


house Students are starting summer break, the weather is warming up and many families are getting ready to take their annual summer vacation.  When making your vacation to-do list, don’t forget to include a few quick and easy measures to safeguard your home while you are gone:


 – Make sure you notify a trusted neighbor that you will be gone.  You can ask them to watch for any suspicious activity or persons around your home and give them a telephone number you or someone else close can be reached at if there is an emergency.


– Don’t let mail or newspapers pile up.  Ask a neighbor to collect your mail and newspapers every day, or request a ‘vacation hold’ from the U.S. Postal Service and your newspaper delivery service while you are away.  An overstuffed mailbox and/or several days of newspapers accumulating in front of your house are a tip off to burglars that you are away for an extended length of time.


– Don’t let your lawn get overgrown.  Perhaps you can ask a friend to cut your grass or hire a neighborhood teen to mow your lawn while you’re gone.


– Put automatic timers on several lights in your house – preferably in rooms you normally occupy.  Just leaving a light on continually can indicate no one is there to turn it off.


– Contact your local police department and ask if they have a ‘vacation house check’ program you can sign up for.


– Last, just before leaving, do a complete walk through of your house, making sure all windows and doors are locked.  Be sure to include the basement and garage in the walk through.


Remember, planning a vacation entails a little more than making reservations, purchasing tickets and packing sunscreen.  Taking a few minutes to safeguard your home can help you enjoy your vacation more by knowing you’ve taken precautions to ensure an enjoyable homecoming following your trip.


Have a fun and safe summer!

Anita Alvarez

Cook County State’s Attorney