Polish Studies Newsletter, 12, 2010



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Book Reviews


Coram, Robert.  Brute:  The Life of Victor Krulak, USMC.  Publ. by Little Brown.  2010.

Dziemianowicz, Stefan et al. The Core of Ramsay Campbell.  Necronomican Publ. 1995….

Segev, Tom.  Simon Wiesenthal:  The Life and Legends.  Publ. by Doubleday.  2010.  He grew up in Buczacz, Galicja, Poland.

 Cold War History

Wolfe, Bertram D. Breaking with Communism: An Intellectual Odyssey.  Hoover Inst. Pr. 1990.  There was a widespread attempt by Communist propagandists to depict the Russians as the protectors of the Jews and the Poles as the enemy of the Jews.

 Contemporary America

Evans, M. Stanton.  The True Story of Sen. Joe McCarthy.  His Fight Against America’s Enemies.  Published by Crown Forum.  2007. Americans should never have allowed McCarthy to be smeared by America’s Jew Communists and their liberal press…. 

Yes, America.  Alger Hiss really, really was a Soviet agent.  Drew Pearson was a liberal propagandist and smear.  He was a liar and a “useful idiot” who was exploited by the Zionists and the Un-American Jew Communists. Eg.  He labeled any Americans who conferred with Ibn Saud in the 1940s to be ipso facto, as anti-Zionist-anti-Semite.  Little wonder that Joe McCarthy actually and physically beat Pearson up but good and deservedly so in a Press Club Hallway, Wash. DC. Zionist Congressman Emanuel Celler, NYC, smeared anyone and everyone who spoke up for the Palestinian cause, even way back in the 1930s.  Celler smeared General Patrick Hurley and Harold Hoskins….  FDR defended Hurley against the Celler libel….

Press, Eyal.  Absolute Convictions:  Henry Holt published 2006.  This is the story of a practicing abortionist who was murdered by right to lifers in Buffalo, NY. The end does not justify the means. Slepian was an Israeli who came to Buffalo to complete his medical training.  Read here about Daren Dryzmala, Dennis Gorski, Gery Matuszewski, Casimir Mazurek, Stanley M. Makowski, Robert Nowak, Irene Sielski, and JoAnn Wypijewski….


Ongoing Culture Wars

Bercusson, David et al. A Trust Betrayed:  The Keegstra Affair.  Publ. by Doubleday.  1985. Keegstra was a Canadian school teacher who was denied academic freedom by the politically correct liberals of Alberta, Canada….


Foreign Relations

Labedz, Leo et al eds.  Polycentrism:  The New Factor in International Politics.  Publ in NYC, 1962.  Labedz was a quiet Polonophile living alone in London in the WWII postwar years. 


The History of the Slavs

Barford, Paul M.  The Early Slavs

Dvornik, Francis. The Slavs.  1963

 Radosavljevicz, Paul R.  Who Are the Slavs?  Gorham Pr.  Boston.  1919.  A collector’s item….


Holocaust History

Snyder, Timothy.  Bloodlands:  Europe between Hitler and Stalin.  Basic Books.  2010.  524p.  The Nazis and the Soviets murdered 14 million civilians…  Snyder teaches History and Polish at Yale….


Military History

Aldrich, Richard J.  The Hidden Hand:  Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence.  Overlook Pr.  2001. Read here about Voice of America, MajorTurkouski, Stern Gang,  Colonel Abraham,  Joseph Sienko,  Harry Rositzke, Red Orchestra, Oleg Penkovsky,  Alexander Rado, Polish Security Ministry, OUN, IvanMaisky, General Mason-McFarlane, Major Kruk, Irgun, Jewish underground, Igor Gouzenko, Galizia Division, Stephan Bandera, General Wladyslaw Anders….

 Fiedler, Arkady.  303 Squadron:  The Legendary Battle of Britain, Polish fighter Squadron.  Publ. by Aquila Polonica.  217p. 2010.

 Krasucki, Stanislaw.  Werble Historii (History’s Drumroll) fascinating photos.  Published in Bydgoszcz, 1999.  Interviews with the enigma heroes ….

 Zamoyski, Adam.  Warsaw 1920:  Lenin’s Failed Conquest of Europe.  Publ. by Harpers.  2005….

 Woytak, Richard A.  On the Border of War and Peace:  Polish Intelligence and Diplomacy in 1937-39.  Publ. in 1979….


Polish-German Relations

Burleigh, Michael.  Sacred Causes:  The Clash of Religion and Politics, From the Great War to the War On Terror.  Harper Collins Publ. 2007.  Read here about the communications between Nuncio Orsenigo and Cardinal Sapieha after 9/1/39. Read here about the demise of Bishop Okoniewski and the arrival of Bishop Karl Maria Splett in Gdansk after the outbreak of the war.  Read here why an American Bishop from Fargo, ND was named the Papal Nuncio to Germany after the end of WWII. Aloisius Muench had the job of distributing badly needed help both to the German refugees streaming in from the East and simultaneously distributing help to the millions of non German so called Displaced Catholics…

          Polonian historians should study Muench’s papers.  The papers are available in Fargo  Orsenigo and Pacelli sold out to the Nazis, particularly in 1933.  The vast majority of German Catholics voted for Hitler and supported Nazism with great enthusiasm; all in the name of German nationalism.  The Church and the Nazis told the feckless Germans that it was their destiny to save the world from Godless Communism….

Samuel, Wolfgang.  German Boy.  Univ. Press of Miss.  2000.  He was pushed out of his Heimat after WWII.  That land became the ‘ziemie odzyskane’…  Also, please read his The War of Our Childhood. 2002.  He was born in Zagan….


Polish-Jewish Relations

Lutoslanski, Hippolyte.  The Talmud and the Jews. Publ in 1879-80.  Three volumes.

 Lederhendler, Eli, ed.  Jews, Catholics and the Burden of History.  Oxford Univ. Pr. 2005.



Babiuch, Jolanta et al.  The Vatican and the Red Flag:  The Struggle for the Soul of Eastern Europe.  Cassell Publ. London. 1999. This is a secularist, humanistic interpretation of what went on in Eastern Europe.  Jolanta is a lecturer at Warsaw University’s Institute of Sociology and Chairman of Transparency.

  International ‘Prawdziwe Katolicy’ do not ‘approve’ of this book.  Since the death of John Paul II, Poland has become a more functional, secularist state.

 Dunn, Dennis J. The Struggle of Religion and Globalization. 2011.  Dunn teaches at Texas St. Univ. San Marcos….  He has written extensively about Poland and Catholicism.

 Dunn, Dennis J.  The Catholic Church and the Soviet Government. 1939-49. Columbia Univ. Pr.  1977. Read here about Bishop Eugene Baziak, Msgr. Constantine Budkiewicz, Msgr. S. Choromanski, Jezef Cyrankiewicz, Bishop Ignatius Dybowski, Bishop Joseph Gawlina, Bishop Romuald Jalbrzykowski, Walter Kolarz, Msgr. Antoni Malecki, Bishop Francis Lisowski, Bishop Stanislaw Siestrzencewicz, Wladyslaw Wolski, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, Msgr. Thaddeus Zakrzewski and General R. Zymierski….

