsaw is a proponent of local self government.  

During the two day stay in Chicago, Dziekoński held meetings with Illinois Governor Pat Quinn and General Consul RP Zygmunt Matynia.  The Polish Consulate in Chicago held receptions for the Chicago Polish American Chamber of Commerce and Polish student organizations.


   The Polish Museum of America received the Minister and presented a tour.  The next stages of his itinerery will be San Francisco and Washington D.C.             President Komorowski will be making his first visit with U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington D.C. on December  8, and 9.

A highlight of Dziekoński’s trip will be the Poland-Silicon Valley Technology Symposium at the Hoover Institute on the campus of Stanford University.  He will be a keynote speaker.  A whole list of activities are planned in the Palo Alto area to promote Polish-American technology opportunities.

Sponsored by the Council of Polish Engineers of North America with the assistance of Polish Ambassador Robert Kupiecki, the conference will also feature Dariusz Bogdan, RP Deputy Minister of Economy, Jerzy  Orkiszewski of the US-Polish Trade Council and Eric Stewart of the US-Poland Business Council.

The goal of the Symposium is to facilitate technology, manufacturing, and trade exchange between U.S. and Polish entities. The Polish delegation will include the leaders of industry and academia as well as government officials. American counterparts will be Silicon Valley companies interested in exploring opportunities and establishing business relationships with Poland.   

Technology applications between Polish and Californian economies will be addressed along with the application of smart grid equipment.  Dr. Roger L. McCarthy, will be the main presenter on the coming of ‘IPv6’ internet usage.  This is the ultra high speed internet capacity that is projected for the near future for global industrial use.

Andrej Nowak, Ph.D., at the University of Nebraska will make an address on engineering issues.  Some of the assembly topics will be directed on energy and resources.  Also technology relations between China, the USA, Germany and Poland will have breakout sessions.

Jacek Urbanczyk contributed .  



 Republic of Poland Minister Olgierd Dziekoński looks over historical documents at the Polish Museum of America in Chicago.

 Photo by Jolanta Byczkowska-Sztaba