The Rezko Corruption Verdict

Tony Rezko

The Rezko Corruption Verdict Statement of Steve Sauerberg, M.D.

(Lombard, IL) – “The guilty verdict in the trial of Tony Rezko is an indictment of the broken processes in Springfield and Washington. The career politicians like Dick Durbin have allowed our political and legislative processes to be corrupted by the lobbyists and the special interests. The current leadership in both Washington and Springfield is ethically and morally bankrupt, and it is time to clean house. It is time to end the era of mismanagement by the career politicians and it is time to restore the American people’s faith in our government and our elected leaders.”

“The people of Illinois owe a tremendous thank you to United States Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and his team of prosecutors for their work on this case. As the next Senator from Illinois, I will recommend, to the next President, that Patrick Fitzgerald by re-appointed, and I would urge Senator Durbin to join me in making this commitment.”

Sauerberg for U.S. Senate – P.O. Box 667 Lombard, IL 60148. For more information on Steve’s campaign please visit our website at