Support of education for Ukrainian Students

To whom it may concern,

Who are we and what are we asking for?

The University College of Tourism and Ecology (Wyższa Szkoła Turystyki i Ekologii) – a Polish university that provides education in the fields of tourism and hospitality, information technology and management – would like to invite you to support us by awarding scholarships for Ukrainian students. For many years, our university has been educating Ukrainian youth and cooperating with academic centers in Ukraine. Through practical training, we prepare professional staff for the international job market in sought-after professions. We conduct extensive cooperation with the socio-economic environment at home and abroad. We occupy leading positions in the national rankings of universities, which confirms the high quality of education. The detailed information about our University is available on our website:

Why are we appealing?

With the ongoing war in Ukraine, Poles at home and abroad are providing all forms of support to Ukrainian refugees, earning the admiration and respect of the entire world. Many of our graduates are currently fighting against the Russian aggressor, and those who have remained in Poland have joined in relief efforts, including those organized by our university. Ukrainian students, involved in humanitarian activities and deprived of financial support from their loved ones, have no chance to raise funds for their studies and daily living. Many of them have suspended their careers out of patriotic duty. Among others, they are volunteers in hospitals and offices, where they act as interpreters. The university is making a number of efforts to enable them to continue their education, as well as to accept students from Ukrainian universities that have approached us for assistance. The scale of needs is enormous and surpasses our capabilities. Your organization supports important social initiatives, therefore we ask for joint assistance.

Why is it worth it?

Education of the young generation is the key to a better future. Let’s make the world we live in a better place to live for all of us. Together, we can help Ukrainian youth build their dream safe future. They deserve it today more than anyone. Our fate also depends on it.

 How can you support students from Ukraine?

We invite to cooperation the widest possible circle of people of good will – even the smallest help is a brick that builds a better world. The detailed information how to support our initiative is available on our website:

If you would like to make a larger donation, we invite you to contact a representative of our university: Mr. Marek Nocoń, PhD., ass. prof., e-mail [email protected] phone +48 33 874 54 25 to detail the scope and form of assistance.

At the same time, we ask you to pass on our appeal to the members of your organizations and other communities, for which we will be very grateful.

We hope that our appeal will meet with your favorable response,

Sincerely yours,

Marek Łabaj, PhD, Associate Professor WSTiE

Rector of the University College of Tourism and Ecology 

Maria Grzechynka

Chancellor of the University College of Tourism and Ecology