Promoting Educational and Cultural Exchanges and Relations Between the United States and Poland Since 1925- CHICAGO CHAPTER
Dear Members and Friends of the Kosciuszko Foundation,
On the initiative of Alex Storozynski, the Kosciuszko Foundation President, 2008-2014, all of the KF Chapters organize a celebration of Tadeusz Kosciuszko’s Imieniny (Name-Day). More information on Tadeusz Kosciuszko, KF mission, activities, initiatives and events is available at www.thekf.org.
The celebration of Tadeusz Kosciuszko’s Imieniny brings back a Polish tradition as well as memories of a significant historical event. On October 28th, 1792, the Imieniny for Tadeusz, Prince Czartoryski held a party at the Sieniawa Palace for Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Russia had just crushed Poland’s army, outlawed the May 3 Constitution and banned the Virtuti Militari medals given to Polish heroes. The officers who received this medal sent the blue ribbons from these orders to their wives and girlfriends. At the party for Kosciuszko, women wore white dresses with black and azure-sashes and braided their hair with the ribbons from the medals. The women also fashioned a garland crown on Kosciuszko’s head made from branches and leaves from an oak tree planted 100 years earlier by King Sobieski.
This year, our Chapter uses this opportunity to honor Lucyna Migala, co-founder of the KF Chicago Chapter, for her leadership and many years of inspirational promotion of Polish music and culture.
You are cordially invited to the celebration of Tadeusz Kosciuszko’s Imieniny
Friday, November 3rd, 2023, 6-8p.m. at the Polish Museum of America, 984 North Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.
PMA main (polishmuseumofamerica.org)
The event will include cultural presentations, a music program and refreshments.
The suggested donation for the event is $20. Please make your reservation as soon as possible.
We would greatly appreciate your support in a Well-Wisher listing in our program booklet. These contributions are vital to our mission and will be used for scholarships. Please complete the attached form and return by October 27th.
We look forward to seeing you at our Chapter’s Tadeusz Kosciuszko’s Imieniny celebration!
Lidia Filus
Please complete the well-wisher form, make checks payable to the Kosciuszko Foundation–Chicago Chapter and return by October 27th to:
Lidia Filus, KF Chicago Chapter President, 325 S. Chester, Park Ridge, IL 60068
I/We wish to be included as a Well-Wisher in the Tadeusz Kosciuszko Imieniny Program Book. Listing as it should appear (two lines maximum):
Included is my donation in the amount of
$200 $50
$150 $25
$100 Other $ _______