Peaceful Protest at O’Hare Airport

Chicago—On Wednesday, November 21 at 12:30 p.m. hundreds of janitors, window washers and passenger service workers who work at O’Hare will hold a peaceful protest at the airport with their supporters in an outdoor rally space between Terminals 1 and 2. They are calling on Mayor Emanuel to protect good jobs at Chicago’s largest airport instead of hiring irresponsible contractors that create poverty jobs at the expense of our city’s economy.

Over the last decade, airline profits have risen dramatically, while service jobs at the nation’s second busiest airport continue to pay less and offer fewer benefits, leaving more and more Chicagoans to be forced to rely on taxpayer-funded assistance. Now more than 300 airport workers who have family-sustaining jobs with benefits may lose their jobs right before Christmas. Mayor Emanuel awarded this public cleaning contract—which is funded through airline fees—to United Maintenance, whose low bid cannot cover existing wages and benefits. With this decision, Mayor Emanuel continues a pattern of cutting good jobs to help irresponsible contractors and large corporations increase their profits at the expense of good middle class jobs for Chicago.

What:                 Peaceful Protest at O’Hare Airport

Where:              O’Hare International Airport – departure level/ticketing Terminal 2

When:                Wednesday, November 21 – 12:30pm

Who:                  Hundreds of Chicago airport workers and supporters

–          Hundreds of O’Hare workers and allies in a peaceful protest between Terminals 1 and 2
–          Workers and allies will wear shirts and carry luggage with messages for Mayor Rahm Emanuel
–          Human banners facing travelers and their families on the upper roadway as they travel home or away for Thanksgiving dinner