Nicholas the Dolphin Selects the Name 'Hemingway’ for New Rescued Dolphin at Clearwater Marine Aquarium
From 12,000 name submissions, Nick picks companion’s final name
About the selection:
CMA asked the public to submit names through a form on seewinter.com
CMA received 12,000 name submissions
Names were sorted and sent to CMA’s Animal Care team for review
Nick has accurately predicted the winners in 9 out of 16 sports match-ups – most recently predicting the Kansas City Chiefs as the 2020 Super Bowl champions
How it worked: Nicholas was presented with two names, and he made the final selection by picking the volleyball with 'Hemingway’ written on the ball
About Nicholas:
Nicholas is a rescued bottlenose dolphin that was found stranded with severe sunburns. He was orphaned and unable to learn necessary survival skills as a calf, therefore he became a permanent resident at Clearwater Marine Aquarium. Nicholas is presented with a choice during his normal enrichment activities. Making unbelievable sports predictions is just one of Nick’s many talents he has demonstrated.
Video and photos from Nick selecting the Chiefs to win the 2020 Super Bowl.
About Hemingway:
In July 2019, the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin stranded in shallow waters off Fiesta Key, Fla. When he was rescued, Hemingway was weak and was found to have severe pneumonia. After several weeks of treatment, his health improved but further testing indicated he had hearing loss. Due to his ongoing health issues and hearing loss, NMFS ultimately determined the dolphin was not a candidate for release.
Video and photos of the new dolphin.
About Clearwater Marine Aquarium:
Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit working marine rescue center dedicated to inspiring the human spirit through leadership in education, research, rescue, rehabilitation and release. CMA is home to rescued dolphins, sea turtles, river otters, stingrays, nurse sharks and more. Winter the dolphin’s story of survival, after an injury that caused her to lose her tail, has impacted millions of people around the world. Major motion picture Dolphin Tale (2011) features Winter’s story and its sequel Dolphin Tale 2 (2014) features the incredible story of Hope, a young resident dolphin of CMA. Through Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute, CMA conducts important global research focused on protecting manatees, right whales and sea turtles. The mission and potential to change people’s lives differentiates Clearwater Marine Aquarium from any other aquarium in the world. seewinter.com