Senator Kirk Hosted Rauner and Illinois Delegation at Capitol

It was the first post-election delegation meeting with Governor-Elect Rauner.

According to Danielle Varallo, Press Secretary for Senator Kirk: “The lunch was closed door and off the record – but in the press conference beforehand, the Governor mentioned that he would be working with the bipartisan delegation to create more jobs and to make Illinois a financially strong state once again”.

This is a list of the Congressional Members that attended the lunch with Gov-Elect Rauner and Sen. Kirk:

Senator Dick Durbin
Congressman Adam Kinzinger
Congressman John Shimkus
Congressman Peter Roskam
Congresswoman Robin Kelly
Congressman Rodney Davis
Congresswoman Cheri Bustos
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky
Congressman Dan Lipinski
Congressman Bobby Rush
Congressman Luis Guiterrez
Congressman Randy Hultgren
Congressman Aaron Schock

This meeting seems to promise more cooperation between the Governor Elect and the Illinois legislators at the Capital. People in Illinois are looking forward to such bipartisan cooperation.
A. Mikolajczyk