WHAT: “Big kids” are invited to relive the best day of the school year inside the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago (MSI) on September 20 during MSI After Hours: Field Trip. MSI has been the no. 1 Chicago museum field trip destination for 10 consecutive years, and adults 21+ are encouraged to pick a partner and enjoy a night at the Museum with activities including: Improv Comedy: Huddle around the Museum’s Rotunda for live improv from iO Theater Chicago. Actors will use real-life, behind-thescenes stories from Museum’s experts to perform can’t-miss skits.
Classic Board Games: Just like indoor recess, but without the missing game pieces. Play childhood favorite board games like Don’t Break the Ice, Clue, Operation, and Guess Who courtesy of Lakeview’s Bonus Round Café. Museum-wide Scavenger Hunt: Take home a gold medal for being the first to complete a scavenger hunt inside the largest science museum in the Western Hemisphere. A map will lead you through activities, like finding hidden figurines inside the real-life version of the classic book “Eye Spy,” counting the number of baby chicks, and more.
Nostalgic activities will be sprinkled throughout the evening, including making friendship bracelets, taking a school photo, recess games, hands-on experiments, and more. Guest can also enjoy boozy juice boxes and “grown-up” lunchables.
MSI’s classic exhibits including the Coal Mine, the U-505 Submarine, Colleen Moore’s Fairy Castle, and The Idea Factory will be available for guests to explore. Tours of the Coal Mine will be available, and guests can walk onboard the U-505. For the first time during MSI After Hours, the Baby Chick Hatchery will also be open for guests to learn about the preservation of rare chicken breeds, and the impacts of genetic engineering.
COST: This is a 21+ event. Admission costs $30 (MSI members: $25) and includes free parking in our underground garage, coat check, light snacks, a complimentary drink, and access to select exhibits. A cash bar will also be available.
WEBSITE: msichicago.org/fieldtripnight