 Judge, Mark.  A Tremor of Bliss:  Sex, Catholicism and Rock and Roll.  Publ. by Double day. 2010.  It is surprising how sinful Catholic boys can be while in High School.  Can our Catholic kids be that bad?

 Neuhaus, Richard John.  Catholic Matters: Confusion, Controversy and the Splendor of Truth.  Publ. by Basic Bks.  2006. I miss Neuhaus. He led many non Catholics to where it’s at.  Is ecumenism waning these days?

 Weltanschauung (An analysis of what is really going on in the world)

Leebaert, Derek.  To Dare and to Conquer:  Special Operations and the Destiny of Nations, From Achilles to Al Qaeda.  Publ. by Little Brown. 2006.  The author is a professor at Georgetown and serves as director of the U. S. Army Historical Foundation.  Must read; a very insightful book.  Obama and Hillary really are ‘running the world’.  God help us!


2010-2011 Planning Calendar


The Lira Ensemble to perform: in Crystal Lake, IL (Raue Center), 12/11….. In Burbank, CA 12/26 at Adalbert’s Church.  Ticket Information tel. 773-508-7040….

The works of Andy Warhol shall be on display at the Baltimore Museum of Art thru 1/9…. 

The Glory of Ukraine:  Sacred Images are on display at the Meridian International Center (Wash. DC) thru 1/16.  www.meridian.org….  PRCUA Polonia Dancers Christmas Gala Concert.  12/12 at Northeastern Ill Univ. (Chicago) tel. 224-622-1517….  A St. Michael’s Christmas Party in Adams, MA, 12 /12.  tel. 413-743-1170….



Sofya Gulyak, pianist, shall perform at the Kennedy Center Terrace (Wash. DC) on 1/22…



Rafal Blechacz shall present his piano recital at the Hill Auditorium, Univ. of Michigan, Feb. 11, 12. 2011.  tel. 734-764-2538….



Joanna Kaiser, Prof. of Fin Arts, Krakow shall present the Annual Copernicus Lecture at the Univ. of Michigan on 3/14-18/2011…



Lira Ensemble Tour of Northern Poland and Lithuania 6/23 thru 7/6.  tel. 773-508-7040….  Please join the Life and Legacy of John Paul II Pilgrimage to Poland July2-10. tel. 800-437-8368…..



Poland and Ukraine shall host the World Soccer Meet in 2011.  The Lviv/Krakow/Kiev venue shall be most active…..

Richard Fafara shall deliver the Annual Woroniecki Lecture in Philosophy at KUL in 2011.  The Marquette Univ. Pr. has published his book on the philosophy of Gilson…..

Academic Financial Aid Sources

 Polish Studies Fellowships

The Fundacje Charytatywne AK in Chicago has funded fellowships at Chicago/Loyola….

The Skalny Center at Rochester Univ.has fellowship help…

To learn about the Orthodox origins of Poland. Please go to www.iocs.cam.ac.uk…..

ACPC Scholarships.  Please e mail [email protected]…..

Wilson Center Fellowships: www.wilsoncenter.org…..  www.studium.uw.edu.pl (Many fellowships available for Polonians)….  The Harriman Inst at Columbia has fellowships.  www.harriman.columbia.edu…..  The Univ. of Miami/FL makes available Summer Study Scholarships allowing students to study in Poland.  tel. 305-284-3434…. 

For a fellowship, please contact Viktoria Shalanigova at Georgetown Univ.  http://explore.georgetown.edu. Alfa Polish Studies Fellowships are available through www.edsintl.org……  The American Society for Jewish Heritage has fellowships for the 2007-08 year.  Email [email protected].  tel. 212-330-6588….



Alliance College Alumni offer scholarships.  Tel. 727-656-3835…

Tom Konchalski recruits HS athletes…..

The TAAF Fund shall make it possible for your children to go to prep school. www.orchardlakeschools.com…..  Receive a $3k Parish Scholarship to attend CUA (Wash. DC).  www.cua.edu….

The Berks County (PA) Polish American Board of Education has scholarships for HS seniors.  Email [email protected]…..  Mahan scholarships in Connecticut for Polonian students.  Tel. 860-952-7403…..

Madonna University (Detroit) has financial aid for Polonia.  The Felicians are great teachers.  They shall help you major in Polish-American Business Studies…. 

Wilson Center Fellowships:  www.wilsoncenter.org…..

 www.studium.uw.edu.pl (Many fellowships available for Polonians)…. 

The Harriman Ins.t at Columbia has fellowships.  www.harriman.columbia.edu….. 

The Univ. of Miami/FL makes available Summer Study Scholarships allowing students to study in Poland.  tel. 305-284-3434….  For a fellowship, please contact Viktoria Shalanigova at Georgetown Univ.  http://explore.georgetown.edu. Alfa Polish Studies Fellowships. The University of Dallas has funds for your young Catholic scholar…

If you wish to receive financial aid to attend Boston College Law School, please call Atty. Valerie Yarashus; tel. 617-523-8300 or e mail Atty. Michael Greco:  [email protected]….

Please Google the Rev. Jack Podsiadlo, SJ of the NY Nativity Center….

Western Pennsylvanians should apply for a Pittsburgh Promise Scholarship…..

www.polamcon.org/students/scholarships.htm (A listing of available financial aid sources for Polonians)….. 

Ohio Fraternal Congress financial aid is now available. Tel. 1-800-772-8632 ext. 2606….

The Pulaski Assoc. of Cheektowaga, NY awards financial help. Contact Irene Sikora at 716-689-3136….

Please apply to the Jashemski Scholar Center at the Univ. of Maryland if interested in architecture…

www.fulbright.edu.pl (scholarships)…. 

The Walter J. Kenney scholarships are available to New Britain; CT Polonians are available through www.edsintl.org……  The American Society for Jewish Heritage has fellowships for the 2006-07 year.  Email [email protected].  tel. 212-330-6588…. 

Scholarships for Polonians in Maryland, Grades 6 thru 12 are available by calling The Knott Scholarship Fund.  877-603-9980…..

The New England Fraternal Congress awards aid to Polonians.  Please write to the Dir. Scholarship Comm. 23 E. Briggs Rd. Westport, MA 02790….  The Pennsylvania Fraternal Congress awards scholarships.  Please write to Joseph Evanish, National Benefit Society, 247 W. Allegheny Rd. Imperial PA 15126….. 

Bosch Scholarships are available for study in Poland. www.cdsintl.org….

