Senator Kirk Statement on Pulaski Day


More than 200 years after he fought alongside George Washington for America’s independence during the Revolutionary War, we honor Polish-born General Casimir Pulaski. As the Father of American cavalry, General Pulaski serves as a symbol of freedom for Chicagoland’s Polish community and all Americans. He served our country bravely and embodied the spirit of American patriotism when he sacrificed his life rallying troops in battle. Throughout our nation’s history, thousands of Polish Americans have followed Pulaski’s example and answered the call to preserve freedom and democracy, even giving the ultimate sacrifice for such causes.

Today is a day to celebrate our Polish community in the Chicagoland area and the importance of the strong bilateral friendship between the U.S. and Poland. In recognition of this partnership, I have taken steps to admit Poland into the Visa Waiver Program and eliminate unnecessary red tape so Polish citizens can visit the nearly one million Polish-American citizens in Illinois. Poland remains one of the key strategic allies of the United States excluded from this program, and this certainly should not be the case. 

It is an honor to serve Illinois’ Polish-American community in the United States Senate and I look forward to continuing to strengthen our relationship with our Polish allies.

Senator Mark Kirk (R-Ill.)