Two of the other 18 featured writers that will be showcased will be Brenda Dziedzic with her “Learn About Butterflies in the Garden” along with Linda Clancy Kaminski RD, and her thought-provoking “You Gotta Eat”. Kaminski who has a pedigree of impressive medical credentials presents a thought-provoking review of nutrition topics along with no-nonsense diet and exercise advice. She is also a respected Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetic Educator. Her CDE qualifications allow attendees this unique opportunity to network with a specialist who can advise on diabetes management and prevention.
“We are honored to highlight so much literary talent at the ‘Local Author Fair’ as this provides a forum for writers to meet each other and to meet the community,” said Marge Sadler, the Plymouth District Library, Adult Services Coordinator.
“Into No Man’s Land: A Historical Memoir”, will be shared by Irene Miller. It is a thought provoking offering about a Holocaust survivor and the unusual journey though Poland to Siberia to America.
Longtime veteran author, storyteller and retired newspaper writer, Joel Thurtell, will present his wonderfully illustrated children’s offering “Mouse Code”. Also, another unique child’s book will be “Bonky, a Moose and the Magical Hockey Stick” by Paul Lubanski.
Plymouth District Library Trustee, Jackie George added, “This is a great event for anyone to embrace, there is a wide range of offerings. There is something for everybody, all ages and for all interests.”
The event is sponsored by The Friends of the Plymouth District Library and for more information: www.plymouthlibrary.org
Submitted by Raymond Rolak