New Jersey Fraternal Congress has aid for Polonians.  Tel. 800-814-8031….

www.ampolinstitute.org.ic.pl….  www.spc.edu/pages/157/asp (Bielen Scholarships)…..  John Paul the Great University in San Diego has full scholarships for outstanding Polonians interested in pursuing a career in the media.  Tel. 858-653-6740….



PACIM awards stipends. Email [email protected]….  Dr. Cordula Janowski has stipends and grants for Polonians working towards a master in European Studies. Tel. 49(0)228-73-1899….



The newly established Polish Studies Department at the Univ. of Illinois/Chicago is awarding grants…..  The PSFCU gave Columbia Univ. $100,000 recently for the re-establishment of the Polish Chair.  Grants are available.

Grants for youthful Polonian artists: Please e mail [email protected]

Please email [email protected] to receive a grant for pursuing Polish Studies…

Apply now, at the Kosciuszko Foundation for the 2009 Summer Study in Poland grants.  Tel. 212-734-2130….

www.eclas.org/erasmus (study grants to work in Poland)….  Sylvia Meloche at the Univ. of Michigan has funds to help you study in Poland.  [email protected]…. 

Polish Studies Library Grants:  www.lib.umich.edu/area/slavic….

Young Polonians can learn to become journalists by receiving a grant from GWU (Wash. DC).  Stephen Pozniak serves as a mentor in this grant program….

For young Polonians:  Junior Scholar Grants.  Wilson Center. Tel. 202-691-4222….. 

Polish Arts Club of Chicago awards grants…..  Marzena Jankowska has grants: tel +41-(0)22-917-84-76…..  www.grantsdirect.com (Jankowski Associates)…

www.tracyfoundation.org (for Polonian researchers from Illinois)…..  NEH grants for research in East European Studies.  Email [email protected]….  Library grants are available from Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur.  (www.kaptur.house.gov/library/grantresources.shtml)….. 

Eastern European Study Grants are available through the Wilson Center in Wash. DC.  E-mail [email protected].  tel. 202-691-4222….The Polish Cultural Institute in New York offers grants to fine and performing artists.  www.polishculture-nyc.org…..



The Mary J. Szczepanski Foundation of Grand Rapids, MI.  www.msscholarship.org….

The Adam Bak Foundation.  330 Dogwood Lane. Manhasset, NY 11030.  tel. 516-365-5659…..

The Taube Foundation (supports those interested in composing Polish music)….  Greg Kaza is the Exec. Dir. of the Arkansas Policy Foundation.  (Supports research in political science)….  Bogumila Gladysz is the VP of the PolAm Foundation of Connecticut. They want to help Polonian youth….Kresy-Siberia Foundation.  E mail [email protected]…..


Facts and Commentary: America and Europe

 Did You Know?

The problem with America is not earmarks.  The problem is entitlements.  The next entitlement to be given to the American voter shall be pensions for all.  The typical American citizen does not seem to realize that he is what wrong with America these days…. 

More people are learning English in China, than Americans, learning English in the U.S.! If Americans do not learn Chinese, they shall be at a disadvantage in the world of foreign trade…  Many in the Madoff gang were in the mafia; some still are…. 

At one time, Lenin stood for the abolition of capital punishment; but not for long….  History is the enemy of language; to wit our language does not derive from Latin or Greek.  Our language derives from the Hittite group (14th c BC)…


Sad But True

It took a Krakow born Pole (Jerzy Konik) to open a ‘big condom’ factory in Ukraine.  The Polish euphemism for condoms is ‘prezerwatywki’. (Cuda Polskiej wymowy!).  The condom factory was set up in Lviv (Lwów) in 2003.  The brand name is Perfekt.  Unfortunately, Jerzy is grossly overweight… 

The American Jew-Communists perpetrated the smearing of Joe McCarthy.  Documents now reveal what the Jew-Communists did to weaken the U.S….. 

Documents now reveal that the Polish American Congress, established in 1944, was accurate in asserting that Communist spies had infiltrated the U.S. government and duped FDR, Henry Wallace and Harry Truman. Yes, Alger Hiss was a ‘commie’ spy and he was also writing American policy at Yalta.  Regarding so called ‘McCarthyism’, please read Stanton Evans’ book on the smearing of Joe McCarthy….  Poles are people who need to suffer; that is not good.  The Poles are now learning to need peace and serenity….  Both Carter and Reagan allowed the Ayatollah to shake us down through his terror/hostage ploy.  We paid the bribe to free the hostages using the Shah’s worldwide assets.  The Muslims shook us down but good when they got rid of Aramco and organized OPEC…

 Politics:  American Style (an analysis of smears)

Earmarks are to ‘pols’ as oxygen is to a diver.  Most constituents assume that the ‘pol’ shall ‘bring home the bacon.’  A politician does not survive unless he governs ‘patronage’.  This is what Tip O’Neill meant when he said that all politics is local…  There are 25 already announced candidates for the Dailey mayoralty seat. Among them: Danny K. Davis, ‘Rahmbo’ Emanuel, James Meeks, Rob Blagojevich and Carol Moseley Braun…..  Lisa Murkowski retains her chairmanship of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Comm…..  Prediction:  Conservative, California Republican Darrell Issa shall be “Joe McCarthyized: by the liberals….  Both parties use smear tactics.  If anyone labels you a ‘holocaust denier’, immediately ask that tormentor/scoundrel whether or not he remains a Jew Communist. These days, to label somebody a Jew in the Middle East, constitutes a smear/label.  Many Jews deny their Jewishness by eschewing the nasty smear/label. Eg.  Go to Google and turn on Jew Watch…. 

Another favorite label/smear these days is the term ‘hate crime’ as in the term ‘he is guilty of a hate crime’…  Some would say that anyone disagreeing with a Jew, is ipso facto, committing a ‘hate crime’.  Then there is the total panoply of isms, ites icks and phobes; as in racism, anti-Semite, homophobe, fanatic and Trotskyite.  Then there are bigots and extremists among us. There is the right and the left. Back in the 1930s, Jews bled when labeled un-American.  So many un-American have been wrapping themselves around the flag ever since.  “I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy”!  In some places the terms liberal and conservative have become fighting words.


The State of the American Economy

10% unemployed in Ohio  11.5 in Rhode Island, Illinois and Michigan….  Little or no unemployment in New Hampshire and Vermont….  Deficits in large American cities:  Chicago $520 million….  NYC $4.9 billion….  Detroit 710 million…  Harrisburg, PA 70 million..Interestingly enough, Minneapolis has a healthy credit rating (little wonder, they didn’t borrow money and their bridge collapsed)…..  Ever since Teddy Roosevelt, the central government has used too much money on national security. The federal system is flawed because infrastructure projects remain underfunded……  The FED weakens the economy when it interferes with market forces.  The FED is made up of university eggheads who know little or nothing about how the market operates. Eg. The bailouts,  funding pensions for everybody, funding and administering Obamacare….  monetary policy upstaging fiscal policy….  Leveraging anybody who does not have collateral….  Bernanke and the FED are manipulating the currency.  This has an adverse effect on the developing world…..  Some say that Republicans are nothing more than shils for Wall St. interests.  Some say that Obama and Pelosi have sold out to the banking interests.  (bank bailouts).  Some warn us of the frightening image of Soros undermining everything….  More workers are filing for unemployment compensation…  Our government is printing money to pay its bills and fulfill its promises.  Our government borrows from the Chinese to pay our entitlements. That is not good government…..  Keynesian policies are always only short run….


