“The Guardian of the Past”


The Guardian of the Past  –  Chopin Theatre in cooperation with Polish Cultural Institute New York
(Polish Cultural Institute New York) – “The film tells inspiring story of Borys Voznytsky, longtime Director of Lviv National Art Gallery who in the face of Soviet tyranny fought relentlessly to preserve some twelve thousand works of sacred art,  hidden at St. Bernard Monastery in Olesko, Ukraine until this day “.

Discussion with Director Potocka follows the screening. The complimentary reception courtesy of Consulate General RP Chicago.  
Ms. Potocka’s Chicago accommodations made possible by the generosity of Polish Slavic Credit Union.
Tickets $10/$5 (Seniors & Students with ID).  

More information 773-278-1500

(Polish Cultural Institute New York) – “The film tells the inspiring story of Borys Voznytsky, longtime Director of the Lviv National Art Gallery who in the face of Soviet tyranny fought relentlessly to preserve some twelve thousand works of sacred art,  hidden at the St. Bernard Monastery in Olesko, Ukraine until this day. The Guardian of the Past garnered awards at documentary festivals in Los Angeles (2005), Kyiv (2006) and Moscow (2007).

Borys Voznytsky, longtime Director of the Lviv National Art Gallery, honorary member of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine, and doctor emeritus of the Krakow Pedagogical Academy, devoted his life to Ukrainian and Polish art, traveling around Ukraine and its abandoned churches in search of neglected treasures such as icons, liturgical objects, and other remnants of religious art. The expeditions in which he involved art  historians and enthusiasts saved about twelve thousand museum-worthy artifacts, which otherwise would have been destroyed as a part of the Soviet campaign against religion. Among the artifacts Voznytsky saved were  remnants of a Baroque altar by Johann Pinsel (Jan Jerzy Pinzel) in Horodenka and a relief sculpture by Karl Albert Thorvaldsen on the Poninski family tombstone in Horyniec-Zdroj. Late in his career, Voznytsky’s search broadened to explore the churches of later eras.
He died tragically in a car accident on the way to one of his castles in spring of 2012″.

Malgorzata Maria Potocka (b. 1953) is a Polish actress, director and producer. She studied acting (1975-78) and directing (1978-82) at the National Film School in Lodz, Poland. In 1985 she attended the Millenium Film Workshop in New York and lectured at the Boston Arts Academy and other universities across the US. She is most famous for her role in Andrzej Wajda s Everything for Sale (1968), and she starred in The Crystal Ball (1972) by Stanislaw Rozewicz and in the Circus is Leaving (1982), directed by Krzysztof Wierzbianski.

Ms Potocka is known as a producer of experimental films, as well as numerous music videos, TV programs, and photographs. Her works have been shown in Warsaw, Krakow, Paris, Budapest and New York. As a member of Society for Creators of Culture and the Polish Filmmakers  Association since 1980, Ms Potocka is involved in promoting Polish art and culture abroad, and is renowned for her avant-garde films and art documentaries. For her acting, Ms Potocka has garnered multiple awards, such as Zbigniew Cybulski Award (1975), two awards at the Warsaw Film Festival (1986) as well as Critics  Award at the Munich Film Festival (1997).
Discussion with Director Potocka follows the screening.  The complimentary reception courtesy of Consulate General RP Chicago.
Ms. Potocka’s travel to Chicago supported by Polish Slavic Credit Union.
Malgorzata Potocka
Producer – Andrzej Stempowski; Music – Borys Somershaf

1543 West Division / Chicago, IL 60642
tel 773-278-1500 / cell 773-396-2875
[email protected]



W srode 20 lutego o godz.7.30 Chopin Theatre zaprasza na pokaz filmu STRAZNIK MINIONEGO CZASU ( GUARD OF THE PAST) i spotkanie z jego rezyserką Malgorzata Maria Potocka.
Autorka filmu jest rowniez znana aktorka wystepujaca w kilkudziesieciu filmach, m.in. „Wszystko na sprzedaz “ rez. A.Wajdy, „Szklana kula”, rez. S. Rozewicza, „Hubal”, rez. B. Poreby czy „Cyrk odjezdza”, rez. K. Wierzbianskiego, a takze wykladowca zagadnien filmu polskiego i sztuki aktualnej w  Hunter College w Nowym Jorku i  Uniwersytetu i Fine Art Academy w Bostonie.

Film „Straznik minionego czasu” otrzymal nagrody glowne na festiwalach filmow dokumentalnych w Los Angeles (2005),  Kijowie (2006) i Moskwie (2007). Produkcja: Andrzej Stempowski, muzyka: Borys Somershaf . Czas: 50 minut, po polsku z angielskimi napisami.
Film opowiada inspirujaca historie Borysa Voznytskiego (Woznickiego), dlugoletniego dyrektora Lwowskiej Narodowej Galerii Sztuki, ktory w obliczu sowieckiej tyranii walczyl nieustepliwie by uratowac okolo dwanascie tysiecy dziel sztuki sakralnej, ukrytych w klasztorze sw. Bernarda w Olesku.