Special Lecture- “Tadeusz Kosciuszko revolutionary war hero and fighter against slavery.”

Prof. Gary Nash to give a Special Lecture at the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia

Kosciuszko, Jefferson, and History’s Forgotten Man from Stockbridge an untold story from the American Revolution

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ) and the Parliament of Poland have announced 2017 as the Year of Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

On September 23, 2017, at 6 pm, the Kosciuszko Foundation, Philadelphia Chapter, working in concert with the Museum of the American Revolution and the National Park Service, will sponsor a lecture to honor its namesake and his role in American history. It is to be given by Prof. Emeritus Gary Nash and is entitled Kosciuszko, Jefferson, and History’s Forgotten Man from Stockbridge. The event will take place at the newly opened Museum of the American Revolution (101 S. 3rd St, Philadelphia, PA) which is working in cooperation with the Foundation Chapter.

To make reservations for the free lecture see: KosciuszkoMAR.eventbrite.com

Gen. Tadeusz Kosciuszko came to America during the Revolutionary War to aid in the struggle for American Independence. He offered his much needed expertise as military engineer to Gen. Washington and designed many formidable defenses, including the “American Gibraltar” at West Point, NY, and forts on the Delaware River. His work in planning the redoubts at Saratoga, NY, was praised by General Horatio Gates as crucial to the American victory. When he returned to his native Poland he carried the message of freedom and independence. The Insurrection he led to free his homeland from foreign oppression failed, but nevertheless, in time, he became one of Poland’s most beloved historical figures. On returning to Philadelphia he gained the friendship of Thomas Jefferson and the respect of the American people. His last will and testament contained instructions that his money be used to liberate and educate slaves here. This was an unprecedented request. This year we commemorate the bicentennial of his death.

The Kosciuszko Foundation, of which the Philadelphia Chapter is part, is an national organization with headquarters in New York City. It was established in 1925 by Stephen Mizwa to foster intellectual and artistic exchange between the United States and Poland. Even during the dark times when Poland was under Communist domination, the Foundation did not cease to provide opportunities for a people-to-people exchange at universities in both countries. Many of those who rose to leadership in the now free Poland were Foundation grant recipients. In addition to its scholarship and grant programs, the Foundation has sponsored summer sessions for American students at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków since the 1970s, and now has an English language teaching program that benefits Polish youth. In the United States, the Foundation organizes various events to promote an understanding of Polish culture and history among Americans.

Members of the Press are invited to attend the lecture as our guests. Because of the limited number of seats reservations are required.

KosciuszkoMAR.eventbrite.com or contact tel: 267-254-9700

We would be honored by your presence. I thank you for your consideration.

Very truly yours,

Yolanta Roman, President

The KF, Philadelphia Chapter


The year 2017 marks the 200th anniversary of the death of Tadeusz Kościuszko, political leader (1746-1817) (with the support of the governments of Poland, Lithuania, Switzerland and the Kosciuszko Foundation: An American Center of Polish Culture in New York City)

Tadeusz Kościuszko (1746-1817) lived at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth century. In recognition of his activity for the sake of peace, independence and democracy – the equality of people regardless of their skin colour or religion – he is considered a national hero in Poland and in the United States. He emphasized the role of both practical and citizen education, so that men and women who regained freedom should be aware of their rights, but also their duties with respect to the freedom and welfare of others.

In Poland, he fought for the freedom and equality of all citizens: peasants, who had to work as slave-like serfs, Jews who were a religious minority, women, who had fewer rights than men, and other people who were not treated equally. He emphasized the importance and role of women in the society Kościuszko, which at that time was a very cutting-edge approach. He was a precursor of the development of national awareness in its modern sense, encompassing all social strata and groups. In his fight for freedom and independence, he favoured peaceful solutions.

In acknowledgement of his activity for the sake of independence, peace and equality for all, Kościuszko is a national hero in Poland and the United States, and an honorary citizen of the French Republic. It is worth emphasizing that all views and ideas which he advocated remain relevant and important today.

( a more complete biography of General Kościuszko may be downloaded from: www.polishcultureacpc.org/news/TK.docx )

Prof. Emeritus Gary Nash (b. 1933) is an expert in the history of the American Revolutionary period, slavery and race, as well as the formation of political communities in Philadelphia and other cities. He attended Princeton University, where he earned his undergraduate and doctoral degrees (BA 1955, PhD 1964). He served in the United States Navy and had an illustrious academic career. He was Dean of the Council for Educational Development from 1980 to 1984 and Dean of Undergraduate and Intercollege Curricular Development at UCLA from 1984 to 1991. Among his many publications is the book (written with Graham Russell Hodges): Friends of Liberty: Thomas Jefferson, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, and Agrippa Hull (2008).

For the Calendar: Lecture by Prof. Emeritus Gary Nash at the Museum of the American Revolution

On September 23, 2017, at 6 pm, the Kosciuszko Foundation, Philadelphia Chapter, will sponsor a lecture to tell the largely unknown story of its namesake and his role in American history. It is to be given by Prof. Emeritus Gary Nash and is entitled Kosciuszko, Jefferson, and History’s Forgotten Man from Stockbridge. The event will take place at the newly opened Museum of the American Revolution (101 S. 3rd St, Philadelphia, PA) which is working in cooperation with the Foundation Chapter.
Reservations are required for this free lecture. The number of seats is limited.
For additional information about reservations see: https://www.thekf.org/kf/chapters/philadelphia/events/

The Kosciuszko Foundation, Philadelphia Chapter
PO Box 1148, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010