The Economy.Dhuhhhh?

A quick walk through the jargon.  shortfall, revenue, liquidity, assets, credit, currency reform, FED, federalism, development banks, multinationals, globalization, states rights. budget process, mark the market accounting….  deficit vs debt….  net worth, tranches, earmarks, fiscal vs monetary, derivatives, IPOs , supply chain, middlemen, brass creep, shortfall,  broker, realtor, term insurance, commercial paper, securitization, tight money, leverage, inflation, deflation, recession, depression. 


“Techie’ Jargon

Twitter, YouTube, broadband, bandwidth, apps, registry, malware, software, hardware, cell phone, land line, Google.

 Weltanschauung (How we look at the world)

Russia is now helping the West and NATO to set up antimissile sites in Eastern Europe….

 American Shuttle Bombing and the Failure of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising

Recently released documents from the Russian Archives have revealed the existence of three American built airfields located in the Poltava region of Ukraine.  The bases were built by the Americans in the spring of 1944 and became operable for shuttle bombing beginning early in May 1944.  Both B-17s and long range escort fighters used these bases.  So the question arises, why this capability was not used to assure the success of the summer 1944 Warsaw Uprising. Please Google the following listed items to research this untold story. Teheran Conference 1943 and the plan for shuttle bombing….  Gen Ira Eaker papers…..  Ploesti Raids: May 1944…..  Bombing targets in occupied Poland beginning June 1, 1944.  Shuttle bombing of Gotenhafen/Gdynia, Trzebina and Drohobycz…..  The failure of the American supply mission to the Warsaw Uprising remnant in Sept. 1944 (too little, too late)….  M. Sgt. James M. Bassett/Poltava (photos)…..  Operation Frantic….  The destruction of the American Poltava facilities by the Luftwaffe in late 1944…..  The abandonment and cessation of shuttle bombing in late 1944…..  Liason AK and the USAF 1944….  Why did the USAF allow the Luftwaffe to take out their three Poltava bases in two, surgical air strikes?  After the Luftwaffe action, the U.S. abandoned its bases.  It is only recently that the U.S. revealed ahy it Summarily and arbitrarily closed down the bases.  Their reason?  “Too great a sacrifice of USAF personnel.”  Yes there was a tragic attempt to resupply the AK Warsaw garrison in Sept. 1944.  It was too little, too late.  When the USAF dcided to drop their supplies from an altitude of 12k feet, it was easy to understand that 90% of the supplies landed in German hands.  The reason given for the high altitude decision was that too many airmen would be lost in a low level drop. This decision was made when 3k Poles were dying each day


Benchmarks of American Decadence

The U.S. Postal Service lost $8.5 billion in revenue this past year and may well go bankrupt next year….  There won’t be any infrastructure improvement of the Boston to Wash. DC corridor.  The country simply has lost its ability to borrow money for that badly needed improvement…  Too many of our young Americans are “shacking up” instead of getting married.  Too many of our young people do not believe in lasting love nor marriage….  7.5 million are cohabiting without marriage….  Child prostitution is a big problem….  Why is the U.S. allowing Somali jihadists to infiltrate Portland, OR? The city narrowly missed being targeted.  Exceptionalist Americans believe they shall shine and win in everything. Increasingly, Americans do not win as often as in the past.


Labor Union Update

The SEIU (service employees) is now involved in a bloody jurisdictional war with Rosselli’s Health Care Workers Union.  Public sector unions are now more powerful than private sector unions.  SEIU may well have the capacity to bankrupt Obamacare. Annelle Grajeda is a powerful player in these pubic sector unions. Richard Trumka, Pres. Of the AFL-CIO booted out the public sector ‘newcomers’. Keep an eye on Andy Stern, who knows how to take care of the little guy on the labor scene.  He grew up in New Jersey.  These unions are having trouble knowing how to govern themselves.  There are many mafia ‘wanabees’ in the labor union movement  Gov. Ted Kulongoski, liberal Gov. of Oregon  was one of the first state leaders who chose to negotiate with state service employees. The Obama gang is very close to the Andy Stern new kind of unionism…Please say a prayer for Pres.  Trumka.  He has a difficult jog of unifying the labor movement.


‘Wikileakerism’ (running amok)

Julian Assange has revealed that Saudi Arabia wants Israel and the U.S. to nuke Iran.  He has revealed that Islam is badly divided.  He has revealed that Turkish Foreign Minister Davotoglu is steering Prime Minister away from the West. He has revealed that Hillary is selling the world’s leaders a ‘pig in the poke’….  Assange has disclosed that American leaders characterized Berlusconi as being ‘feckless and a party animal’.  Amazon no longer uses Wikileaks as one of its servers….  Kadaffi employs a long term, ravishingly beautiful private nurse from Ukraine.  Her name is Galyna Kolotrytska…..



Chicago Cardinal George has chided the liberal ‘pols’ that gave us Obamacare for having American Catholic taxpayers being forced to fund Obamacare abortions…..  This should be an occasion for non violent civil disobedience. Catholics might choose to hold back some of the taxes due and thus underfund the pernicious practice…..  The new President of the USCCB in New York’s Dolan. His assistant is the Kentuckian Kurtz.  The USCCB has become highly politicized….  The Rev. J. Fessio, S.J. has been bounced out of some prestigious positions at the University of San Francisco and Ave Maria University. The Pope was his thesis advisor at Regensburg in 1979.  The Catholics are not quite sure what kind of church they want to have.  At present the ones who want to administer an all welcoming, tolerant tent religion, are winning the battle.  The Catholic Church is very much like the Democratic Party.  Power lies with those who represent a broad constituency.  Everyone is welcome at the voting booth and the communion rail. (Sorry, the rails have been removed; my error)….  The hundreds of millions of non Caucasian Catholics are grossly under represented in the College of Cardinals….  58 Catholics were gunned down by Jihadists in their Baghdad parish in mid October.    Please send a donation to Our Lay of Salvation Church, Baghdad.  These Catholics deserve our support and protection; this in view of the fact that our troops have all but left Iraq…..  The Church continues to have problems suppressing its bad religious orders.  The Omaha Archdiocese had to do away with its Intercessors of the Lamb; a money scandal….  A New Jersey train conductor was fired when he publicly burned a copy of the Koran on 9/11….  Germany has allowed the erection of a huge Menorah at the Brandenburg Gate….  Mitered Bishops really do look preposterous.  The same applies to veiled nuns.  John Paul II eschewed the Tiara and the elevated throne…  The Pope has urged that Europe should make a better effort at reaching transcendence and fraternity with other continents…..


