


In the last legislative session, the professional political establishment did not pass any substantial political reform.  Bill Brady is a part of that professional political class that has moved too slowly for too long.  As the first gubernatorial candidate to declare, Adam Andrzejewski, Republican, is the answer to the question that everyone is asking –  Who can reform Illinois government?

Andrzejewski states, “Government reform depends on government accountability. I will open the books of Illinois government putting “Every Dime. Online. In Real Time.”  On those open books I will spearhead a forensic audit of state spending.  If we save only 6% of spending, Illinois could then pay its bills on-time and in-full.  Our doctors and service providers deserve it.”

Bill Brady has been saying that government reform can only be accomplished by a “non-Chicago-politician”. This statement bears some validity.  But, Brady has wrongfully made the claim that he is the only gubernatorial candidate that is not a Chicago politician because he is the only candidate that comes from downstate.

Andrzejewski, born in the small farming town of Herscher 75-miles south of Chicago, questions Brady’s sudden jump to a reform message; “Leaders lead by example.  Bill Brady ran for governor in 2006 and did not run on the term limits he claims to support now.  Furthermore, he has not promised to limit his own previous state representative and current state senate terms.  The people of Illinois need a workhorse for governor, not a show-horse.”

Brady’s rapid move to adopt a message of reform demonstrates the long-standing problem in Springfield where leaders will do the politically expedient thing in order to gain votes.

Andrzejewski carries the mantle of Real Republican Reform because he follows the standard of the reform Governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal.  Jindal’s standard is disclosure of personal sources of income.  Andrzejewski has posted his income tax returns on his campaign website –  None of the other Republican gubernatorial candidates have posted their income tax returns.

Paid for by Adam for Illinois Committee [Adam Andrzejewski] – –