The Sins of European Nationalism

Italian, irrendist nationalists were thoroughly trounced by 40,000 Poles and their Slavic confreres causing the great retreat from Caporetto in 1918.  Some of those Poles wed led by a Lt. Erwin Rommel. Irwin had already found his Polish bride in Danzig (Gdansk).  Many Slavic boys fought on the ‘wrong side’ during WWI.  To wit, the Czechs, the Bulgarians, the Slovenes, the Slovaks, the Bosnians, the Croats and many, many Poznanian and Galician Polish boys.  In spite of Caporetto, Italian irredentist, chauvinist ethnics triumphed in Trieste and Fiume after the war ended, thanks to the fact that they happened to have chosen the winning side (the Allies).  Balkan Slavs loathed Italian expansive nationalism. Mussolini and D; Annunzio even wanted to take Dalmatia and Albania. It was at this time that fascism began to show its ugly face. For more on this topic, please read Mark Thompson’s The White War:  Life and Death in the Italian Front.  1915-1919.  In this war, the Italians lost more men than the Brits!….  Georgetown Professor and author, Charles Kupchan knows quite a bit about getting Poles and Germans to like each other….  Amy Elizabeth Thorpe was a UK spy during the 1930s working out of Warsaw.  She bedded many a diplomat in Warsaw….


History in Numerical Perspective

More Australians than Americans were killed in WWI…  More Italians than English were killed in WWI….  124,000 French were killed by the Germans in four weeks, beginning early June 1940….  Who said the French did not fight?  More Hindus and Moslems died ‘liberating’ Italy in 1944 than did Italian GIs….  How many committed, super terrorists did Werner von Braun bring into the U.S. in 1945?  150….  More non Russian, Slavic soldiers and civilians died on the Eastern Front during WWII than did Russian Slavic soldiers and civilians….  Protestant, German pacifists (conscientious objectors) outnumbered German Roman Catholic objectors during WWII by a ratio of 10:1….  More Slavs killed Slavs in the Balkans during WWII than the Germans killing Slavs…More Poles and Ukrainians were placed in Canadian concentration camps during WWI than were allowed to fight on the Allied side; and those Poles and Ukrainians wanted to join the Canadian Army!….


Those Invisible American Slavs

Please Google:  Moravian Brethren….  Unitas Fratrum….  Bratstwo….  Slavic brethren….  Bohemian Brethren….  Hussites….  Bethlehem/Allentown Historical Society….  Comenius (Kaminski)….  Daniel Ernest Jablonski….  Zinzendorf….  Leszno/Lissa….  These little known Czechs and Poles were systematically deprived of their speech, their written language and their Slavic identity.  The Catholic Church murdered their leader.  (Jan Hus)….  Bethlehem, PA was founded by Polish and Czech Protestants in 1741.


 A Culture War Update

Anti-bullying laws are being foisted on us by the well organized ‘queer lobby’.  It is perfectly constitutional to keep perverts in line and in the closet….  The vast majority of our armed forces personnel adamantly oppose homosexuals coming out of the closet. They are divisive to unit integrity…..  More Polonians are now joining their German neighbors in the NYC annual Steuben Parade; and the Teutons are joining Polonia in their annual Pulaski Day parade. ….  The so called Southern Poverty Law Center has become “an extremist wolf in watchdog clothing’” So says J. Matt Barber….  There has been a noticeable increase of violent crime against Muslim Americans this past year….  Poles and Germans should take in the new German films entitled Der Rat der Gotter, Streng Geheim and Sonnensucher….  Planned Parenthood is a fascistic organization which exists to bring about a ‘better race’….


Contemporary Conceptual Confusions

The line between American humanists and God believing Americans is becoming increasingly blurred. In ethical matters, the Pope has approved the use of contraceptives to stem the genocide of disease.  Christopher Hitchens has succeeded in blowing the French clericalists out of the water in his recent debates with David Berlinski and Tony Blair.  David Berlinski appears to be humanist who is not opposed to tolerating and studying religions with his social science confreres.  Ex, UK, PM Tony Blair is a recent convert to Catholicism.  Both these thinkers have a great respect for Christopher Hitchens, who recently wrote God is Not Great.  Tolerance appears to be a great virtue amongst all these philosophical protagonists. Philosophically, our western thinkers seem to have done away with judgment, sin and dogma.  There seems to be a great tolerance to something called change.  The problem with most people of good will is that they are being served up with ‘pig in the poke’ globs of ‘change’.  Most people do not really know what Obama’s humanists mean by their ‘change’.  The world seems to be entering into an age of moral, terra incognita.  None of our western world leaders are accepting the responsibilities of their change making. The road to hell is filled with good intentions.  Democracy has given us good change; but no one accepts the fact that democracy has also given the world lots of painful, ‘flotsam and jetsam’, so to speak. Eg.  What has happened to ethics in American political practice? American soldiers are not sure about their moral mission in this world.  Westerners seem not to understand their own ignorance.  Darwinism has put the West into a deterministic box.  What happens to you when you give up on the idea of free will, reason and so called freedom?  We now live in a world made up of social science puppeteers. Demographers now determine winners and losers in elections. The numbers crunchers now create the world economy.  Reality in economics is determined by Wall Street commodities traders.  The priest class has been replaced by the lawyer class.  The new humanist religion is interpreted by jurists, and jurists alone. These jurists do not determine justice.  They give us rulings, legalities, procedures and relative truth; but never justice. There seem not be any anchors and remnants that we can hang onto.  What happened to the old verities? Many of us do not know why we make such a big thing out of Christmas.  It would appear that Christianity is a perfect religion for children.  The rest of us have to deal with daily reality. Humanists simply seem to live out their lives; life seems to be nothing much about anything…..  Some predictions:  People espousing God shall soon be charged with the crime of hate against humanity. Eg.  Jihadists are the haters of humanity.  They shall soon be charged and prosecuted under the new UN sanctioned hate laws. Cf the Hague Tribunals.  Eg.  All those god fearing irredentists in Israel/Palestine shall soon be as prosecuted as haters of humanity. Some jurists see blasphemy as a constitutionally protected right of free speech. The three large monotheist churches now hesitate to teach their faithful about the abomination of blasphemy.  Under the new humanistic template, it is perfectly legal to hate God but not people…


Identifying Special Interests

Why is the U.S. continuing to procure unneeded Cold War hardware?  GMMB Inc. earned $116,565,000 from the Democratic Party in the 2010 elections…..  ADP Inc. earned $32,828,000….  The fact that we have so many elected Jewish officials in Washington DC is a reflection on the way big money is related to campaigning…..  Chuck Squires and ex Bar Owner Edelman’s Mina Company (supplying fuel for our troops in Afghanistan)….


Questions Never Asked

Why did Luigi Piccolo become Lou Little (erstwhile coach of the Columbia Univ. football teams)??? Why did Jack Kerouac refuse to play for Lou Little???  Why did General Norman Cota recommend and approve the execution of Pvt. Slowik during WWII?  Why was the U. S.?  Aircraft carriers told to leave the Pearl Harbor area in November 1941?  (Thus leaving the fleet unguarded)…  Why did not our carriers protect the Philippines in Dec. 1941?  Why wasn’t the American Army evacuated from the Philippines in early 1942?


Zionism Update

There are some peripatetic Jews who have now achieved quadruple citizenship.  They now have the right of return to any of the following listed countries.  Israel, Poland, Germany’’ Austria, and the U.S. There are few migrants in today’s world that have such privileges.   The hapless, homeless Palestinian has no right of return to Israel…..  The thuggish Netanyahu government has absolutely no intention of freezing the ‘development’ of East Jerusalem. Ethnic cleansing continues apace in Jerusalem, Hillary notwithstanding….  The Israeli Defense Force is having trouble recruiting. Its status has slipped….  David used intifadist methods in fighting the Philistines.  What goes around comes around…


The Murderous Zionist Terrorists who Founded Israel

The Zionists used terrorism, repeatedly throughout the 1930s and 1940s in Palestine.  The veterans of the British 6th Airborne Division loathe Israel and its terrorist founders. Many of these veterans were murdered by the Zionists after being captured with the express motive of so called hostage exchange.  The Jews wanted the Brits to release the Zionist terrorists.  June 29, 1946 was Black Saturday for the British forces in Palestine.  Please read the findings of the British Hollis Commission re the evil ways of the Stern Gang and the Lehi.  People like Shamir and Begin have innocent blood on their hands.  Even the ‘holier than thou’ Ben Gurion aided and abetted terrorist activities.  The lesson of this history is: If you choose to live by terrorism, you may very well die from terrorism. Regarding this issue, please Google:  King David Hotel, Lord Moyne, USS Liberty. Count Folke Bernadotte. Atalena Incident….


An Update on World-Wide Capitalism

The EU has now become a mega state; one of the biggest and richest in the world.  The individual European countries have given up their sovereignty in the name of economic stability.  Yes, the EU has its own central bank, just like we have our FED….


About This Christmas Season

Please visit Obama’s Nativity Scene in the East Room.  This is a good way to pay your respects to the ‘almighty’….  Wesolych Swiat i Szczesliwego Nowego Roku!

The Scene in Poland

 The Economy

The UEFA (soccer) 2012 final may be moved from Kyiv to Warsaw. ..  Poland is considering extending the Odessa-Brody pipeline on to Gdansk


The Culture

Polish chauvinist nationalists are trying to make a ‘Katyn’ out of the Smolensk tragedy….  Kwasniewski has received the Sendler Award from the Taube Foundation.  He has been enhancing rapprochement between Poles and Jews.  Please read what Shana Penn has to say about this rapprochement…..  Poland ranks above the U.S. in students taking higher math in the 9th grade….  Agnieszka Osiecka was a gifted writer and musician.  She was a terrible alcoholic mother who hurt her only child.  The Polish culture continues to tolerate alcoholic abusive behavior…..  60 year old Kazimierz Nycz is the new Cardinal serving the Archdiocese of Warsaw. He should never have been subjected to lustration.  Polish politics are dirty and byzantine….  Poland’s students perform higher in mathematics than students in Norway, Ireland, Lithuania, USA, Russia and Spain….  Finland is tops in Europe.

The Polonian Scene 

The Social Scene

Denise Slominski of Germantown, MD was married to Matthew Houle of Chicopee, MA.  The wedding took place in St. Matthews Cathedral Wash. DC…  .Becki Kielaszek is an educator at Texas State Univ./ San Marcos  Jon Kendrowski. PhD is an avid mountain climber (literally)….  Cassie Paleszek is a good writer….



Rose Koziatek Feeney, my classmate from SHS, 1946, passed away on 11/22 in New Britain, CT at age 79…..  Others who passed away recently from the New Britain area:  Kazia Kirejczyk, 73…  Jadwiga Rutkowska, 90 and Irena Waloszek….  Richard Lysakowski, 87 passed away on 7/23 while vacationing in Poland.  He earned his PhD at the Univ. of Illinois.  He was a survivor of the Siberian Gulag.  He was a leader of Polish Studies in the Chicago public school system…  PRCUA leader Shirley Galanty passed away 9/20 at age 72.  She grew up in Michigan. She inspired many with her gifts in dancing and music……  Philadelphia Polonian activist Alfreda Plocha passed away 10/7…..  Raymond J. Nowicki Sr passed away 11/7 at age 90 in Westminster, MD…Edwina Conrad died at age 102.  She served as the Dean at the now defunct PNA Alliance College in Pennsylvania.  She was quite active as a Poloniat in the Wash. DC area….

Euroethnic America

New England

Among our safest little cities:  Cranston, R.I., Manchester, NH…..  The bleeding heart, anti death penalty people have finally been silenced in Connecticut following the massacre of the Pettit family.  Komissarjevsky and accomplice shall be executed…..  A Latino based drug mafia regularly supplies the New England cities with their cartelized product. Some Catholic schools in New England are surrounded by drug infested Latino families.  Eg. Sacred Heart School in New Britain CT is surrounded by dysfunctional Latino families.  Why isn’t the government and the Church protecting our children as they try to go to school?’  Our’ best performing students in the entire country are in Massachusetts and Connecticut. 

 Eastern Seaboard

Among our safest cities:  Amherst, NY, Edison Township, NJ, State College, PA ….  Trevor Grywatch is a ‘closet Polonian’ playing football at the Univ. of Virginia. The process of assimilation sometimes affects surname identity….  Catholic students are murdering each other in Erie, PA;   at Mercyhurst College….Our least performing students are in West Virginia….


Sterling Heights, MI is almost crime free….  Michigan is rife with crime in places like Detroit, Flint, Livonia, Saginaw and Dearborn  I would buy Ford stock…..  Burke is the new 62 year old Cardinal of the St.Louis Archdiocese.  He grew up in Richland Center, WI.  He grew up amongst Polonians and knows how to deal with ‘thei’ churches…..  The forces of light have triumphed over the forces of darkness in northern Michigan.  Dan Benishek, Republican, has now taken Stupak’s place in the House of Representatives…..

 The Southland

Candice Teunis, MD wed David Washko back on 7/17. Scott is in the oil business.  The Washko name is well known and legendary in the WWII Texan annals of military history…..

 The Far West

Victim Will Lynch not only succeeded in shaking down the Catholic Church; he is now trying to justify the fact that he savagely beat his molester long after he received his settlement of $625K.  His molester (Jerold Lindner, SJ) was already an old man, when he received his undeserved physical beating….  Who says that Alaskans do not know how to write in Polish?  They know how to spell their Senator’s name…  Oregonian 6 yr old Samantha Kuberski committed suicide after her mother chastised her…..


Mexican and Canadian Euroethnics

Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program….  Don Mazankowski is a prominent Canadian attorney who serves on the boards of Weyerhaeuser, Atco, Shaw and Power Canada.  This Albertan born Pole is 75.  He has had  an illustrious career in Canadian public service….  Tourists should take in the Pysanki Fest in Vegreville, near Edmonton, Alberta.


Poloniae Illuminati

 Fine Artists

Edward Ruscha

 Performing Artists

Don Latorski teaches guitar at the Univ. of Oregon…..Krzystof Dzieciolowski is a great ‘Chopinist’; arranger, composer, teacher, jazzist…..  Ed Kowalczyk (NYC)….  Emanuel Ax , pianist….

 Engineers, Technicians and Computer Experts

Tad Patzek is Prof. of Civil Engineering at Cal/Berkeley….


Chris Tabisz of Montgomery County, MD now teaches English to hundreds in Germany.  (If you want to teach English in Europe, please apply for a grant from the Univ. of Maryland.)…..


The Kiska family owns and operates the Way Off Broadway Dinner Theater in Frederick, MD.  CEO Justin Kiska offers theatrical consulting and operations services for entertainment entrepreneurs….  Chester Ciupinski is the CEO of the CFC Contracting Co. NYC…..  Rhonda Zygocki is VP for Policy, Government and Public Affairs at Chevron….

 Governmental Leaders

Police Detective Jerry Chrostowski assiduously protects Sacred Heart School in New Britain, CT.  This famous K-9 Polonian parochial school now sits in the middle of drug infested Latino neighborhood.  Please write to Supreme Court Justice Sotomayr to put her druggie people behind bars. Why isn’t the state government of Connecticut protecting its citizens against this invasion of illegal immigrants?

 Nongovernmental Leaders

Anelle Grajeda is big in the SEIU (service workers union)…..  Marylander Allen Wronowski is the newly elected president of the Professional Golfers Association of America….

 Media Operatives

Writing for Montgomery Life are Sue Palka and Jacqueline M.   Duda……..  Daniel Bukszpan is a producer for CNBC….

 Religious Leaders

Kevin Nadolski, OSFS….

 Unsung Heroes

‘Archie’ Golembiewski, the pride of Lyon Mountain, KY (no pun intended) was the first player/coach in professional football.  He played for Holy Cross and then went pro with the Providence Steamrollers in 1925….


Genevieve Zubrzycki….  Joanna Michlic……  Antony Polonsky…..  Robert M. Senkewicz….


Poloniae Non Illuminati

A large’Polish’ burglary ring was broken up in Connecticut with the arrest of one David Kawiecki, a 37 yr old New Britainite….  Dytka is an oversized, midget brained ‘Stanczyk’ allowing the likes of Berman to pull his strings.  Pray tell, Albin, who was Stanczyk? The real Stanczyk had a midget body and a very astute brain….  In 1965, Gertrude Baniszewski, with the help of her children, tortured, mutilated and murdered 16 yr old Sylvia Likens in Indiana.  Randy Sharp’s play based on this crime is now showing at the Axis Theater, NYC.   Tel. 866-811-4111….  David Wojnarowicz’s ‘art’ constituted a hate message directed at Christianity and the Catholic Church.  You tax dollar should not be used to enhance his messages…  Felicia Gizycka married Drew Pearson in 1925 they had a daughter named Ellen…


Judeorum Illuminati

If you ask for Sufganiyot in Israel, they shall serve you ‘paczki’….  A new periodical has appeared in Krakow.  Please read the Zygodnik…  American Ambassador to Poland, Lee Feinstein, is doing wonders expanding the Polish economy….  We would do well to listen to what retired development banker Felix Rohatyn has to say about reviving the outworn American infrastructure…..  Anyone who can make a Frenchman to keep working deserves our admiration.  Kudos to Sarkozy in upping the retirement age to 67….  Joel I Klein is anti teacher unions.  He opposes tenure for educators…  Ben Stein is an articulate defender of Richard Nixon….


Judeorum Non Iluminati

Jaisen Freeman and his merry band of youngish entrepreneurs from Ohio St. Univ. marketed Loko.  This sweet concoction, laced with vodka, has been getting your college kids drunk.  Not any more; it has now been banned throughout the U.S……  Both NYC Richard Goldsteins, one born in 1942, the other in 1944.  One is a raving homosexual, editor of the Village Voice and the other is a liberal….  David Axelrod has left Washington and is in Chicago.  He shall make sure that Obama shall be reelected in 2012….  Philip Jaffe was a Communist spy caught and prosecuted by the U.S. back in 1946….  NJ (D) Congressman Steven Rothman’s office staff is involved is a sex scandal….  Mark Potok, Director of the SPLC is in trouble for labeling reputable conservative and Christian groups as being ‘hate groups’…..  M. M. Sheinman, Moscow based ‘Jew Communist’ propagandist active during and after WWII regularly libeled and slandered Christianity and Catholicism.  He gathered ‘evidence’ revealing ‘Pius XII’s alleged Nazi activities’.


“Closet Jew Commies” (now deceased)

David Harold Kerr; born David Katz….  Vladimir Pravdin….  Samuel Krafsur….  Yevgenia Albats…


Poland’s Good Neighbors


Kudos to the Rev. Antoni Dziemienko (Minsk), and to the Rev. W. Zawalniuk and the Rev. Justyn Rusin.  The Roman Catholic Church is alive and well and growing in Belarus….  On 11/24, 3k protestors in Minsk called for the defeat of Lukashenko.  Elections shall be held on 12/19.  Running for president are Romanchuk Nekliayev and Sannikov.  Lithuania’s Prsident Daia Grybauskeite has endorsed Lukashenko in this election….  In Belarus, the death rate continues to exceed the birth rate…  Lukashenko is giving up all his weapons grade uranium… 


Radko Mladic is still ‘on the lamb’’.  The UN now has Karadzic on trial in the Hague.  The UN is trying to find anther alleged war criminal named Goran Hadzic…


Anton Biankini was a leader for the Croatian Americans in the early part of the 20thc…

 Czech Republic

Czech police have arrested Valery Pritoku, the Ukrainian leader of the Kiev based mafia.  He was caught in Karlovy Vary.  He was ‘on the lam. For 20 years.  He got rich back in Kuchma’s happy days….


Germany wants a permanent seat on the UN Security Council now that America endorsed Japan and India for seats on the Council….  Germany continues to need immigrant labor (preferably Polish/Ukrainian skilled workers).  8.5% of Germany is foreign born.  Only 2.7 of the Poles living in Poland are foreign born…..  Family Minister Kristina Schroeder successfully challenged the core beliefs of the feminists…..  Germany is well into administering the EU.  To wit, Axel Weber heads the German Central Bank and is a leading rate setter for European Central Bank.  German, English and French wealth is now bailing out Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain.  $1.33=1 euro….  Merkel and Sarkozy are surprisingly compatible and comfortable with each other.  Female leadership is good for the world.…  Eastern Germany has a new Cardinal.  57 year old Reinhard Marx grew up near Paderborn.  He studied amongst Polonians in Bochum.  His faithful in the Berlin Archdiocese have some Slavic DNA isn their system.  He speaks and writes Polish….  Schauble is not a Keynesian.  This dour Teuton looks like a ‘scroogeian skin flint’……  Spiegel has definite list to the Left….


The New Greek government is cutting public sector pay in order to reduce their huge debt….  Papandreau won the election as Prime Minister.  He has announced an austerity budget that shall be around for a long time….


The EU shall bail out a broken Ireland…..  The migrant Polonian population has long returned to a more viable Poland….  Ireland’s deficit is 32% of its gross domestic product….  Ireland’s banks are being fully nationalized during this crisis…..


Berlusconi is on his way out.  Fini is on his way in…  Italy is heavily indebted….  Venice has a plastic bottle waste problem.  There is simply no need for them to quaff bottled water.  They eschew the pristine Alpine waters that are immediately available…..  The anti immigrant Northern League is losing power in Italy….


The government has cut public sector pay in order to reduce the debt….Please Google Vasily Ulrich and his mercenary Lettish sharpshooters.


This is a Greek Orthodox, non Slavic country with a long rich history.  Its 4 million people are becoming a stable nation state.  Trans-Dniestr wants to be Ukrainian…


Norway nixed the building of a mosque in Tromsoe.  Saudi businessman Hamad al-Gamas pledged $20 million for the mosque….


William F. Browder, an American was a stockholder of Hermitage Capital, one of the largest foreign investment funds in Russia. Somebody defrauded the company out of $230 million. Browder as a stockholder is trying to find out who perpetrated the fraud.  A Russian accountant, Sergei Magnitsky tried to help Hermitage.  For his efforts, he was jailed and died in a Russian prison.  The Russian Ministry of the Interior has accused the dead Magnitsky of the fraud. This case is not going away.  Who was Jamison Duncan of the law firm Jamison Firestone.  Magnitsky worked for the AW firm…..  International Russian arms dealer has been extradited to the U.S. by Thailand.  The U.S. honored the maker of the V-2 rockets that terrorized London, but has decided to go after an arms entrepreneur…. Putin’s thugs beat up opposition leader Boris Nemtsov of the Solidarity Movement…  Please read Igor Kisilev’s Russia and the Group of Eight:  (On the improvement of Russian universities)…  There are 19 unsolved murders of journalists since 2000.  On 11/9, Anatoly Adamchuk, a reporter, was assaulted near Moscow.  Anatoly works for Kommersant….  Former Prime Minister Victor S. Chernomyrdin passed away at age 72 on 11/2. He was ‘asleep at the switch’ when the Yeltsin gang plundered the former Soviet Union He may well have made the plundering process precede.  They used their version of the ‘securitization processes in their kind of capitalism…..  Kommersant reporter Oleg Kashin was beaten to an inch of his life in Moscow on 11/5….


President Boris Tadic is turning over the country’s war criminals to the UN Court.  Tadic will do anything in his efforts to be admitted into the EU.  He should turn over Bill Clinton to the Hague Tribunal for bombing Serbia without any declaration of war on the part of the U.S…..


The socialists in Catalonia have lost badly in recent elections.  Catalonia has 7 million people and produces 20% of Spain’s goods and services…  Spain’s unemployed are at 20% of the workforce.  Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero is on his way out….  Benedict XVI dedicated the new Basilica (Sagrada Familia) in Barcelona this past fall.


A suicide bomber injured 32 in Istanbul on 10/30…..


The Cameron government is cutting public sector spending in spite of the fact that students rioted in the streets of London….  The country is losing its identity.  Anglos now feel more English in New Zealand rather than in the UK.  The English no longer belong to the UK


Yanukovich is turning out to be a pretty good president. He just ‘canned’ Leonid Chernovetsky as the Mayor of Kyiv (no longer Kiev) and replaced him with Olexander Popov….  Please read Graham Stack’s book entitled The Most Successful Expats in the Ukraine.  Publ. in 2010….  8 million ethnic Russians make up the population of Ukraine….  Polish born Stanislaw Panteluk has developed a multi-million enterprise in Kyiv…..  Daily air flights have now been set up between Lodz and Winnica….  Kudos to the Rev. Kazimierz Dudka in Winnica.  Roman Catholicism is alive and well and growing in Ukraine……  Winnica now has a promiment statue of John Paul II funded and erected by the Worldwide Motorcycle Club….

Media Sources


Douglas Besharov….  Douglas Call….  Jerzy Konik…  The .Union of Polish Entrepreneurs….  Kyiv Mohyla Academy…..  Battalion Ebbinghaus….  Brandenburgers…..  Daniel Ernest Jablonski….  Stanislaw Wyganowski…. Joseph Sienko..  Franklin Lindsay….  John Bross…  Stewart Menzies….  John Slessor….  Arthur Tedder….  Kenneth Horner Salamon Cohen….  Kicior 99….  Noel Mason Macfarlane/Sikorski….  Arthur Bliss Lane  Prof. Naville-Geneva…  Lt. Col. Van Vliet…  Abraham Kulisher…  Col. Pokorovsky/Nuremberg…  Marshal Gamarnik…  Aleksander Gamarnik…  Msgr. Braun/Assumptionist…  Polish Art World….  Bedrich Hrozny…  Jerzy Kurylowicz…  Alinski/Marciniak…  John Skrentny…  Col. John E. Mazurowski…  Zdenka Gest…  Kathleen Janoski…  Nico Jekuic…  Rev. Don Jones/ Drew Univ. ….  Julien Bryan….


Please subscribe to the Newsletter of the American Assoc. for Polish-Jewish Studies.  It is called The Gazeta…  Please Google:  Kyiv Post….  Dziennik Kijowski….

 Web Sites

Odpowiedz….  www.friendsoftheforum.org….  www.liberalstudiesprogram.com….. www.polandinexile.com….  www.answers.com.topic/uhlan…..  www.russlanditu/kapitulation1….  www.polishartworld.com….  www.czaplinski.com  (one of the best sites for Polonians)….  www.polishforums.com….


American Papist….  The Daily Alta….  Polish Army photos 1919…..


United States of Europe by Anne Applebaum.  Washington Post.  11/16.  ed. p…What’s eating Germany by Andrew D. Blechman.  Atlantic Monthly. 12/10.  Germany is addicted to brown coal….




Polish Studies Newsletter, a Monthly Publication


Albin Wozniak, Editor           

3433 Gregg Rd., Brookeville, MD 20833

Tel: (301) 774-4560


E-mail: [email protected]

Subscription Rates: !__! 1 Year/ $30.00   !__! 2 Years/ $55.00

Please remit all checks to Albin S. Wozniak.


